Nuremberg Prosecutor Bernie Meltzer Dies









Bernie Is The Stuff Of Legends








His Jewish Immigrant Parents Sought A New Life In America









Bernie Goes To Law School









Bernie Becomes A Counter-Intelligence Operative









Bernie Was A Nuremberg Prosecutor









The Nuremberg Trials










Bernie Meltzer

Another story to feed the children, after you read them the Anne Frank diary.






Bernard D. Meltzer

Bernie was born in 1914, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.







Russian Immigrants

His parents were Russian immigrants. His father was a Hebrew scholar who made ends meet with irregular sales work, while his mother reacted to the New World by seeking refuge in hypochondria.








His College Career

Meltzer spent four semesters at Temple University before transferring in 1934 to the University of Chicago—a move he described as “an exhilarating and transforming experience.”







On To Chicago's  University

He studied law at the University of Chicago, and then under
Felix Frankfurter at Harvard.








His Initial Career

He moved back to Chicago in 1940 to join the law firm of Mayer, Meyer, Austrian, and Platt.








December 7th, 1941

The young Meltzer was 27 years old, however, he avoided service.









Meltzer Goes To Washington Under Acheson

From 1941-43, Meltzer served in the State Department, serving as Special Assistant to Assistant Secretary of State Dean Acheson.







Meltzer Wants To Fight

In early 1944, Meltzer wants his piece of the Nazis. One account has him a clerk in England, another has him as an OSS operative, and another says he sat in Washington. He claims he was a Navy officer.









Prosecutor At Nuremberg

He handled the case against the Reich Bank, and Walther Funk.







Meltzer Faced Down Herman Goering

Meltzer interrogated Goering, who had been leader of the German economy under Hitler as well as founder and head of the Gestapo.

"Of the defendants I met face to face, I found Goering the most interesting and the most diabolical," Meltzer said. "Goering was completely unrepentant and gloried in his role as second to Hitler and the first of the named defendants.








The Case Was A Total Sham

Metzer produced two soldiers that said they went to a Berlin bank, and found a box of gold teeth (with blood on them). It turned out some Jewish American officers brought the box a week earlier.








Post War Years

After the war, Bernie went to the University of Chicago under Edward Levi. They turned the University's law school into a exclusive club for Jewish students where scholarships funded their education.











What Is The Lesson Here?

At best, you get to look into the fabricated world of a typical 'Zionist Legend'. What you really have is a look at the preferential treatment a Zionist gets in his educational endeavors, in the professional world of Zionist-controlled law, and their domination of a university system.

Next, you see the 'Imaginary Heroics' of their military career. But the real lesson here is a look at the farcical, Zionist- controlled Nuremberg trials, where 95% of the staff was Jewish.

Nuremberg was such a sham that Yale University has a titanic endeavor to 'Parse' all the documents.






The Nuremberg Doctor's Trial

The Belsen Trials

Nuremberg Einsatzgruppen Trials

 Judicial Index