Don't Go Near The Blogs

There are things there that can be very dangerous.






Where Is Blog Hollow?

Right in your computer






Where Is The Danger?



You might see things that aren't considered politically correct.






History Might Not Be As Believable

A concentration camp that never gets mentioned.










The Internet Is Causing Some Real Trauma In The Information Business

Zionists have known since the dawn of time, that history is determined by whoever controls the pens, and news is whatever version the media decides to reports.

Recently a New York billionaire, Robert Durst, admited to killing and dismembering a neighbor. When he went to trial, the jury of poor blacks declared him innocent, but the news media never cried foul, or asked how many jurors bought Hawaiian condos. The end result was that the story died, and who knows what Durst is up to now.

On the other end of the spectrum, some 70 year-old priest pats a kid on the ass, and the story makes national headlines for days. Consequently, this results in a trial where the old priest gets 10 years. Next, he is sent to maximum security prison, where he gets killed because of a totally incompetent prison system, but the media decides that that story is unimportant.

Now come the internet blogs, and these travesties take on a new life.









Who Controls The Media?

Edgar Bronfman is a typical Zionist Media mogul. You have Leonard Goldenson, William Paley, Laurence Tisch, David Sarnoff, Murray Rothstein, Michael Eisner, and on and on.

It doesn't take much digging for you to find that 95% of all the world's media is in Jewish hands.









Who Controls The Universities?

Once again, we are blessed with an abundance of Jewish deans, administrators, admissions officers, and of course, those in charge of the scholarship grants.









Who Controls The government?

Guess what?  Whoever controls the media, makes or breaks the candidate.






Here Comes The Internet, And The Blogs

In the matter of the past few years, the controlled newsmedia, as well as the Zionist-controlled publishing industry, has been going up in smoke.








These Icons Start To Look Like Fools

Now, when Morrie Combs tells us that 19 Arab kids allegedly hijacked jets with boxcutters and flew them with "Top Gun" precision into buildings, we can go to our computers and check it out for ourselves. The internet demolishes such outlandish fairy tales time after time.

A few clicks of a mouse, and the Anne Frank story goes up in smoke, when you find out she wrote her 1943 diary in ball point, which didn't exist at the time.








And In This Week's News/B.S. du Jour

We have three arsonists, that burn down nine churches, shot thirty deer and three cows, who normally would be hung, but oddly the controlled news transforms them into little 'Dennis the Menace' pranksters.

Normally the national papers would 'Wave their magic' wand, and bury the story on page 20, the heat would die down, the story would fade, and the students would get probation, but the blogs have changed all that.

The college they came from won't allow reporters on campus, and have indirectly threatened the students about talking on the net. They have been told that police are monitoring their internet access. But now, their cover-up appears on the blogs, and magnifies the incident.








The Establishment Is Fuming

You have a college president lecturing students about talking on the internet, about how colleges, as well as employers, will check what they write.









Police Jump In

Police are now telling the students they will be checking blogs for anything that might cross the line.










How Can A Silly Blog Be A Revolution?

News and information used to be spoon-fed to you over the TV, radio, and newspapers, but now the internet makes those channels obsolete. A person can google in a few key words, and focus on the news to their particular interests. For the reader, there is the capacity to reach hundreds of non-biased sources. And for the writer, anyone with a computer can publish an article on the net.

Why are blogs such an advancement? Well, they eliminate the need for a hosting account, the skills needed to build a webpage, and are immediately spidered by powerful search engine robots.

Controlled news which forms the American psyche, elects the government, and sets ideas in motion, just got shelved next to the buggy whip, and the steam engine.

Watch how a 60 sec movie of a concentration camp, to see how a blog can effect you.







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