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American And It Universities Have Become Third World Sewers

2005 Class Of Harvard Medical





The 2006 Class Of Harvard Dental

You have Russian Jews, Polish, Indonesian, Nigerian, Korean, and 25% Americans







Curry And Rice Anyone?





A Korean, Polish Jew, Malaysia, And Even Istanbul

How About Some Kids From South Dakota Going To Harvard?








This Is About Fracturing And Diluting A Society

One of the basic tenants of Zionism is that a host country can't be socially united. So, you import a basket of third world Mezitos and such, and there goes the unity. It's almost impossible, and very dangerous, to pull scams in united homogenous populations. If Ira Schwartz went into 1910 Norstrom, Minnesota, where the town was 10,000 Swedes, and pull a stock scam, he would be hanging from a tree.

Buchanan stresses that the American obligation is to it's citizens. What we are doing funding Harvard scholarships for Koreans, Nigerians, Chinese, etc is insanity. Our money should be going toward better schools for our whites, blacks, and American Indians, and they should be getting the Harvard scholarships.

The 1965 Hart Cellar immigration bill was the start of this. Zionists fear a revolution, and an American Army of 40% Mexicans will not listen to a handful of patriots. Then according to Kevin MacDonald, you have the black white divide, a looming race war, and you can see the problems.






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