ES&S run 90% of the voting machines


Robert Ahmanson owns the majority of stock



Aldo Tessi the president


Bob Urosevich a second generation Ukrainian


ES&S – The Urovich brothers

In 1980 ES&S was founded by Todd and Bob Urosevich, they were financed by the Ahmanson family. The Ahmanson family made billions in the insurance and Savings and Loan field.

Bob Urosevich is the CEO of Diebold Election Systems. Urosevich created the original software architecture for Diebold Election Systems, and his original company, called I-Mark Systems.

Prior to programming for and taking over Diebold Election Systems, Urosevich programmed for and was CEO of Election Systems & Software (ES&S).

These Russian Jews control 90% of the votes in America.

A vice president of ES&S, Tom Eschberger, was entangled in a bribery prosecution regarding voting machines - he took an immunity plea and a Georgia official went to jail.

Short history

In the early 1980s, brothers Bob and Todd Urosevich founded ES&S’s originator, Data Mark. The brothers Urosevich obtained financing from the Ahmanson family in 1984, which purchased a 68% ownership stake. After brothers William and Robert Ahmanson infused Data Mark with new capital, the name was changed to American Information Systems (AIS).

Ahmanson, Dutch Jews, who made their money in savings and loan are big contributors to Jewish causes such as Skirball ( the largest Jewish cultural center in North America ). They recently donated Ahmanson Hall, allowing for expanded public programming, and serving as a state-of-the-art facility for the performing arts, conferences, symposia, and special events.

Company website

For more than three decades, ES&S has had a successful track record of producing quality results. We support thousands of elections every year and are proven experts you can rely on, every day. In fact, in 2004, ES&S will support roughly 5,700 election events in the U.S.,
