Israel Was Behind Egyptian Bombings

Sharm El Sheikh is the Riviera of the Mideast






This Resort Has a Hyatt, Sheridan, Ritz-Carlton, Hilton, and Six Other World-Class Hotels





US-Arab Summits Are Held Here






Bomb Damage

Ghazala Hotel Old Sharim Market



Death Toll Is over 100

A car was left at the Ghazala hotel entrance. There was no suicide bomber. It was a sophisticated remote-controlled bombing. Another mini-bus was parked in front of the Old Market, where it detonated and tore through a coffee shop killing at least 17 Egyptians.







Mubarak And Egyptians Detest Israel And Sharon

Egypt is considered the lynchpin of the Mideast, and it's people detest Israel for their land grabs, and brutal oppression of the Palestinians. Israel retaliated with their Luxor and Egyptair 990, Taba, 2005 Cairo attacks attacks also fit the Israeli false-flag bombing pattern. Under enormous Arab pressure President Mubarak, who abhors Ariel Sharon, agreed to the 2005 Sharm el Sheikh summit.

The U.S. gives Egypt $2 billion annually to moderate between the other Arab states and Israel.















History of Sharm El Sheikh

Its location was a key route for all of the Mideast. It sat on the Red Sea, the Suez Gulf, and the Gulf of Aqaba. It was famous for gold trading with its ancient bazaars. Pilgrimages were made toMount Moses where Moses received the Ten Commandments. Mohammed's horse, Boraq, ascended to heaven from these mountains.

When the Suez Canal opened, its importance skyrocketed.









Modern Sharm El Sheikh


The ancient and pristine town, became the Egyptian Riviera because of its location, archeological finds, the Red Sea's crystal waters, diving, and as a pathway for Egyptian tourist ventures.

Tourist attractions include scenic walks from the Ritz hotel to the Al Tafa residential district, visits to 800 yr old bazaars, hot air air balloon rides for viewing the ancient city from above, and diving in the Red Sea.










The Bombings

Everything must be put into a historical perspective. In 1956, Egypt was so sick of Israel's slaughter of Arabs refugees, that Nassar nationalized the Suez canal and on May 19, 1967, Nasser closed the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli vessels. Israel was cut off from the Indian Ocean.

Israel has a 60 yr old hatred of Egypt. Egypt is the most industrialized nation in the Middle East and is the epi-center of the Mideast leadership intelligencia.

Nassar and Egypt were considered the voice of Arabia, especially after he imprisoned 1000 Zionist spies and exiled 25,000 more.










Israelis massacre Arab village

Israeli Wars

The Zionist elite became interested in the Middle East when oil was discovered, and they set up shop in Palestine to be able to try and dominate these petroleum reserves.

1948 ...Egypt led Arab States to protect Palestinians
1956....Israel attacks Egypt
1967....Israel attacks Egypt and takes Sinai
1973....Egypt attacks Israel to regain Sinai
1982....Israel attacks Lebanon and kills 20,000 civilians
1948 ...Egypt led Arabs States to protect Palestinians











Israeli Treachery


In 1967, Israel attacked an American ship, USS Liberty, with unmarked airplanes. After a brutal attack by five aircraft and three torpedo boats, 44 sailors were dead, with another 177 sailors maimed.

Object Was To Blame Egypt

President Johnson thought the ship was sunk, and blamed the attack on Egypt. The carrier USS America had F-4 Phantoms set to nuke Cairo. Instead, the Saratoga got an SOS from the Liberty and launched Phantoms to repel the Israeli attackers. Lyndon Johnson panicked and recalled the Phantoms.









Camp David Agreements

After 11 years, Israel agrees to withdraw from the Egyptian Sinai. Egypt received $ 4.8 billion in 1979, and $2.1 billion annually. The 1979 agreements state, there can be no Anti Israel rhetoric, so Murbarak or Egyptian newspapers cannot discuss this bombing.








Various Summits Held At Sharm El-Sheikh

The purpose of the Sharm El-Sheikh summit of 2000, was to convince Israel to withdraw from besieged Palestinian cities, and stop the violence. By coincidence the USS Cole was attacked during the conference.

Sharm El-Sheikh of 2003, President Bush promised he would talk to Sharon, hopefully he would stop the killing of Palestinians.









Sharm El Sheikh  Summit

International pressure forces Israel to attend the 2005 summit, where their on-going massacre of the Palestinians is the key topic. Egypt, along with Jordan, represents the Arab world and openly berate Sharon.

Condoleeza Rice is requested as an arbitrator, but refused.








The Aftermath

The tourist industry is a large part of Egypt's income, and Sharm El Sheikh was it's premier resort. The question always gets back to who benefits, and who has the explosive expertise.

Two days after the attack, Egyptian diplomats, government officials, and security experts are openly accusing Israel. One car used had special license plates.







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