Wilfred Bose
Brigitte Kuhlmann, who was shot dead trying to fight Israeli commandos at Entebbe







Israel hijack role 'was queried'
By Dan Parkinson
BBC News

Idi Amin was thought to have colluded with the hijackers
It has been seen as a daring raid by crack Israeli troops to rescue dozens of their countrymen held at the mercy of hijackers.

But newly released documents contain a claim that the 1976 rescue of hostages, kidnapped on an Air France flight and held in Entebbe in Uganda, was not all it seemed.

A UK government file on the crisis, released from the National Archives, contains a claim that Israel itself was behind the hijacking.

An unnamed contact told a British diplomat in Paris that the Israeli Secret Service, the Shin Bet, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) collaborated to seize the plane.

The flight was seized shortly after it took off from Athens and was flown to Entebbe, where 98 people were held hostage, many of them Israeli citizens.

Ugandans killed

Israeli commandos brought the crisis to an end, storming the airport and overpowering the seven hijackers and about 80 Ugandan soldiers in a 36-minute battle.

Two Israeli civilian hostages died in the shooting, and a third died later in a Nairobi hospital. One officer commanding the raiders was killed by shooting from the airport tower.

Ugandan President Idi Amin claimed the troops killed 20 Ugandan servicemen as well as all the hijackers.

The hijackers demands included a list of countries that should release Palestinians or others fighting for the Palestinian cause.

In the document, written on 30 June 1976 when the crisis was still unresolved, DH Colvin of the Paris Embassy writes of his source: "According to his information, the hijack was the work of the PFLP, with help from the Israeli Secret Service, the Shin Beit.

"The operation was designed to torpedo the PLO's standing in France and to prevent what they see as a growing rapprochement between the PLO and the Americans."

The hostages were held at Entebbe Airport

He adds: "My contact said the PFLP had attracted all sorts of wild elements, some of whom had been planted by the Israelis."

The documents also reveal that the British government debated whether or not to praise the Israeli raid after its completion.

It was decided in the days after the raid that it was not clear whether the Israeli offensive was justified under international law.


One document in the file reads: "The Israelis have been critical of the fact that the prime minister did not send a personal message of congratulations to Mr Rabin and that our public statement fell short of endorsement of the Israeli action at Entebbe."

The file also contains correspondence from UK citizens to the government expressing concern that the government had not expressed support for the Israelis.


One letter reads: "I am writing to find out our policy towards terrorism. I find it deplorable that there was not a statement made congratulating Israel on the successful rescue."

But in a document dated 9 July an official cautions against such a statement because there is likely to be "no internationally agreed view about the legality of the Israeli action".

The document says the legality of it would depend on whether or not the Ugandans had helped the kidnappers.

In a draft document included in the file an official says it appears Idi Amin did collude with the hijackers.

It reads: "On balance it seems that there was a culpable degree of collusion between President Amin and the hijackers, and that the president's attitude made it much easier for the hijackers to persist in their demands."

The file does not make it clear how seriously the government took the claim that Israel also may have aided the hijackers.





England Releases Entebbe Hijack Files
By Staff
Jun 1, 2007

Newly released British files on a 1976 hijacking to Entebbe, Uganda, include the claim that Israel was behind the hijacking.

The BBC reported the National Archives file includes a claim made by a source to a British diplomat that the hijackers' demands, which included the release of Palestinian prisoners, were designed to turn the world against the Palestine Liberation Organization.

"The operation was designed to torpedo the PLO's standing in France and to prevent what they see as a growing rapprochement between the PLO and the Americans," the British diplomat wrote.

The file doesn't indicate whether England took the claim seriously, the BBC reported.

Israeli forces rescued dozens of hostages aboard the plane and overpowered the hijackers and Ugandan troops.

The Air France flight was hijacked shortly after it left Athens and flown to Uganda with 98 passengers, many of them Israeli, aboard. Two Israeli hostages died during the incident and a third died soon after in a hospital. (c) UPI







Documents claim Israel aided Entebbe hijack

Mark Tran
Friday June 1, 2007
Guardian Unlimited

The Israeli secret service and radical Palestinians may have engineered the hijacking of an Air France plane that flew to Entebbe in Uganda, according to a claim in newly released government documents.
This extraordinary interpretation on the Entebbe raid was cited by a British diplomat, DH Colvin of the Paris embassy, in June 30 1976 as the world was transfixed by the hostage crisis in Entebbe, which features in the recent film The Last King of Scotland.

In a document released by the National Archives, Mr Colvin, citing an unnamed contact at the Euro-Arab parliamentary association, wrote: "According to his information, the hijack was the work of the PFLP [Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine], with help from the Israeli secret service, the Shin Beit."

Describing the collaboration as an unholy alliance, he went on: "The operation was designed to torpedo the PLO's [Palestine Liberation Organisation] standing in France and to prevent what they see as a growing rapprochement between the PLO and the Americans.

"Their nightmare is that after the November elections, one will witness the imposition in the Middle East of a Pax Americana, which will be the advantage of the PLO (who will gain international respectability and perhaps the right to establish a state on evacuated territories) and to the disadvantage of the Refusal Front (who will be squeezed right out in any overall peace settlement and will lose their raison d'etre) and Israel (who will be forced to evacuate occupied territory)."

Hijackers seized the plane shortly after it took off from Athens on June 27. The plane was diverted first to Benghazi, Libya, where it was refuelled before to going on to Entebbe.

In Entebbe, the hijackers released most of the hostages but kept 98 people, many of them Israeli citizens, and threatened to kill them unless Israel met their demands.

In the dramatic rescue, Israeli commandos flew 2,500 miles, receiving cooperation from neighbouring Kenya to mount their assault on the night of July 3.

They fought a 36-minute battle at the airport with the seven hijackers and about 80 Ugandan soldiers.

The six hijackers were killed, along with 45 Ugandan soldiers, three hostages and a sole member of the Israeli rescue party.

Colonel Jonathan Netanyahu, the elder brother of Benjamin Netanyahu, who subsequently became prime minister, was killed after being shot from the airport tower.

Although the Ugandan president, Idi Amin, frequently visited the hostages and tried to encourage them, it is generally believed, particularly by Israel - as the documents show - that he collaborated with the hijackers.

The hijackers' demands included a list of countries that should release Palestinians or others fighting for the Palestinian cause.

The document said France was being sent the message that a pro-Palestinian policy was "no guarantee" it would not be targeted by Palestinian terrorists.

Particularly if it ends in bloodshed, "the incident will have damaged the Palestinian cause with French public opinion", the document noted.

The diplomat drew several lessons from the incident, including the need for international collaboration to counter international terrorism and the blow that had been dealt to the theory that a western country could in any sense be a terrorist-free sanctuary.

As for the policy implications of the Entebbe saga, he concluded: "If the incident does lead to a reappraisal of French Middle East policy (which seems unlikely), it is likely to lend weight to the arguments of those who call for an early resumption of moves leading to an overall peace settlement, including the creation of a Palestinian state on territory to be evacuated by Israel.

"Unless this is done, the indiscipline of the Palestinians will become more marked and incidents of this kind will become more frequent."








Entebbe Debunked
Kurt Nimmo, Another day in the empire

June 2, 2007

Apparently, the New York Times and the Washington Post are not interested in reporting important news, as Venus Williams and the French Open are considered of more importance to the American public than the revelation Shin Bet and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) "teamed up in an 'unholy alliance’ in an attempt to change foreign policy in the Middle East," that is to make certain to "torpedo the PLO’s standing in France and to prevent what they see as a growing rapprochement between the PLO and the Americans," according to the Jerusalem Post.

"Their nightmare is that… one will witness the imposition in the Middle East of a Pax Americana, which will be the advantage of the PLO (who will gain international respectability and perhaps the right to establish a state on evacuated territories) and to the disadvantage of the Refusal Front (who will be squeezed right out in any overall peace settlement and will lose their raison d’etre) and Israel who will be forced to evacuate occupied territory," DH Colvin at the British embassy in Paris, quoting a contact at the Euro-Arab Parliamentary Association, revealed as the staged "crisis" unfolded.

As noted here yesterday, Israel has long nurtured and financed groups opposed to the PLO, most notably Hamas. "The thinking on the part of some of the right-wing Israeli establishment was that Hamas and the others, if they gained control, would refuse to have any part of the peace process and would torpedo any agreements put in place," an anonymous U.S. government official told Richard Sale of United Press International. "The PLO was secular and leftist and promoted Palestinian nationalism. Hamas wanted to set up a transnational state under the rule of Islam, much like Khomeini’s Iran," a state not likely to make a peace deal with the Israelis, an arrangement that suited them fine, as Israel has never honestly intended to make peace with the Palestinians and instead has worked consistently to terrorize them, drive them off the land, and kill them in numbers.

Naturally, the story never made it on the front page, let alone the back page, of American newspapers, with the notable exception of the Moonie Times, er the Washington Times. A Google News search indicates the story appeared in Ha’aretz, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Ynetnews, Israel Insider, the Scotsman, the BBC, the Telegraph, and other websites. Of course, this makes perfect sense, as the stepfordized American public needs to be kept in the dark about the true nature of the Israeli state, lest they begin, ever so meekly, to complain about the billions of dollars in "assistance" the government ships over the Israel every year, not to mention the incredibly expensive "war" in Iraq, launched at Israel’s behest, as admitted by Bush crime family insider and adviser, Philip Zelikow.





British Foreign Office Releases Document Of British Document Quoting Arab Source As Saying That Palestinian Skyjacking Of Air France Airliner To Entebbe Was Carried Out With Knowledge and Aid Of Israel's Shin Beit Secret Service
IDF Officers Involved In Entebbe Rescue Operation Call Document 'Ludicrous'

IsraCast Releases Photos By Renowned Photographer David Rubinger Of British Army Car Bombing In Jerusalem in 1948

Posted Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007 on IsraCast.com

Ben yehuda Street 22 feb. 1948 (photo: David Rubinger)

British lecturers are not only out to boycott Israeli professors and students, the British Foreign Office is also in on the act. Official classified documents now released after the 30 year ban includes one that alleges that Palestinian terrorists skyjacked the Air France airliner to Entebbe in 1976 with the knowledge and aid of the Shin Beit, Israel's Security Service. As ridiculous as the allegation appears to be, it has received serious coverage by the BBC and several leading newspapers. The 'conspiracy' is based solely on an Arab source. IsraCast is publishing photos of what were very likely to have been British car bombings in Jerusalem before the end of the mandate in 1948. These photos were taken by the well known photographer David Rubinger.

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The BBC and several British newspapers have latched on to a new 'Israeli conspiracy'. It is based on a report by a diplomat at the British embassy relating to Israel's rescue mission on July 4th 1976, to free the 105 hostages of the Air France airliner that was hijacked to Entebbe. A senior diplomat at the British embassy in Paris sent a report to London that quoted an Arab source as saying the hijacking was executed with the knowledge and aid of Israel's Shin Beit Security Service. The document, among others, was released after the 30 year ban on classified Foreign Office documents. The diplomat wrote that the skyjacking was carried out by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. According to the diplomat the Israelis had two good reasons to aid the skyjackers: they wanted to sabotage the growing ties between the PLO and France while also seeking to block any contacts between the PLO and the Americans. Former Israeli officers who participated in the rescue call the British report ludicrous. They were amazed that it was given serious coverage in the British media. Special Forces Units were flown some 3,800 kilometers to Uganda and the risky mission could have ended in disaster at any point, particularly during the landing at Entebbe airport in the dark. After touchdown a firefight erupted with Ugandan troops who were collaborating with the terrorists on the orders of Idi Amin. Colonel Yoni Netanyahu, the brother of former prime minister Bibi Netanyahu was killed and several soldiers were seriously wounded. A number of passengers were also killed. Was that also part of the conspiracy?








Famed Israeli Raid on Entebbe Airport Culminated Shin Bet-Staged Hijacking Plot

By Mark Glenn

Documents recently made public by the British government reveal that Israel played a direct role in the notorious hijacking of an Air France plane to Idi Amin’s Entebbe in 1976 and cooperated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in staging the event remembered today as “the Entebbe Incident.”

In documents recently released and now sitting in the National Archives in London, D.H. Colvin—a British diplomat working in Paris—wrote that, according to sources he knew, “the hijacking was the work of the PFLP, with help from the Israeli Secret Service, the Shin Bet.”

“The operation was designed to torpedo the PLO’s standing in France” and to prevent a “growing rapprochement between the Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO) and the Americans,” he said. “My contact said the PFLP had attracted all sorts of wild elements, some of whom had been planted by the Israelis. .. . Their [the Israelis’] nightmare is that after the November elections, one will witness the imposition in the Middle East of a Pax Americana, which will be to the advantage of the PLO, who will gain international respectability and perhaps the right to establish a state on evacuated territories and to the disadvantage of Israel, who will be forced to evacuate occupied territory.”

The hijacking, or the “Entebbe Incident” as it is popularly known, gripped the attention of the world for nearly a week at that time. Hijackers seized an Air France plane bound for Paris via Athens shortly after it took off. The plane was diverted first to Benghazi, Libya, where it was refueled before going on to Entebbe, Uganda. In Entebbe, the hijackers released most of the hostages but kept 98 people, most of them Israeli citizens, and threatened to kill them unless Israel met their demands of releasing some 50
Palestinian prisoners held in Israel and in other places around the world.

In a dramatic rescue that has been the subject of several books and at least 4 films, Israeli commandos flew to the airport where shortly thereafter a 36-minute battle was fought with the hijackers and Ugandan soldiers.

In the end, six of the hijackers, 45 Ugandan soldiers, three hostages, and Col. Jonathan Netanyahu (commanding officer of the Israeli commandos and elder brother of Benjamin Netanyahu) were killed.


In the recently released document, the British diplomat went further in his analysis of the event, saying that Israel wanted to poison French opinion with regard to the Palestinian cause, for which the French had traditionally held a certain amount of sympathy. According to his analysis of the situation, Israel wished to make the threat—implicit but nevertheless clear—that terrorism is something that can happen in Europe just as easily as it happens in the Middle East.

The PFLP said to be responsible for this incident was founded by a Lebanese-educated Palestinian Christian named Dr. George Habash. Unlike the larger, centrist and more nationalistic Fatah movement of the PLO, the PFLP is a far left, Marxist-Leninist movement designated by several governments including that of the United States as a terrorist organization. Since the late 1960s it has been credited with dozens of high-profile events, including hijackings and bombings.

Along with the United States and Britain, Israel has a long and well-established history of assisting individuals and groups said to be responsible for acts of terrorism since the creation of the Jewish state in 1948.

Individuals such as the famed Abu
Nidal and groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Hamas in the Occupied Territories and now, Fateh-al-Islam operating in Northern Lebanon all have at some point been creatures of Mossad, CIA and MI5 intrigue.

A former schoolteacher fluent in several languages, Mark Glenn spoke at the AFP-TBR conference on the Middle East panel. He is a prolific writer whose provocative essays have been published worldwide. He and his wife Vicki and their eight children maintain a ranch in northern Idaho. His book, No Beauty in the Beast, can be ordered from TBR BOOK CLUB (1-877-773-9077) for $28 ppd.

(Issue #24 & 25, June 11 & 18, 2007)

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June 1, 2007

An extraordinary claim that Israeli intelligence may have had a hand in an airline hijacking before sending in commandos to rescue the hostages at Entebbe was made to the Foreign Office.

It came via David Colvin, the first secretary at the British embassy in Paris, according to a newly released National Archives file.

He heard it from a contact in the Euro-Arab Parliamentary Association three days after the Air France flight from Tel Aviv to Paris was seized in mid-air by Palestinians and German terrorists on June 27, 1976.

Mr Colvin told his superiors that his source suggested that the attack was carried out by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine with help from the Israeli Security Service, the Shin Bet.

It was designed to torpedo the rival Palestine Liberation Organisation's standing in France and to prevent what they saw as a growing rapprochement between the PLO and the Americans.

''My contact said that the PFLP had attracted all sorts of wild elements, some of whom had been planted by the Israelis,'' Mr Colvin added. The message was received without comment by the Foreign Office but later officials recorded that a journalist from the Liverpool Post, Leo Murray, had also told them that a splinter group of PFLP was planning a series of spectacular incidents to disrupt contacts between the PLO leader Yasser Arafat and the US.

An official noted: 'If, as Mr Murray's sources allege, the aim of the Entebbe hijacking was to prevent the development of relations between Arafat and the West, and Arafat knew this, it would provide another motive for Arafat's recent approach to the French in Cairo warning us of further attacks.''

Most of the file is taken up with Foreign Office attempts to distance itself from the Israeli raid while privately admitting that the Israelis were probably justified in sending their troops into President Idi Amin's Uganda.

Frank Wheeler, the first secretary, reported that there was abundant evidence of Ugandan collaboration with the hijackers. Palestinians had been brought from Mogadishu in President Amin's private jet to join the hijackers, according to the file.






 Israel staged 1976 Entebbe Airport saga
Friday, 1st June, 2007 E-mail article Print article

LONDON, Israel’s secret service may have been involved in the hijack of an Air France plane in 1976 by pro-Palestinian hijackers, according to newly-declassified British government documents released Friday.

Some 98 people, mainly Israelis or Jews, were held by hijackers at Entebbe airport during an eight-day crisis concluded when Israeli troops stormed the building where captives were detained.

The hijackers, from the Popular Front for the liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the German Baader-Meinhof gang, said they wanted the release from prison of Palestinian militants.

But according to the new British information, isra-el’s secret service, the Shin Beit, and the PFLP are alleged to have joined forces in an “unholy alliance” to change foreign policy in the Middle East.

The claim emerged in a document written by official DH Colvin at the British embassy in Paris, quoting a contact at the Euro-Arab Parliamentary Association, as the crisis unfolded.

“According to his information, the hijack was the work of the PFLP, with help from the Israeli Secret Service, the Shin Beit,” he wrote.
The document also suggested that Ugandan president
Idi Amin may have been collaborating with the hijackers.

Troops flew some 4,000 kilometres (2,500 miles) from Israel to land at the airport and storm the building







Israel Played Role in Air France Entebbe Hijacking


Newly released documents by the British National Archive, obtained by the BBC, include a diplomat’s claim of Israeli involvement in the hijacking of an Air France plane in 1976 . The plane was diverted to Entebbe Airport in Uganda, and the operation was concluded with an impromptu, superman-like rescue by Israeli commandos. Given the suspected advance notice the Israeli’s had, may be the rescue was not so glaring after all.

It has been seen as a daring raid by crack Israeli troops to rescue dozens of their countrymen held at the mercy of hijackers.

But newly released documents contain a claim that the 1976 rescue of hostages, kidnapped on an Air France flight and held in Entebbe in Uganda, was not all it seemed.

A UK government file on the crisis, released from the National Archives, contains a claim that Israel itself was behind the hijacking.

An unnamed contact told a British diplomat in Paris that the Israeli Secret Service, the Shin Bet, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) collaborated to seize the plane.

In the document, written on 30 June 1976 when the crisis was still unresolved, DH Colvin of the Paris Embassy writes of his source: “According to his information, the hijack was the work of the PFLP, with help from the Israeli Secret Service, the Shin Beit.

“The operation was designed to torpedo the PLO’s standing in France and to prevent what they see as a growing rapprochement between the PLO and the Americans.”

This claim may very well be true. Israeli intelligence has an eventful resume of successfully infiltrating Palestinian militant and political groups and manipulating them into carrying out operations that the Palestinian populous sees as harmful to their cause. Similar rumors have been circulating in Gaza of Israeli involvement in cases like the kidnapping of BBC journalist Alan Johnston, and the 2003 bombing that killed three US diplomats administering educational scholarships, both by suspiciously new or perviousely unknown groups.

It may be true, but we’re unlikely to know the full facts, for some reason, in such cases, the official version of events, rapidly parroted by media outlets, ceases to become a version, and instead is seen as conventional wisdom, making all alternate theories and versions “conspiracy theories” that are given little credence or attention.

A South African proverb goes like this: “until the lions have their historians, history will always be told by the hunters.”

However, if the Israeli’s were behind this operation, and the intention was to torpedo the PLO-French relations, imagine what would have happened had they thought of ramming the plane into a downtown Paris high rise.

June 1st, 2007
Article Source: KabobFest

Public Disgusted By UK Entebbe Reaction
by Marc Shoffman - Thursday 7th 2007f June 2007

The British public felt “disgusted” by the UK’s reluctance to congratulate Israel after it saved hostages from hijackers at Entebbe Airport in 1976, new documents have revealed.

While the USA praised Israel after commandos stormed the hijacked Air France plane in Uganda, new files at the national archives show the British government drew heavy criticism for its failure to celebrate the rescue operation.
The Foreign Office files released this week expose fierce criticism of the government’s response following the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’s hijacking of Tel Aviv bound aeroplane in Athens. The aircraft was diverted to Uganda where seven hijackers held 98 people leading to an Israeli rescue operation which killed the militants and one passenger.

The files reveal that the British government deliberately avoided congratulating Israel. A memo said: “Our first priority was to express satisfaction at the release of the hostages, we see no need to send a message to Mr Rabin.”

According to the documents, members of the public and the Israeli Ambassador were unhappy that there was no official praise.

A foreign office memo to the Prime Minister’s office said: “The Israelis have been critical of fact that the PM did not send a personal message of congratulation to Mr Rabin and that the public statement did not endorse Israel’s action at the Entebbe.”

One letter said: “I am writing to inform you on behalf of thousands of Jewish and non Jewish people how disgusted I am by your pitiful response to the fantastic efforts of the Israeli government in releasing the prisoners from the hands of the guerrillas and Ugandan troops.”

Another said: “I find it deplorable that there was not a statement made congratulating Israel on their successful rescue at Entebbe airport. There should be an official congratulation to Israel on the same level as the USA.”

Meanwhile, the records also reveal an allegation that Israel may have been involved in arranging the hijacking to make the Palestinian Liberation Organisation and Yasser Arafat look weak.

Following a conversation with an unknown source in Paris, a British diplomat wrote, “According to his information, the hijack was the work of the PFLP, with help from the Israeli Secret Service, the Shin Beit.

“The operation was designed to torpedo the PLO's standing in France and to prevent what they see as a growing rapprochement between the PLO and the Americans.”




Last update - 15:20 01/06/2007

U.K. file on Entebbe contains claim that Israel behind hijacking

By Haaretz Service

Newly released British documents contain a claim by an unnamed contact that the Shin Bet security service collaborated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine to hijack the June 1976 flight from Israel that was diverted to Entebbe, Uganda, the BBC reported Friday.

Israel's rescue of the dozens of hostages taken in the hijacking of the Air France plane, popularly known as the Entebbe raid, is considered one of the most daring and successful operations in Israeli history. Elite Israel Defense Forces troops stormed the airport where the hostages, many of them Israeli, were held and overpowered the hijackers and Ugandan soldiers.

Although the captors used the hijacking to demand the release of Palestinians or Palestinian supporters, a British government file on the incident quotes the unnamed source as telling a British diplomat in Paris that Israel was behind the hijacking. The claim is not known to be backed up by corroborating evidence, and the file does not make it clear whether the British government took the claim seriously.

"The operation was designed to torpedo the PLO's standing in France and to prevent what they see as a growing rapprochement between the PLO and the Americans," the BBC report said British diplomat D.H. Colvin wrote in the document, citing his source.

"My contact said the PFLP had attracted all sorts of wild elements, some of whom had been planted by the Israelis," Colvin reportedly wrote. "According to his information, the hijack was the work of the PFLP, with help from the Israeli Secret Service, the Shin Beit."

The document was written on June 30, 1976, three days after the hijacking and prior to the rescue operation.


 Unholy Alliance
The myth of Entebbe and the history of Israeli false-flag operations
by Justin Raimondo
While Americans were celebrating their independence from the British Empire with displays of fireworks and other patriotic observances, another anniversary was pointedly not being observed, or even much noted, in Israel: on that day in 1976, a daring raid by Israeli commandos freed the hostages of Air France flight 139, held by PFLP terrorists and members of the German "Revolutionary Cells," at the Entebbe airport in Uganda. The plane had been originally headed to Paris from Athens, but the hijackers diverted it to Benghazi, Libya, for refueling, and then on to Entebbe, where Idi Amin greeted the terrorists as friends and allies. The raid, launched on the night of July 3 and carried out until the morning of July 4, caught the world's attention as a heroic and entirely justified operation aimed at freeing innocent victims of terrorism. Score one for Israel. The effect of this incident on world opinion, especially within the U.S. and Britain, was to increase sympathy for the Israelis and paint a portrait of the Palestinians as violent brutes. And that may very well have been the real motive behind the operation, according to secret documents recently released by the British government.

Among the cache of documents is a memo by David H. Colvin, then first secretary of the British embassy in Paris, who averred that a contact in the Euro-Arab Parliamentary Association had told him the "hijack was the work of the PFLP [Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine], with help from the Israeli secret service, the Shin Bet." The operation, wrote Colvin, was "an unholy alliance" and "was designed to torpedo the PLO's [Palestine Liberation Organization] standing in France and to prevent what they see as a growing rapprochement between the PLO and the Americans." Colvin detailed a very plausible scenario whereby Israel stood to benefit:

"Their nightmare is that after the November elections, one will witness the imposition in the Middle East of a Pax Americana, which will be the advantage of the PLO (who will gain international respectability and perhaps the right to establish a state on evacuated territories) and to the disadvantage of the Refusal Front (who will be squeezed right out in any overall peace settlement and will lose their raison d'être) and Israel (who will be forced to evacuate occupied territory)."

Colvin went on to say that "the PFLP had attracted all sorts of wild elements, some of whom had been planted by the Israelis." The document cache also contains a report from another British official citing a reporter for the Liverpool Post, Leo Murray, whose inside sources confirmed the hijacking was all about internal Palestinian politics, at least from the PFLP's perspective.

From the Israeli perspective, however, the propagandistic effect of the Entebbe incident on Western opinion, particularly in the United States and France, was crucial. The U.S. was seen as an unreliable partner who had to be manipulated into rejecting PLO proposals for an independent Palestinian state, and the French, who were in favor of some kind of equanimity in negotiating a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, also needed to be educated as to the inherent inability of the Palestinians to make peace.

The Israeli response to the Colvin revelations has been outrage, disbelief, and the denigration of this account as an "anti-Semitic conspiracy theory." Yet it isn't that hard to believe the Israelis would launch a false-flag operation in order to generate diplomatic and political blowback helpful to their cause – and it wouldn't be the only example of covert Israeli aid to the more militant wing of the Palestinian movement in order to undercut the PLO. Go here for the story on how the Israelis succored and funded Hamas in its early days as an Islamist irritant in Arafat's side.

And then there is the Lavon incident, in which the Israelis sent agents into Egypt, who then planted bombs in American and British facilities, including a USIA library and a British-owned movie theater: the idea was to pin the blame on the Muslim Brotherhood and show the Americans – who were tilting toward Egypt's rising leader, Gamal Abdel Nasser – that the Egyptians were unreliable allies.

The Entebbe narrative reiterated and dramatized the Israelis' insistence that they had the "right" to reach beyond their own borders in their "war on terrorism" – an early version, if you will, of the Bush Doctrine. Yet the Colvin memo shows that this official story was and is just a cover for an act of supreme cynicism and ruthlessness that would cause Machiavelli to blush.

Three hostages, one Israeli soldier, 45 Ugandan soldiers, and six hijackers were killed in Operation Thunderbolt. Particularly disturbing is the fact that the hijackers, once in Benghazi, separated out the Israeli and Jewish passengers from the rest, letting the Gentiles go and taking the remainder to Entebbe.

To think that this heinous act was carried out with the cooperation and collusion of Israeli intelligence may seem counterintuitive, yet this is precisely the sort of crazy decision too-clever-by-half government officials would make in pursuit of that formless concept known as "the national interest." This floating abstraction, of course, is whatever government officials say it is, and since ideology and ambition can make the most egregious acts seem necessary and even virtuous, no doubt the Shin Bet officials who colluded with the PFLP did so thinking they were serving Israel's cause.

In any case, the "divide and conquer" strategy has always been the linchpin of Israel's strategy for survival, and this is true right up to the present day, when a U.S.-Israeli "redirection," as Seymour Hersh calls it, is behind a recent pro-Sunni tilt designed to exacerbate the Sunni-Shi'ite split in the Muslim world. The idea is to unite America's traditional allies in the Middle East against Iran and the rising "Shia crescent."

"By way of deception, thou shalt make war" – that's the motto of the Mossad, Israeli's main intelligence agency, and it doubtless inspires its various auxiliaries, such as Shin Bet. Israel, a small country beset by legions of hostile neighbors, has relied not only on its military prowess – often likened to that of Sparta, another completely militarized, socialist state – but also on pure duplicity to achieve its goals. In evaluating Israel's actions, and especially in trying to understand what is going on in the Middle East, it is best to always keep this in mind. When it comes to that troubled region, the realization that events are not always what they seem is the beginning of wisdom.







Did you know Israeli agents planned the Entebbe hijacking and that it was an Israeli false flag..you remember??..The one where the Israeli commandos went in and heroically rescued the plane hostages?? That same one where Netanyahu's brother was killed and became a war hero for all Israeli kids to look up to?...WELL, IT WAS ALL A SHIN BET JOB FROM BEGINNING TO END..
I wouldn't be surprised if Netanyahu's brother the Hero, has been living on the French Riviera with his gentile girlfriend...


Israeli agents 'helped Entebbe hijackers'
By Peter Day
Last Updated: 12:20am BST 01/06/2007

An extraordinary claim that Israeli intelligence may have had a hand in an airline hijacking before sending in commandos to rescue the hostages at Entebbe was made to the Foreign Office.

It came via David Colvin, the first secretary at the British embassy in Paris, according to a newly released National Archives file.

He heard it from a contact in the Euro-Arab Parliamentary Association three days after the Air France flight from Tel Aviv to Paris was seized in mid-air by Palestinians and German terrorists on June 27, 1976.

Mr Colvin told his superiors that his source suggested that the attack was carried out by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine with help from the Israeli Security Service, the Shin Bet.

It was designed to torpedo the rival Palestine Liberation Organisation's standing in France and to prevent what they saw as a growing rapprochement between the PLO and the Americans.

''My contact said that the PFLP had attracted all sorts of wild elements, some of whom had been planted by the Israelis,'' Mr Colvin added. The message was received without comment by the Foreign Office but later officials recorded that a journalist from the Liverpool Post, Leo Murray, had also told them that a splinter group of PFLP was planning a series of spectacular incidents to disrupt contacts between the PLO leader Yasser Arafat and the US.

An official noted: 'If, as Mr Murray's sources allege, the aim of the Entebbe hijacking was to prevent the development of relations between Arafat and the West, and Arafat knew this, it would provide another motive for Arafat's recent approach to the French in Cairo warning us of further attacks.''

Most of the file is taken up with Foreign Office attempts to distance itself from the Israeli raid while privately admitting that the Israelis were probably justified in sending their troops into President Idi Amin's Uganda.

Frank Wheeler, the first secretary, reported that there was abundant evidence of Ugandan collaboration with the hijackers. Palestinians had been brought from Mogadishu in President Amin's private jet to join the hijackers, according to the file.





U.K. file on Entebbe contains claim that Israel behind hijacking

Haaretz (Israeli newspaper) | June 1, 2007

Newly released British documents contain a claim by an unnamed contact that the Shin Bet security service collaborated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine to hijack the June 1976 flight from Israel that was diverted to Entebbe, Uganda, the BBC reported Friday.

Israel's rescue of the dozens of hostages taken in the hijacking of the Air France plane, popularly known as the Entebbe raid, is considered one of the most daring and successful operations in Israeli history. Elite Israel Defense Forces troops stormed the airport where the hostages, many of them Israeli, were held and overpowered the hijackers and Ugandan soldiers.

Although the captors used the hijacking to demand the release of Palestinians or Palestinian supporters, a British government file on the incident quotes the unnamed source as telling a British diplomat in Paris that Israel was behind the hijacking. The claim is not known to be backed up by corroborating evidence, and the file does not make it clear whether the British government took the claim seriously.

"The operation was designed to torpedo the PLO's standing in France and to prevent what they see as a growing rapprochement between the PLO and the Americans," the BBC report said British diplomat D.H. Colvin wrote in the document, citing his source.

"My contact said the PFLP had attracted all sorts of wild elements, some of whom had been planted by the Israelis," Colvin reportedly wrote.
"According to his information, the hijack was the work of the PFLP, with help from the Israeli Secret Service, the Shin Beit."

The document was written on June 30, 1976, three days after the hijacking and prior to the rescue operation.

The Hoax Called Entebbe

In 1968, terrorists hijack a jet that was carrying 130 Jews, and flew it to Africa. The State of Israel responds by sending a team of Israeli commandos, who storm Entebbe airport - kill the terrorists - and rescue the Jews.

This website is in two parts: .... The first section tells the story of the events, and the second part attempts to show what an absurd farce this entire story is.

The real reason for this fairy tale, was to set the stage for 30 yrs of Arab/Mossad hijackings. Israel needed to conditioned the world to accept Arabs as the 9/11 plotters, and never to suspect Israel.

The Hijackers

Two Nazis and five Muslims

The' Baader-Meinhof ' gang joins with the ' Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine', and they did a joint hijacking.

The Hijacking
Day 1 ....June 27, 1976 ..Tel Aviv

Four terrorists board Air France 139, which flies to Athens and on to Paris. When the plane stops in Athens, three more hijackers board.

The plane in hijacked, and heads to Benghazi where the hijackers demand the release of 53 militants, held in Israel and four other countries.

Plane goes to Benghazi

The airliner goes to a remote runway, is refueled and departs at 21.30 to Entebbe.

Day 2 ... June 28

Air France 139 lands in Entebbe, Uganda.

The hijackers put the Jews in a separate building from the rest of the passengers

Idi Amin torments the Jews

For three straight days the TV blasts pictures of this monster touring the building, where innocent Jews quiver. Every morning, Amin would walk though the complex mockingly belching, " Shalom Shalom - welcome to Uganda ".

This monster ate his enemies, and kept their heads as trophies.

Day 4

The hijackers release 149 of the non Jewish hostages on the July 2. Planes are sent to Entebbe to pick them up.

At Orly Airport outside Paris, President Chirac welcomed the hostages.

Day 6 .... Jews decide to act.

The Israel cabinet meets and authorizes 'Operation Thunder Bolt'.

General Motta Gur lays out the details.

The plan consists of sending 200 special forces, four C-130 transports and two 727 jets.

Day 7 ... Commandos attack

July 4 ... Four C-130's, and two 727, leave Israel for a 7 1/2 hr flight to Entebbe.

At midnight, four C-130's land undetected at Entebbe. They quickly unload a Mercedes, two Land Rovers, and drive to the airport impersonating Idi Amin.

The Israelis (disguised as Palestine terrorists) storm the building, killing two more Ugandans.

In front of the building, two Ugandans tried to stop them but silenced UZI's stopped it.

A terrorist stepped out the main door of the Old Terminal to see what the fuss was about, and was shot. The commandos enter the building, and kill three more. The two from the Badher Meinhoff make a stand, but are quickly killed

The assault lasted 3 minutes, and 7 hijackers were dead. Somehow the Israelis shot three of their own.

Commandos secure airport

Next another plane arrives with two APC's

Israel prepares to battle Ugandans as infantrymen from the first and third plane ran to secure all access to roads to the airport. There was no opposition.

Migs stand down

Oddly, the Uganda fighter squadron stationed at Entebbe didn't scramble and there wasn't any pilots around.

Jews flown to Israel

Cameras roll as Jews safely arrive in Tel Aviv, the whole world weeps with joy

Not All Came Home

Mrs. Dora Bloch fell ill, and she was taken to a hospital in Kampala. When Amin learned the hostages were rescued, he went to the hospital and tore her apart.

Nothing Adds Up

The way to dissect this hoax is to see how flawed the story is.

Why do terrorists fly 2400 miles to the Israeli satellite state of Uganda ?

Why pick Uganda

Israel installed Idi Amim

Israel installed Amin

Idi Amin pulls a coup on January 25,1971, and becomes Uganda's new ruler thanks to Israel. The coup was hatched by Colonel Bar-Lev, the Israeli defense attaché to Uganda. The British government came on board on the next day.

Col Bar-Lev even picked Amin’s cabinet. Amin was to de-stabilize the Sudan, because they were allied with Egypt. Also nationalize gold, and diamonds, for Jewish interests.

Colonel Bar-Lev telegraphs Golda Meir

"Coup successful ! Last night General Amin arrested all officers in the armed forces sympathetic to Obote ... Amin is now firmly in control of all elements of the army which controls vital points in Uganda. "

Shortly afterwards Amin made his first foreign trip; a state visit to Israel where he meets with Golda Meir, the Prime Minister. Israel gave Amin an executive jet.

Abu Nidal planned it

Nidal is a Mossad operative that engineered 20 hijackings

You need to believe - that somehow the Baader-Meinhof gang joined forces with the PLO

You have to believe - six transports flew 2400 miles without being detected by Arab or African radars.

You have to believe - that these 200,000 lb transports were able to glide in - at night - without landing lights - at an isolated airstrip - where there are 100 Uganda soldiers, and 8 terrorists, on high alert. And that no one hears, or sees, these howling beomoths.

You can hear these things a mile away

Israel said there were snipers and sentries on the tower, but they didn't see planes landing 1000 ' away

It is simply more Israeli propaganda

A biblical epic, on the level of Moses and the Red Sea parting. In the age of TV we saw this minute by minute and we got three movies, eight books, and an upcoming mini series.

The story is ridiculous

Arabs and Germans unite to kidnap innocent Jews. A ruthless dictator, Idi Imin, who defies the world. Jewish commandos gliding giant cargo planes into small terrorist airports, and a roaring gun battle.

This story goes beyond absurd.


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Joined: 19 Dec 2004
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Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 12:32 am Post subject:


Seems like all their sacred cows are turning into cow manure....

I bet if you looked closely at Judaism..you'd see exactly the same thing...it can't withstand any kind of scrutiny......
.If you can't have the religion answer it's most basic questions..then what's it all about ALFIE?


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Joined: 22 May 2004
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Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:06 am Post subject:


Seems like all their sacred cows are turning into cow manure....

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Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 4:12 am Post subject:


Newly-released British intelligence documents reveal Israeli involvement in 1976 hijacking
Friday June 01, 2007 18:17 by Saed Bannoura - 1 of International Middle East Media Center - IMEMC Editorial Group saed at imemc dot org

The hijacking of an Israel-bound plane in 1976 by a Palestinian resistance group was used by multiple Israeli administrations as justification for their continued military occupation of Palestinian land.

Entebbe airport, 1976 -- BBC photo

Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister at the time, said, “This operation will certainly be inscribed in the annals of military history, in legend and in national tradition.”

With the latest revelation, it appears that the Israeli government may have been manipulating the crisis in a blatant attempt to criminalize the Palestinian resistance movement.

The released document is dated June 30, 1976, three days after the hijacking and prior to the legendary rescue operation by Israeli forces. British diplomat D.H. Colvin wrote in the document that an unnamed intelligence contact told him, “The hijack was the work of the PFLP, with help from the Israeli Secret Service, the Shin Bet.”

The hijacking, and subsequent rescue by Israeli forces, known as the ‘Entebbe raid’, for the Entebbe airport where the hijacked plane was taken, and the passengers held prisoner by the hijackers.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine took credit for the hijacking, which they said was for the purpose of bringing attention to the Palestinian people’s plight. The plane was travelling from Israel to Paris when it was hijacked on June 27th, 1976, and re-routed to Entebbe Airport in Uganda. The 250 passengers were taken hostage, but most were released on July 1st.

The remaining hostages, about 100 Jewish Israelis and internationals, were freed when the Israeli military raided the airport on July 3rd, killing 3 hostages, 20 Ugandan soldiers, and all seven hijackers. The Israeli military destroyed 1/3 of the Ugandan airforce during their massive assault on the airport.

With the newly-released British intelligence document, dated before the military operation to rescue the hostages on July 3rd, 1976, some in the intelligence community are calling for an investigation of Israeli involvement in the planning and implementation of the plane hijacking.


Bwahahahahahahahaha - look at them howling

FresnoZionism.org — öéåðåú ôøñðå " Blog Archive " BBC reporter claimed ...
... BBC, missing no chance to blacken the name of Israel, has published a report ... An unnamed contact told a diplomat named D. H. Colvin that they did it in order ...fresnozionism.org/archives/447 - 7k - Cached - More from this site

Attempted murder' verdict to be handed down on Sunday :: Israel Matzav
An unnamed contact told a diplomat named D. H. Colvin that they did it in order ... Technorati Tags: BBC, lying whores, Entebbe, Israel ...www.rojo.com/feed/4UgZLso4wCty83Yn - 471k - Cached - More from this site


Joined: 19 Dec 2004
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Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 9:08 pm Post subject: Entebbe was a Mossad plot..can you ever believe ISRAEL?


Was Israel behind Air France hijacking of 1976?

The Israelis may have been behind the hijacking of an Air France airbus at Entebbe, according to an extraordinary claim in secret Government documents released yesterday.

The Israeli Secret Service, the Shin Beit, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) joined forces in an "unholy alliance" to seize the aeroplane in June 1976 and re-write French Middle East policy, it was suggested.

The theory, recalled by a British diplomat at the Paris Embassy, comes from a contact at the Euro-Arab Parliamentary Association.

The aeroplane was hijacked shortly after take-off from Athens and flown to Entebbe, Uganda, where 98 people were held hostage.

The document, released by the National Archives, was penned to the Foreign Office on 30 June 1976 as the world wondered how the hostage crisis would end and if it would lead to bloodshed.

DH Colvin of the Paris Embassy writes: "According to his information, the hijack was the work of the PFLP, with help from the Israeli Secret Service, the Shin Beit.

"The operation was designed to torpedo the PLO's standing in France and to prevent what they see as a growing rapprochement between the PLO and the Americans.

"Their nightmare is that after the November elections, one will witness the imposition in the Middle East of a Pax Americana, which will be the advantage of the PLO (who will gain international respectability and perhaps the right to establish a state on evacuated territories) and to the disadvantage of the Refusal Front (who will be squeezed right out in any overall peace settlement and will lose their raison d'etre) and Israel who will be forced to evacuate occupied territory).

"Hence the unholy alliance of the hijacking.

"My contact said the PFLP had attracted all sorts of wild elements, some of whom had been planted by the Israelis."

The operation had been staffed by a "miscellaneous collection of revolutionary extremists", the document adds.

The hijackers left Benghazi to help ramp up international pressure outside Libya and the Middle East, the theory continues, noting that "pressures in Uganda will be of a different variety".

There was general agreement that although Ugandan president Idi Amin had frequently visited the hostages and tried to encourage them, that he may have been collaborating with the hijackers.

The hijackers demands included a list of countries that should release Palestinians or others fighting for the Palestinian cause.

Kenya was included to "appeal to President Amin if the people concerned are his supporters," the document says.

France was being sent the message that a pro-Palestinian policy is "no guarantee" it would not be targeted by Palestinian terrorists. Effective international action and collaboration would be needed to counter international terrorism.

Particularly if it ends in bloodshed, "the incident will have damaged the Palestinian cause with French public opinion," it was noted.

The diplomat concludes: "If the incident does lead to a re-appraisal of French Middle East policy (which seems unlikely), it is likely to lend weight to the arguments of those who call for an early resumption of moves leading to an overall peace settlement, including the creation of a Palestinian state on territory to be evacuated by Israel.

"Unless this is done, the indiscipline of the Palestinians will become more marked and incidents of this kind will become more frequent."

In July Israeli commandos rescued the hostages.

They flew about 2,500 miles to carry out the rescue, receiving co-operation from neighbouring Kenya to mount their assault. They engaged seven hijackers and about 80 Ugandan soldiers in a 36-minute battle at the airport.

Two Israeli civilian hostages died in the shooting, and a third died later in a Nairobi hospital. One officer commanding the raiders was killed by shooting from the airport tower.

President Amin claimed the raiders killed 20 Ugandan servicemen as well as seven hijackers who were guarding the hostages.

This article: http://news.scotsman.com/index.cfm?id=855832007

Last updated: 01-Jun-07 01:08 BST