Long's alleged assassin wasn't armed
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Dr. Pavy is the nephew of Judge Benjamin Henry Pavy, one of the leading anti-Long political figures during Long's heyday. The judge's daughter and Dr. Pavy's first cousin, Yvonne, was married to Dr. Carl Austin Weiss, the alleged assassin of Long.
Weiss was in the Capitol corridor where Long was shot, but Pavy says he was only there to confront Long about how unfairly he treated others.
"... After the third very rough rebuff, Weiss, frustrated, lost his composure, screamed at Long and hit him on the lip. A scuffle occurred and Weiss was hit by bodyguard Elliot Coleman," Dr. Pavy said. "One bodyguard, probably Messina (a nervous type), always close and often in the rear of Huey, pulled his gun, which hung up in the holster and misfired, striking Huey in the back ... ."
Pavy isn't the first writer to blame a bodyguard for Huey Long's death. Ed Reed, author of "Requiem for a Kingfish: The Strange and Unexplained Death of Huey Long" in 1986, said Murphy Roden, who was trained to react immediately, fired at Weiss at close range and the bullet struck Long, "possibly even passing through Weiss' body before hitting Long."
Reed insists Weiss was armed when he went to the Capitol that night, but had no plans to shoot Long. In any case, Reed said, Weiss never got close enough to shoot before he was gunned down by Long's bodyguards.
Pavy insists Weiss had no gun with him in the capitol. He said it was retrieved from Weiss' car and placed there after the shooting, "but only after crime photos had been taken." Dr. Tom Ed Weiss, Carl Weiss' brother, said he saw his brother's car in front of the capitol and a gun in a sock in the glove pocket. The car had been moved later, was ransacked and the gun was missing, he said.
The theories advanced by Dr. Pavy are built on affidavits from people who were either in the Capitol or the hospital that night, from others who had firsthand reports on what happened in that corridor and from people who discredit the story that Long's assassination was planned and that Weiss was part of that conspiracy.
K.B. Ponder, an investigator for the Mutual Insurance Co. of New York, which insured Long, said there was no doubt his death was accidental, but the consensus was that he was killed by his own bodyguard.
Mrs. Melinda Delage was in the operating room when Long was brought in and said the senator had a lacerated and swollen lip. She said a doctor asked, "What is that on your lip?" and Long answered, "Oh, that's where he hit me."
Zilma Aubin Utz, a young nursing student who was the first to receive Long in the hospital, wrote to Pavy about the experience.
Both women were in attendance at a Monday news conference in Baton Rouge when Pavy discussed his findings and some of the book's contents.
Dr. Pavy reprints an affidavit from Francis C. Grevemberg, who was superintendent of State Police under the late Gov. Robert F. Kennon, 1952-1956. Grevemberg related how the shooting of Long came up during a conversation among four troopers accompanying Grevemberg on a casino raid.
Grevemberg said the troopers told how Weiss' gun had been taken from his car after the shooting.
"And then I made a mistake," Grevemberg said. "I said, 'It appears to me that all of the actions following the shooting were a conspiracy to cover up the accidental death of Sen. Long and the killing of Dr. Weiss.'
"After I made that unfortunate statement, the bodyguards became very quiet."
Delmas Sharp Jr., the son of Long bodyguard Delmas Sharp Sr., said his dad once talked about Long's death prior to a meeting the two of them had with bodyguard Messina.
After the meeting, he said, "So Dad and I left. Dad said to me, 'Well, that's Joe Messina, the killer.' "
Pavy said he also spoke to members of the Murphy Roden family, who said they understand Roden accidentally shot Long, and the son of Vernon McGee, a reporter who was an eyewitness to the shooting.
On Sept. 10, 1985, U.S. Sen. Russell Long, Huey's son, introduced into the Congressional Record what Pavy said "purports to be a transcript of a coroner's inquest over the body of Dr. Carl A. Weiss, including questions to witnesses."
Pavy calls that the "Political Version" of how Long was killed and asks why it took 50 years to surface. "Can this evidentiary debacle, which includes no physical or scientific evidence other than the body of Dr. Weiss, be accepted as proof of anything?" he asked.
Like any death under mysterious and confusing circumstances, we may never get to the real truth about the killing of Huey Long. However, Dr. Pavy has come up with significant new information that he contends proves Dr. Weiss was nothing more than another victim. He said what started out as a fist to Long's lip triggered an accidental shooting that ended in a hail of gunfire.
Unfortunately, Weiss, the only man who could explain what he was doing there, didn't live to tell his story. The research that Dr. Pavy has done and the conclusions he draws indicate that Weiss had no intention of killing Huey Long when he stopped to confront him at the Capitol the night of Sept. 8, 1935.
It's an old story, but Dr. Pavy gives it a different slant with new information and in a writing style that's easy to follow.
Story copyright © 1999 by Jim Beam
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The operation Long is rushed to Our Lady of the Lake Sanitarium where a doctor Dr. Arthur Vidrine is waiting. The doctor operates but somehow missed a wound to the kidney and Long dies from a simple gunshot wound. His window believes the Jewish doctor bungled the operation on purpose. The truth Long would challenge Roosevelt for the Democratic nomination for the president in 1936 and won. The Federal Reserve Act would have been annulled and President Long would have let Hitler stop Communism.
"Jew Deal"
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III. The Actual Nature and Real Strength of the USA.
. The following table presents the distribution of Jews in the USA:
The increase in the number of Jews since the turn of the century is particularly clear in the case of New York. The number of Jews there has increased as follows:
The big New York department stores are owned by Jews. The American magazine "National American" gives the following illuminating figures:
The following Jews have key positions in the economy, government, legal system, state and local governments, labor unions, etc.:
The Jew Bernhard Mannes Baruch was the most influential man in the USA during the World War. He had dictatorial power over the whole war economy and its approximately 40 varied industrial branches. Even today he has a leading role in Roosevelt's inner circle. Felix Frankfurter is a member of the Supreme Court, Henry Morgenthau Jr. is Secretary of the Treasury, Herman Lehmann is Governor of the State of New York, La Guardia leads the Jewish metropolis New York. Numerous Jews have leading positions in the American labor movement. One need mention only the Jews Volman, Sidney Hillmann, Schloßberg and Matthew Woll. Wherever one looks he sees nothing but Jews and genuine Hebrews! The words of the Russian-born Jew Baruch Chareny Vladek describe precisely the position of the Jews in America: "We are numerically in the minority, but our fingers tip the scales."
That is how it is: He who is fed by the Jews dies, particularly when the national body is still so young, disunified and weak as the USA. We see all the manifestations of the Jews that always accompany the Jews. For example, the USA is the leading country for lodges, secret societies, the Ku-Klux-Klan, sects and spiritualists. There are about 4,178,000 Free Masons in the entire world; 3.3 million of them live in the USA. All leading men of the government, from the president on down, belong to lodges, and all the lodges of course belong to and are led by the Jews. There are 49 major lodges in the USA with 16,518 branches. One cannot even count the sects and secret societies. We see that the Jew has understood how to break the USA down into individual particles and atoms, killing any kind of national life. The parties belong to him entirely, for over half of those in Congress — 213 members of the House — and more than half of the Senators, 48 in all — are Free Masons.
"When thinking of The Great Depression, many people know there was a stock market crash in 1929, but unless they have done some serious research or lived through it themselves they do not realize the true gravity of the situation. They think it just happened one day and it got tough for a while, but things improved in 1930; or, they simply do not know.
"Perhaps they never thought much about it and really don't care. The truth is that things did not improve in 1930 or 1931. 1929 was only the beginning of four consecutive depressions (plural) that lasted throughout the 1930's and that were only abated by the Jewish contrived World War II. In many ways, the late 1930's were worse than 1929. The New Deal, or shall we say Jew Deal, was a total failure. John L. Lewis, President of the United Mine Workers said in 1940:
"'Mr. Roosevelt made depression and
unemployment a chronic fact in American
life.' Grace Abbott told the DNC: 'There is in Chicago and in a very large part
of the country, more suffering than there was in 1933 when the President came to
office. It is a common sight to see children salvaging food from garbage cans.'
Almost unbelievably, the homosexual Winston Churchill said in 1937, 'The
Washington administration has waged so ruthless a war on private enterprise that
the US is actually leading the world back into the trough of depression.'
"These figures were compiled by the AFL and used by John Flynn in 1955 in his report in The Freeman: 'In 1932, when Roosevelt was elected, there were on relief 4,155,000 households, containing 16,620,000 persons. In 1940, eight years later, there were 4,227,000 households on relief, containing 16,908,000 persons. In this period farm employment fell off and has never recovered.' Yes, indeed, the New Deal was nothing but the Jew Deal.
"Cohen, Frankfurter, and Brandeis were but the top echelon. Other Jews joined the New Deal apparatus. Abe Fortas was assigned to the new SEC; Mordecai Ezekiel was sent in as the Agriculture Department's economist; Henry Morgenthau Jr. became Secretary of the Treasury; Charles Wyzanski went to the Labor Department; Isador Lubin took over the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in effect becoming F.D.R.'s economist; David Niles became the first of what is by now a line of special White House 'point men' for handling minorities' affairs; the young Joe Rauh became part of it, after serving as a law clerk first to Justice Cardozo, then to Frankfurter after his appointment to the court; and there were Bernard Baruch, David Lilienthal, and Sam Rosenman, to name a few others' (Jews and American Politics, Stephen Isaacs, 1977, Doubleday).
"Following are a few of the main points that FDR wanted to force feed the American public with the Jew Deal. Let us take special note that these governing principles advocated by Roosevelt almost exactly parallel the same tyrannical governing principles advocated by the world Communist Party, backed and endorsed by world Jewry, as Communism is an arm of international Zionism.
1). Impairment of all independent judicial powers. In plain language, the federalization of everything.
2). Eliminate any and all parliamentary principles. This meant complete control of Congress through money, bribes, and blackmail.
3). Strengthen and control, through Jewish Socialism, the entire economics of the nation. This was achieved with the implementation of the Federal Reserve.
4). Extend big Jew governmental executive powers to rule by Jewish regulations (of its own elite Jews' making) in all areas of life.
5). Wield complete power over the individual by giving him no personal rights as a citizen, thereby thwarting self-determination. This included the elimination of the Bill of Rights, especially stifling freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press. In other words, make any opposition, dissenting voice, or dissident a political criminal. Part of Jewish Socialism is playing the word game of phony euphemisms attached to things the Jew desires to cover-up. A political crime would no longer be called a political crime, but a hate crime, to name but one example of Jew-speak.
6). Weaken all opposing powers whether religious, state and local governance or private enterprise. This would primarily be achieved with the plutocratic principle of 'anyone can be bought.' A relentless war on white man's culture was declared by the Jews on Christian Americans from the very first day the first congregation of Jews became a reality in the United States. Jews are responsible for all anti-Christian, anti-white culture philosophy. A few examples would include Spinoza, who advocated Humanism, and Hegel, who was embraced by the Jewish Communists. '[Engels was] in favor of the more systematic and all embracing philosophy of Hegel as expounded by the 'Young Hegelians,' a group of leftist intellectuals, including the theologian and historian Bruno Bauer and the anarchist Max Stirner. They accepted the Hegelian dialectic; basically that rational progress and historical change result from the conflict of opposing views, ending in a new synthesis As their first assault was directed against the foundations of Christianity '('Engels, Friedrich', The New Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 4, 15th ed., pg. 494). In plain language, they espoused and practiced the principle of attacking white culture by any means available to the hand of the Jew (including finance, philosophy, humor, religion, politics, etc.).
"I wonder how many of you know that the New Jew Deal was really the Old Jew Deal? If you happened to take a look up FDR's family tree, you might run into Clinton Roosevelt, who wrote a booklet entitled Science Of Government Founded On Natural Law (Dean & Trevett, NY). What makes this work important is that this little document contains most of the New Deal/Communist Manifesto. And what makes the thing interesting is that it came out in 1841, several years before Karl Marx's work! The truth is that both Clinton Roosevelt's Science and Karl Marx's Manifesto were plagiarizes of yet an earlier eighteenth century collection of writings by another Jew named Adam Weishaupt.
"Weishaupt died in 1830 and Clinton Roosevelt simply picked up the torch and passed it on to Marx. In 1849, Horace Greeley, the Jewphile, Jewite owner of the New York Tribune, the country's first national newspaper, and Clinton Roosevelt gave monetary support to the Communist League in London to assist the publication of Marx's Manifest der Kommunistichen Partei or Communist Manifesto (1848). Greeley put Marx right on the newspapers' payroll. Other financial contributors were, of course, the English Jew Stepney and the Hegel antichrist Engels.
"FDR worked directly with Earl Browder, Head Chairman of the American Communist Party, right inside the White House. 'The head of the Communist Party, USA, Earl Browder, worked on political deals with FDR. The arrangements were mutually beneficial. House Rules Chairman John O'Conner told the Senate Judiciary Committee that during 1938 and 1939, when Earl Browder was a frequent guest at the White House, he helped direct a 'purge' of conservative Democrats who had opposed FDR's policies. "'In fact,' the congressman acknowledged, 'during the President's 'purge' of 1938, Browder directed a purge operation from the White House, from which he telephoned instructions' ('The FDR Legacy: Lest We Forget,' William Hoar, The New American, 1997, Vol 13, No.13, June 23).
"Merle Thorpe, a Roosevelt supporter, wrote in 1935, 'We have given legislative status, either in whole or in part, to eight of the ten points of the Communist Manifesto of 1848; and, as some point out, done a better job of implementation than Russia.'
"The following is a comparison of the planks of the Communist Manifesto with but a part of the administration of Roosevelt. You can find those specifically created by Roosevelt listed by the inception dates. Be aware, the beginning dates are only part of the story because there were also some changes that occurred to those that were already in place.
Point 1: Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. [This was one of the first things Roosevelt called for, as early as his second inaugural address. He initiated several programs to help accomplish his goal, including the Federal Emergency Relief Administration.]
Point 2: A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. [FDR certainly was responsible for making this an unpleasant fact of American life by creating the Wealth Tax Act, with-holding taxes, and was even pushing for a $25,000 earning limit. This made the Communist principle of the redistribution of wealth possible in the United States of America.]
Point 3: Abolition of all rights of inheritance. [Inheritance taxes, introduced in 1935, were the culmination of the graduated taxes begun earlier in 1913.]
Point 4: Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. [In 1941, Roosevelt confiscated the property of 117,000 Japanese on American soil and interred them in American concentration camps. Of course, Germans and Italians were affected as well, and none were paid any reparations for the crimes against them.] Point 5: Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. [The confiscation of gold in 1933 put the wealth in the hands of the Jews. Other parts to his diabolical plan included the Gold Reserve Act (1934) and the Banking Act (1935), which further removed the wealth from the American people.]
Point 6: Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state. [In addition to putting private air mail carriers out of business and using the Army to deliver mail in 1934, Roosevelt opened the gate to the enemy and the Jews bought out newspapers, radio and television stations. FDR also created several government agencies regulating communication and transport, including the Federal Trade Commission and put the already existing Interstate Commerce Commission on steroids.]
Point 7: Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of wastelands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. [In addition to TVA, Roosevelt proposed several other Tennessee Valley Authority like projects and almost actually passed off the Property Seizure Bill that would have allowed confiscation of all private firearms and given him essentially a dictatorship, with complete power over all business and industry. Additionally, he created more big government, Jewish programs: National Recovery Administration, the Rural Electricification Administration, Public Works of Art Project, Farm Credit Administration, etc.]
Point 8: Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. [Civilian Conservation Corps, Civil Works Administration, National Industrial Recovery Act, Work Progress Administration, etc.]
Point 9: Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equitable distribution of the populace over the country. [Resettlement Administration, etc.]
Point 10: Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. (Yeah, in its present form.) Combination of education with industrial production. [National Recovery Administration, among others.]
"Coincidence? The U.S. Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal wrote:
"'Played golf today with Joe Kennedy. I asked him about his conversations with Roosevelt and Neville Chamberlain from 1938 on. He said Chamberlain's position in 1938 was that England had nothing with which to fight and that she could not risk going to war with Hitler. Kennedy's view: That Hitler would have fought Russia without any later conflict with England if it had not been for Bullitt's urging on Roosevelt in the summer of 1939 that the Germans must be faced down about Poland; neither the French nor the British would have made Poland a cause of war if it had not been for the constant needling from Washington. Bullitt, he said, kept telling Roosevelt that the Germans wouldn't fight; Kennedy that they would, and that they would overrun Europe. Chamberlain he says, stated that America and the world Jews had forced England into the war' (The Forrestal Diaries, 1951, Viking).
"The Supreme Court unanimously ruled FDR's National Recovery Administration unconstitutional [Schechter Poultry vs US, 295 US 495 (1935)]. And again the following year the Supreme Court ruled FDR's Agricultural Adjustment Act unconstitutional [Butler vs US, 297 US (1936)], stating that the AAA was 'a central government exercising uncontrolled police power in every state of the union.' This was the ludicrous, insane program that had farmers slaughter millions of their animals and needlessly plow under their crops. Production was so drastically cut that the US had to import produce from abroad. Importing America's major foodstuffs is a practice that today has become the norm.
"While FDR's Communist programs were helping those in the upper Jewish circles worldwide, the mass majority of the American public were suffering in abject poverty. Life in the city had become so bad that many people who could, because of ties with friends or relatives, left the cities, some literally starving, and returned to the countryside where there were potential sources of food. In the 1930's, many people still lived and worked family farms.
"Great numbers of these people had no money at all; their livelihood was from the land itself and their existence did not depend completely on the almighty dollar. If it had not been for the farmers and backwoods country folks, God only knows what would have become of those helpless victims of the FDR era of Communist rule. Today, the effects would no doubt increase a hundred fold.
"The criminal mind of FDR did not stop at this point. In the mid 1930's, Roosevelt wanted an established policy that the Russians could build armaments in the USA and vowed that if he couldn't give direct assistance, then he was going to funnel support to his comrades through England or elsewhere in Europe.
"Jewish war profiteers loomed on the horizon, foaming at the mouth. In the 1940 election campaign FDR promised over and over to keep the country out of war while he was doing absolutely everything in his power to involve America in a war. The honorable Congressman Hamilton Fish gave a radio address on the NBC network on April 5, 1939, in which he stated:
"'If Hitler and the Nazi government regain Memel or Danzig, taken away from Germany by the Versailles Treaty, and where the population is ninety percent German, why is it necessary to issue threats and denunciations and incite our people to war? We repudiated the Versailles Treaty because it was based on [Jewish] greed and hatred, and as long as its inequalities exist there are bound to be wars of liberation. The sooner certain provisions of the Versailles Treaty are scrapped the better for the peace of the world I believe that if the areas that are distinctly German in population are restored to Germany, except Alsace-Lorraine and the Tyrol, there will be no war in Western Europe.
"'There may be a war between the Nazis and the Communists, but if there is, that is not our war or that of Great Britain or France or any of the democracies New Deal spokesmen have stirred up war hysteria into a veritable frenzy. The New Deal propaganda machine is working overtime to prepare the minds of our people for war, who are already suffering from a bad case of war jitters President Roosevelt is the number one warmonger in America, and is largely responsible for the fear that pervades the nation I accuse the Administration of instigating war propaganda and hysteria to cover up the failure and collapse of the New Deal policies, with 12 million unemployed and business confidence destroyed.
"'The war profiteers, munitions makers and international bankers [Jews] are all set up for our participation in a new world war I believe we have far more to fear from our enemies from within [Jews] than we have from without. All the Communists [Jews] are united in urging us to go to war against Germany and Japan for the benefit of Soviet Russia' (Congressional Record Appendix, Washington, Vol. 84, Part 12, pgs. 1342-43). (Bracketed words have been added by the author.)
"The Jewish community had a man they could count on and they were trying to make sort of a cult leader out of FDR. They withheld information from the public at large concerning the real FDR, things they were afraid for the people to know, because they were afraid or knew people might react negatively. A perfect example of this was how they did not want the masses to know FDR was in a wheelchair. Many people even during WW 2 never knew he was a cripple. In 1944, FDR had a heart attack. The physicians told him it would kill him if he got over exerted and that he was not to work or be active over four hours a day. Almost unbelievably, it was still decided for Roosevelt to go on for a fourth term.
"Now, might I take a moment to remind you that by this time the country was right in the middle of a war. In 1944, FDR spent approximately two thirds of the year either in rest, medical treatment, or travel to get medical treatment. With no commander at the helm, the Jews had free reign to do whatever they pleased [not that FDR would have made any difference, being one of them].
"Nevertheless, FDR's health was an issue that the American people had a right to know about. For many months before the election, FDR had been utterly unfit physically to fulfill the duties of his office. With millions of lives hanging in the balance, to continue on with this man as President was nothing short of irresponsible.
"So you tell me, How would you think a reasonable person would have felt if he knew the facts? Give them Bob Hope and a few go-go dancers and the stupid goy will never know the difference Germany was thirty or forty years ahead of the rest of the world technologically speaking, and the Jew coveted Germany's achievements. FDR hated white men and he hated the concept of white civilization for any white people. No doubt Communism had suffered a loss in Germany when Chancellor Hitler was elected. Mr. Hitler stepped up to the plate and put it out of the park.
"Mr. Hitler did more in two years for his people than FDR ever accomplished throughout his whole entire Jew Deal or in his whole life, for that matter. But then, Mr. Hitler was working for the German people to rid his nation of the international parasite, the Jew Communist, and to truly work on behalf of the good interests of the German people. This cannot be said of Roosevelt. According to Roosevelt's own personal papers, this infuriated him to no end. Once, when aviation hero Charles Lindbergh came back from a visit to Germany and spread around a few compliments, Roosevelt became so enraged that he did everything he could to get Colonel Lindbergh, a national hero, stripped of his rank and thrown in jail. Roosevelt hated Lucky Lindy, and no doubt Lindy knew the truth.
"'The pressure for war is high and mounting. The people are opposed to it, but the Administration seems to have 'the bit in its teeth' and hell-bent on its way to war. Most of the Jewish interests in the country are behind war, and they control a huge part of our press and radio and most of our motion pictures the international financial interests, and many others' (The Wartime Journals of Charles A. Lindbergh, Charles Lindbergh, May 1,1941, Harcourt Brace, 1970, pg. 481).
"All this, but when FDR spoke to his top aids concerning Russia, FDR made it clear when he said, 'We can let them have almost everything they want.' And, in fact, he did, because it was FDR who set-up his friends, the red bastards in Russia, with all the supplies and information they needed to build 'the bomb'. In this sense, he was responsible for the creation of the whole crazy Jewish Cold War as well. (See 'Hearings Regarding Shipment of Atomic Material to the Soviet Union During World War II', Eighty-first Congress, House of Representatives, Second Session, Committee on Un-American Activities, United States Government Printing Office, Washington,1950.)
"Hypocritically, the Rosenbergs, a Jewish couple who attempted to give atomic secrets to the Communists in Russia, were convicted in 1951 and executed in Sing Sing shortly thereafter after several appeals. Were these Jews chosen as martyrs to cover-up FDR's treasonous activities? Perhaps this is a question that remains to be answered.
"The Swedish explorer Sven Hedin expressed an insightful