'Operation Prophet' Is A Dangerous Time

Iran is testing an arsenal of sophisticated weapons.





An Iranian Rocket Torpedo System Is Capable Of 223 MPH

This is a rocket-powered torpedo, that is almost impossible to evade.






 No Carrier Stands A Chance Against This Torpedo









Iran's Navy Has The Subs To Carry It





Other Weapons To Be Tested Are Multi-Pod Rockets That Can Evade Radar

 Cheap and small, they can be put on fishing boats.







Today's War Is Fought With Smart Weapons

You drop a radar or GPS guided bomb, and you are doing the equivalent damage of 500 World War Two bombs. Now if you have precision guidance, match it with radar evading capabilities, and use a small nuclear warhead, a battle can be over in ten minutes.









What Can The Fifth Fleet Do?

Iran's navy conducted its second major test of a new high-speed torpedo, the Hoot. It is claimed no submarine or warship can escape it. This raises concerns over Iran's power in the Persian Gulf, which is a vital corridor for the world's oil supplies and where the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet is based.

Iran also successfully tested the Fajr-3 missile, which can avoid radar and hit several targets simultaneously using multiple warheads. Deputy Commander Ali Fadavi, deputy head of the Revolutionary Guards' navy, said the ships that fire the Iranian-made Hoot had radar-evading technology and that the torpedo -- moving at 223 miles per hour -- was too fast to elude.

The weapon gives Iran "superiority" against any warship in the region, Fadavi said, in a veiled reference to U.S. vessels in the Gulf.








Fajr-3 Missile

Iran manufactures the Fajr-3 missile in house. The missile has a range of some 25 miles, and the 333-millimeter Fajr-5 missile has a range of about 45 miles. The missile is not detectable by radar, and can use multiple warheads to hit several targets simultaneously.

Take an old freighter, and a series of common fishing boats, and load them with hundreds of these. The ability to penetrate is there, and the damage could be massive.








Control The Straights Of Hormuz?

You could put hundreds of these inexpensive Fajr-3 missiles in the steep terrain along the Iranian coastline, which borders the Straights of Hormuz, and cripple the entire world, due to loss of a major crude oil shipping corridor..









This Scenario Is An Israeli Dream Come True

Put the entire Iranian navy in front of the Fifth Fleet, and have a confrontation. Take Russia, a country  under Zionist control, and have them supply a puppet government with these rockets, and then have a showdown. Iran takes out a carrier, and the US takes out Iran.

If Iran used a nuke, then Bush would have the endorsement of the US public to wipe out the entire country.

Video of jet torpedo.







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