1973 - Church Of The CreatorBen Klassen was born in 1918 in the
Ukraine, to a wonderful Jewish family. When he was six, he and his family
fled the Ukraine to try to start life anew in Saskatchewan, Canada. He was
22 when World War Two started, and as with most Jewish men, he sat the war
out in college. He later joins the John Birch Society -- which is now
known as a "smokescreen for the Jews". Next, he moves to Florida and
participates in George Wallace's 1968 presidential campaign.
In 1973, Klassen formed the COTC with the publication of a 511-page tome
entitled "Nature's Eternal Religion".
Klassen runs his church for 20 years without any trouble from the ADL and
such. In 1992, he decides to sell his North Carolina headquarters compound
to William Pierce, head of the neo-Nazi National Alliance. Klassen turns
the church over to a Mr. Wilson, who fires him and replaces him with a
Richard McCarty, a telemarketer. In 1993, Klassen commits suicide by an
overdose of sleeping pills.
Enter Matt HaleThe WCOTC meanders, then
miraculously, an avid white supremacist named Matthew Hale shows up.
Hale had been an avowed racist since the age of 12, when he became
fascinated with Adolf Hitler and National Socialism after reading the
"The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" and, later, Hitler's Mein Kampf.
Like the KKK and Aryan Nations, the WCOTC considers the purging of
Jews from the ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government) of the United States a
top priority.
Hale brutally beat a Jewess named Paula Erlichman. " When he was
beating my head against the cement, you cannot imagine his eyes, the
hate in his eyes," she says. " I thought, 'This man hates me and he
doesn't even know me.'" She says she saw the same look when Hale was on
Dateline. " Charges were never filed against Matt Hale.
Oddly, the press seems to cover his every move.
In 1998, Hale earned a law degree from Southern Illinois University and
later passed the Illinois bar exam, but is denied a license to practice.
Dershowitz is Hale's Lawyer
Dershowitz, who is Jewish, agreed to help despite Hale's anti-Semitic preachings.
"Although I find his views utterly reprehensible and despicable, I don't
believe anybody should be denied admission to the bar on the basis of their
views," Dershowitz told the Associated Press.
In 2000, Hale Goes To North Western UniversityMatt Hale,
leader of the white supremacist World Church of the Creator, announced
he would meet on campus with Northwestern student supporters to
discuss establishing his group as a campus religious organization.
Abraham Bienen -Pres. says " Hale is a monster and I should know
because I am a Holocaust survivor.
In 2002, Hale Gets Arrested
Tony Evola, Hale's subordinate, sets him up in a FBI sting - he is
charged and he becomes a martyr. In 2004, he is convicted of solicitation of
murder and gets 40 years. Matt hale as of