Evidence Points To The Mossad Orchestrating Lockerbie






Pan Am 103's Route





It Blew Up Over Lockerbie




December 1988


         The flight was from Frankfurt to Heathrow to JFK

Fl 103 was an hour late when it left London's Heathrow Airport toward Scotland and on to New York.


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On  December 20, 1988, a black Mercedes entered the Frankfurt Airport compound and stopped next to one of the automatic door. A baggage handler of Turkish origin removed a suitcase from the trunk  

The bomb-laden bag was place the  aboard Flight 103 at Frankfurt.            


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The Bomb

The suitcase also held a Toshiba radio-cassette containing 568 grams of Semtex explosive. The bomb was triggered by a MST-13 timer made by a Swiss firm.     




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The flight

On 21st December 1988, Pan Am 103 exploded overhead Dean's Cross and the main wreckage landed at Lockerbie in Scotland. The flight was one hr late on departure and should have exploded over the Atlantic.

Initially the finger of suspicion was pointed at Syria and Iran, then very conveniently at Libya during the Gulf War, when America badly needed Syria support for its attacks on Baghdad.



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Press Vehemently Suppresses Israeli involvement

When Pan Am 103 exploded at Lockerbie, the media hyped up "Moslem Terrorists". First the Syrians, then the Iranians, and finally the Libyans. The most obvious suspect should have been the State of Israel, because it alone stood to gain from blackening the reputations of Arab nations.

Despite an earlier known attempt to bomb one of its very own El Al airliners in 1986 for media effect, the probability that the Mossad was also responsible for bombing Pan Am Flight 103, was ruthlessly suppressed.                                                                                                                                    


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Israel claims they warn us

Pan Am's Israeli investigator said a Mossad agent first tipped off U.S. and West German intelligence agents that a terrorist attack would be made on an American passenger plane departing from Frankfurt on or about Dec. 18.


Iran was blamed initially

Iran's alleged motive for carrying out the attack was assumed to be a desire for revenge for the shooting down of an Iranian civilian flight by the US warship, the Vincennes, killing all 290 passengers and crew aboard, on 3 July 1988.



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Mossad sends fake messages implicating Libya

It will be alleged that Mossad sent a fake radio communication from Tripoli to Libyan agents in Berlin claiming 'mission accomplished' the day after the explosion.


Yuval Aviv

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Pan Am hires an Israeli to investigate

Pan Am hires Yuval Aviv ( Former Mossad now US citizen ) to investigate.  His conclusion was a Syrian named Ahmed Jibril blew up the jet.  The CIA was working with a Syrian drug- and arms-dealer named Monzer al-Kassa and they were going to use the money to free six Americans held by  Hizzbulah ( Lebanon )

 Jibril , a Palestinian/Syrian, wanted to interrupt the CIA/Al Kassar coalition and take over drug trade by blowing up the jet.


Ahmed Jibril

Israel's Aviv blames Jibril and the Palestinians

Yuval's report blamed the Palestinians.  The PFLP-GC ( Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command ) used Turkish members of extremist groups who worked as baggage handlers at the Frankfurt airport to replace Jaafar's heroin bag with a bomb-laden suitcase, according to Aviv's scenario.

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Trial begins

The trial was held at Camp Zeist (Kamp Zeist) in Holland.Although the eight-month-long trial featured the testimony of 235 witnesses and the admission of thousands of pieces of physical and documentary evidence, the case never solidified.


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The accused are two Libyans

The trials poses a huge problem for western nations, America in particular. At the time the allegations were aired it seemed certain Libya would not give up its citizens for international trial. But now Libya has given up its citizens for trial under Scottish Law, America will have to publicly explain why the accusations were made in the first place.

Due to tough rules of evidence this may well prove to be impossible.


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The evidence was a piece of a timer the size of a fingernail.


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Trial was infested with Mossad agents

As the trial progressed the light started shining on Israel. At that point the Mossad started a campaign to confuse the issues.

This Mossad said him and two Israeli experts who wrote a secret paper on the failures of Pan Am's security. They were willing to give favorable evidence regarding the two Libyans and suggested the Palestinians or Iran may have done it. Source


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Mystery witnesses imply that Israel's Mossad covertly rigged the case against Libya. The bereaved relatives and the court get more confused by the second. Source



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Former Mossad agent Victor Ostroviski has proposed to be a witness in the defense of the two Libyans suspected.  He says the two Libyans are innocent.

In the final stages of the trial the Mossad presented more crucial evidence hidden away for 12 years until the prosecution team was flat on its back. They blamed  Lebanon , Syria and Libya.



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The verdict

The trial lasted 18 months and cost an estimated $ 80 m. and was a farce. One defendant was sentenced to 20 yrs and the other was found not guilty.

There was never any proof of Libyan complicity in the bombing  except for evidence which was clearly forged.


Israel's history of black ops

This may become one of those incidents engineered by MOSSAD where Palestinians, Arabs or Muslims were accused, but became unresolved cases because all the proof pointed towards MOSSAD, such as bombings in Paris, Munich, Berlin, Rome, Cairo, and some of the Beirut bombings, etc. Source


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Abu Nidal suspected

Aug. 23 , 2002 -- Accused terrorist Abu Nidal, and not Libya, was behind the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, a former aide to the late leader of the Fatah-Revolutionary Council said in an interview published Friday.

Atef Abu Bakr waited till Abu was dead and then informed reporters Abu ' Black September ' was behind it.

Abu was a Mossad operative behind Black Sept and handled over 20 hijackings.

What really happened

The bombing of Pan American Flight 103 at Lockerbie in December 1988, was arguably one of the most successful false-flag 'black' operations ever orchestrated by the Jewish State.

A Syrian intelligence chief ordered one of his  intelligence officer to placed the bomb in a unknowing Syrian female passenger's luggage. The intelligence chief was actually an Israeli agent-in-place. 

At the time Israel was involved in a brutal campaign against the Palestinians and it had been on Ted Koppel's NightLine for a week ~ the first major exposure of Hanan al-Ashrawi before the American public.  Pan Am 103 displaced it from the front pages and it went down the memory hole.

Israel realizes this type of attack require little manpower - is impossible to trace - and results in massive publicity.  Israelis, after all, inaugurated just about every form of "terrorist" action in the region, from car bombs to hijackings.  Expertly, too ~ the King David Hotel was quite well-planned, all the way down to Palestinian clothing.

This was typical of an  Israeli black op where all clues lead nowhere. 

At the trial the evidence pointing to  Libya fell apart so the Israeli Mossad shifted it to Syria, Lebanon, Iran. As the light began to shine on Israel they said it was a CIA drug deal gone bad.


The motive

Libya is a oil rich country that hated Israel and were funding the PLO. By blowing up Pan Am 103 the Zionists made turned world opinion against Libya and permitted 'Economic Sanctions' on Libya. Basically, you quietly starve the citizens of the target nation to death without firing any bullets.

Israel screws up

First problem was the jet took off late and blew up over land leaving evidence  - The other problem was Libya allowed two defendants to stand trial which totally threw Israel off it's mark. 

This was acutely embarrassing for the Zionists, who had no real evidence, and had never really expected the Libyans to hand the 'suspects' over anyway. In order to get around this startling turn of events, the Zionists were obliged to 'rig' the Scottish Court by compromising one of the judges. Source

In the end, one Libyan was sentenced on 'evidence' so utterly corrupt that it would be rejected out of  hand in any normal court. Even Camp Ziest - with all of Israel's shenanigans only sentenced one of the two defendants to any jail time.

No different than Iraq 2004 - Israel has the US spilling their blood while the Israelis are opening a pipeline from Mosul to Haifa.



CIA document



Judicial Index