Missouri To Teach The Holocaust In Public Schools













Missouri Governor Signs The holocaust Education Bill

The bill was signed on 6/30/2005






AN ACT "Holocaust Education and Awareness Commission Act".

To amend chapter 161, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to the holocaust education and awareness commission.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:









"Hear Ye Hear Ye!"

Section A. Chapter 161, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one new

2 section, to be known as section 161.700, to read as follows:






161.700. 1. - Permanent Office

There is hereby created a permanent state commission known as the "Holocaust Education and Awareness Commission". The  commission shall be housed in the department of elementary and secondary education and shall promote implementation of holocaust education and awareness programs in Missouri in order to encourage understanding of the holocaust and discourage bigotry.







Commission Of Twelve

The commission shall be composed of twelve members to be appointed by the governor with advice and consent of the senate. The makeup of the commission shall be:








Special Commissioner

The commissioner of elementary and secondary education shall guide the program





University Of Missouri

The president of the University of Missouri system shall be on the board of twelve.




Nine Civilians

Nine members of the public, representative of the diverse religious and ethnic heritage groups populating Missouri.








Taxpayer Funded

The holocaust education and awareness commission may receive such funds as appropriated from public moneys or contributed to it by private sources. It may sponsor programs or publications to SB 1189 2 educate the public about the crimes of genocide in an effort to deter indifference to crimes against humanity and human suffering wherever they occur.






Only The Jewish Holocaust

The term "holocaust" shall be defined as the period from 1933 through 1945 when six million Jews and millions of others were murdered in Nazi concentration camps as part of a structured, state-sanctioned program of genocide.







Missouri Must Hire A Full Time Director

The commission may employ an executive director and such other persons to carry out its functions.










Here Is The Real Truth

France in 1943