Mossad Operatives Blew Up This Ferry









Manila Had A Country Wide Search For Mossad Operatives









An Israeli, Mera Doutvsky, Was Caught Shipping This






Mera Doutvsky.







Mossad Blamed Al Queda

Israel has sent terrorists all over the world (Bali, Lockerbie, Madrid Train bombing, etc.). Their goal is to set the stage for WW3, and they want the Muslims to take the blame.

Muslims are wise to the Zionists, and they have trillions in oil money. Israel's first  goal is to destroy Iran, and Iraq.






Manila Ferry Was Targeted

Superferry 14 was a large ferry destroyed by a bomb on February 27, 2004, killing 116 people in the Philippines' worst terrorist attack.

The disaster is still being investigated but speculation now is the bomb was Israeli . The Abu Sayyaf group was linked with Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda in the 1990s, but many analysts believe the ties no longer exist.







Manila Captures Mossad Agent

Doutvsky is a suspected member of the al-Qaeda terrorist cell, information confirmed by other intelligence agencies.  Doutvsky was turned over to the office of Alipio Fernandez Jr., BI commissioner, in Manila for proper disposition.

Last week, authorities reportedly prevented a possible terror attack coinciding with the 106th celebration of Independence Day. The suspect was held on Thursday at Pier 18, North Harbor, Manila allegedly trying to ship seven boxes of explosives in. 6









Manila Rounds Up Suspected Al-Qaeda

Police found enough explosives to sink a passenger ship.  The explosives were seized before these could be shipped to Zamboanga City. The arrest came following an announcement by the Australian government that terrorists have entered Indonesia from the Philippines in recent weeks to plan a new strategy on assassinating diplomats in lieu of bombing western targets.









Only Americans Are Unaware Of Zionist Treachery

The various countries from Manila to Madrid are painfully aware of the Zionist plots. From their initial roots in 1888 Russia, to the latest Egyptian attack, these countries know Israel is the culprit.






Judicial Index