The Zionist "Medigo Project"











Tel Aviv headquarters Of Medigo



Zionists have felt it's their sacred right and duty to dominate the world.





Data analyzing room









So What Is Medigo ?

Zionists believe it's their destiny to rule the world. Medigo is the information arm where computers gather information on possible dissidents










The main plan was the Protocol of Zion. Medigo is a small part









Jabotinsky was the implementer of Stage One - Formation of a independent state.








The Key Event Was Computers

In 1949 Medigo consisted of hundreds of people tracking only what they considered the most dangerous. In 2005, they have the ability to track millions, especially in first world countries when credit cards and checking are common.









Military Data Is Intercepted

This is feed into the most covert operation zone. How did Israel know when the USS Cole would dock or the location of the USS Washington.






Once Your On the Medigo List

If your identified as a 'Possible Radical' you go on a 'Watch List'.







The Zionist Watch Dog

What Campus Watch is telling you is... "Medigo will follow your college and business career".








Every Keystroke

Every time your on certain Internet sites there is a record of your IP address recorded at Medigo.









Every Purchase

Every time you purchase, gas, clothes, books, etc., you leaves a trail.







Organizations You Join

Most of these organizations are funded by Zionist to provide lists. Zionists Sayanims slither into everything from the KKK, Militias, Anti Israel Church Divestment committees, etc. Once a organization's computers is connected to the internet Medigo is in that computer.








Key Element Is Information

A good example is the Wal-Mart model. Everything is funneled to Medigo headquarters where sophisticated Algorithms are applied. When you buy a box of Winchester 223's the program accesses gun registration, and any organizations you belong to.







Controlling a Society

Take a specific segment like health insurance. The skyrocketing costs are funneling perspective independent businessman into a larger organization. The astronomical costs go to Zionists related people - 40% of the medical field is Jewish and 80% of the medical labs are.

You aren't about to join any radical organizations because when Medigo contacts Wal-Mart there goes your job and any  medical and dental benefits.







Judicial Index