POSTED: 11:55 a.m. EST, November 6, 2006
By Tori Richards (Special to Court TV)
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PASADENA, California (Court TV) -- It has been 18 years since American racing legend Mickey Thompson and his wife Trudy were murdered in the driveway of their Bradbury, California, home by two hooded gunmen who escaped on bicycles.

The case has produced hundreds of thousands of clues and enough paperwork to fill a 40-foot moving van.

Many suspects were investigated before one was accused: Michael Goodwin, a flamboyant motocross promoter who lived for racing, women and money.

On Monday, prosecutors will deliver their opening statements in Goodwin's murder trial. They will allege that he ordered the killings as retribution for a failed business deal with Thompson.

The trial is expected to last until Christmas and includes witnesses who are scattered around the globe. In the time since the murders, several witnesses have died or were stricken with debilitating illnesses, and some have different recollections of what happened nearly two decades ago.

Goodwin, 61, vehemently denies any part in the murders and at times has waged a public relations campaign against prosecutors and detectives for what he has termed a witch hunt to solve the high-profile case.

He faces life in prison if convicted.

Thompson was a hero in his day. He set 395 different speed records; one of them was 406 miles per hour in the Utah desert, a world record in 1960.

Always looking for the next great thing, Thompson met Goodwin at a motocross event, and the pair decided to go into business together to bring outdoor racing indoors.

The relationship was tumultuous from the start, and within months, lawyers got involved. The two sued each other over control and financing of their company, and when all the appeals were finally complete in early 1988, Goodwin was ordered to pay $514,388. Months later, the Thompsons were dead.
Thompson pleads for wife

'Please don't kill my wife'

Several people saw two black gunmen furiously pedal away from the Thompsons' estate, and one family actually witnessed the killing. The Triarsi family, who lived across the street and up on a hill, were awakened by gunshots and saw a wounded Mickey at the top of the driveway pleading, "Please don't kill my wife!"

Trudy was 50 feet away near the street and was shot in the head by one gunman as her husband watched. Mickey was next, with a similar shot.

The gunmen were never identified or caught.

Almost immediately, reports of the Goodwin-Thompson dispute surfaced. The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department had no shortage of witnesses claiming they had heard Goodwin threaten to kill Thompson over their failed business merger and the lawsuit that followed.

"F---ing Thompson is killing me," businessman William Wilson recalled Goodwin saying in preliminary hearing testimony. "He's destroying me. He's taking everything I've got. I'm going to take him out."

The case went through three lead detectives and several supporting detectives before settling on a third: Mark Lillienfeld, who has fought for 11 years to bring the case to trial.

During that period, Lillienfeld reinvestigated everything that was done by his predecessors and came up with additional evidence after obtaining television coverage with "America's Most Wanted" and "Unsolved Mysteries."

Police pursued many leads
Lillienfeld and partner Mike Robinson looked at Joey Hunter, a young blond man who was found with a bicycle a few miles from the crime and was said to look like a composite of one of the shooters.

Detectives looked at an organized crime connection in Las Vegas and Thompson's possible relationship with a strip-club promoter in Los Angeles, who was also gunned down in an execution-style slaying in front of his house.

The detectives say they ran down thousands of leads, from psychics to informants to old Goodwin-Thompson acquaintances who surfaced after the media coverage.

Lillienfeld filed charges against Goodwin in neighboring Orange County, where Goodwin lived, because prosecutors say he plotted the killings there. The case stalled before trial in 2004 as a state appellate court ruled that no evidence existed to show that the murder was planned in Orange County, and the proper jurisdiction was Los Angeles County.

Los Angeles County filed charges of its own as a new round of attorneys was brought on the case. During the past year, attorneys fought constantly over discovery and the admissibility of evidence and witness statements.

"Michael is looking forward to the truth finally coming out," said his attorney, Los Angeles County Deputy Public Defender Elena Saris. "He's been in jail five years without bail for a crime he didn't commit. He is confident that when the jury hears the truth, he will be acquitted."

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Linkletter said he delivered the contracts to the Los Angeles Coliseum that bound Thompson and Goodwin in a merger of their motocross racing companies.

A short time later, Linkletter said he picked up Goodwin and a business associate and drove them to a downtown law office. During the drive, Linkletter said, the two spoke for 45 minutes "about screwing him, ripping him off."

Goodwin, 61, is charged with two counts of murder with special circumstances and faces life in prison if convicted. The racer, who was 59 when he died, was the first person to travel more than 400 mph on land. He was inducted posthumously into the Motorsports Hall of Fame of America.

Prosecutors contend the evidence leads directly to Goodwin, a former concert promoter who merged his motocross racing business with Thompson's before the pair had a falling out. They said Goodwin became so angry after losing $793,000 to Thompson that he set out to kill him.

Thompson and his 41-year-old wife were leaving for work in March 1988 when they were ambushed outside their home in the gated Los Angeles suburb of Bradbury. Two shooters fled on bicycles and were never caught.

The defense argues that Goodwin was a victim of false assumptions, and that TV shows created a "folklore" that prompted people to come forward with unsubstantiated accounts.
Threatens witness

Deputy District Attorney Pat Dixon asked Linkletter to elaborate on what was said and he replied that Goodwin gave him a warning when the ride ended: "He said, 'Stew, if you ever say anything to anyone about this conversation, I'll (expletive) kill you.'"

On cross examination by Goodwin's public defender Elena Saris, Linkletter said he called a hot line for the television show "America's Most Wanted" after the program reported a $1 million reward for information on the case. He acknowledged he also called Thompson's family and relayed the information.

Later in the day, a private investigator testified Goodwin had contacted him in late 1987 and said he wanted to "get even" with Thompson.

Goodwin was "upset about something, he looked flushed and excited," private investigator Penn Weldon said. Goodwin told him he had been done wrong by Thompson and "he wanted to get even with him," Weldon said.

Goodwin also asked him to bug the car and home of Thompson's lawyer.

"I said I couldn't do it because it was illegal," Weldon said.


PASADENA, Calif. -- A racing tycoon accused in the slayings of legendary racer Mickey Thompson and his wife two decades ago said he wanted to rip Thompson off in a business deal, a messenger testified Tuesday.

Stewart Linkletter, who said he worked for Michael Goodwin as a messenger and driver in 1984, told jurors at Goodwin's murder trial that he heard Goodwin say, "'We're going to screw Mickey out of everything.'"

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By LINDA DEUTSCH, The Associated Press
Nov 6, 2006 9:38 PM (1 day ago)
Current rank: # 1,953 of 6,472 articles booking document

Jew threatens thompson

PASADENA, Calif. - Nearly 19 years after Mickey Thompson and his wife were slain, three witnesses testified Monday that a former business partner made threatening remarks about the racing legend just weeks or months before the couple was gunned down by killers who escaped on bicycles.

The testimony against Michael Frank Goodwin came after a prosecutor told jurors it was a professional hit engineered to make Thompson see his wife killed before a bullet was fired into his brain.

"As he was shot, over and over the mantra he repeated was the same, 'Please don't hurt my wife,'" Deputy District Attorney Alan Jackson said, quoting neighbors who heard the couple's cries.

Thompson had won a $793,000 judgment against Goodwin in a lawsuit and after legal wrangling Goodwin had been forced to declare bankruptcy, Jackson said in outlining a circumstantial case.

Goodwin's public defender, Elena Saris, countered in her opening that there is no forensic evidence, no murder weapon, no proof of a payout to anyone or a money drop to pay assassins.

"This is the story of a botched investigation and a Hollywood series of events based on false assumptions," she said.

Thompson, who was 59 when he died in 1988, competed in numerous auto sports and was the first person to travel more than 400 mph on land. He was inducted posthumously into the Motorsports Hall of Fame of America.

The 61-year-old Goodwin, whose fame was in staging Supercross motorcycle races, is charged with two counts of murder with special circumstances and faces life in prison if convicted. His prosecution came about after years of pressure by Thompson's sister, Collene Campbell.

Saris told jurors that most prosecution witnesses emerged after they saw TV shows about the case and learned there were large rewards. She acknowledged that the prosecution's first witness didn't fit that profile.

Bill Wilson,
a former police commander and later manager of the Rose Bowl and Jack Murphy Stadium in San Diego, testified that he and his wife hosted a dinner party for Goodwin and his wife a little more than a month before the killings. Wilson said it was he who had introduced the two men and suggested they do business together.

Wilson said he knew there were problems between the two but was stunned when Goodwin told him: "Thompson is killing me. He's destroying me. He's taking everything I've got. I'm gonna take him out."

Wilson said he replied, "Nobody wins that one. Mickey's dead and you're in prison."

Wilson said he was upset.

"I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He was going to kill a friend of mine," he testified.

Wilson said before the conversation ended Goodwin looked at him and said, "You know I'm just kidding. I couldn't do anything like that."

Asked if he believed Goodwin's comments, Wilson said, "Nothing led me to believe the defendant was making a joke."

Wilson's wife, Nina, gave a similar account of the conversation. She said that when Wilson told Goodwin he would go to jail, Goodwin responded, "Oh no, I'm too smart for that. Nobody will pin it on me."

Neither of the Wilsons said they reported anything to police after the dinner.

The third witness, Karen Dragutin, testified that some months before the murder she encountered Goodwin at dinner with a friend and she joined them.

"They started talking about the lawsuits and problems with lawyers," Dragutin said.

She said Goodwin's attitude became "cocky and arrogant and he was pretty mad. I remember them talking about Mickey Thompson."

She testified that Goodwin "made a statement somewhere along the line that the only way to get out of the mess was to take care of Mickey Thompson."

On further questioning she added that Goodwin said "the only way he was going to get out of it was if Mickey Thompson died."

Dragutin, who said he also talked of getting a boat and going to Bermuda, testified she did not contact police until she saw the case on the TV show "Unsolved Mysteries" and "thought that what I had heard was relevant."

She said she called a hot line, a detective came to interview her and she picked Goodwin out of a photo lineup. She said she also called after a "48 Hours" show and the lead officer on the case called and took information.

On cross-examination, Dragutin said she couldn't remember if there were large rewards offered in the case.

During the prosecution's opening, Jackson showed pictures of the couple lying in pools of blood in their driveway.

"Although they died March 16, 1988, their demise started four years earlier when they went into business with Michael Goodwin," Jackson said.

The prosecutor said Thompson, who was known for staging Motocross races, went into business with Goodwin because he felt it was time to cut back on his grueling schedule.

But Thompson realized he was being cheated by his new partner and began filing "crushing" lawsuits that led Goodwin to develop a "vendetta," Jackson said.

Jackson alleged Goodwin hired two hit men to go to the Thompsons' house in the gated Los Angeles suburb of Bradbury, which he had scoped out beforehand, to shoot them and escape on a bicycle route.

"It was a professional execution," Jackson said.

Jackson said he will call neighbors who came forward years after the killing to say that they saw a man resembling Goodwin checking out the bicycle path with binoculars days before the killings.

Shortly after the killings, he said, Goodwin liquidated assets, sold his home, transferred money to an account in the Caribbean and bought a $400,000 yacht on which he and his then-wife left the United States for three years.

Defense attorney Saris acknowledged harsh words were spoken between Goodwin and Thompson, but said that "folklore was generated by the media" which led witnesses to come forward.

She acknowledged her client had refused to pay the judgment Thompson won.

"You might not think of this as honorable behavior, she said, "but it is not evidence of murder."

She claimed the two men had reached a settlement days before the murders.

She also disputed the claim that Goodwin fled, saying he often flew back to California to take care of business, that police knew his whereabouts and his lawyers had offered to make him available.

PHOTO (select to view enlarged photo)
Photo from official Mickey Thompson website:

The "never ending" eighteen-year-old murder case of auto racing legend, Mickey Thompson and his wife Trudy

This story was sent to TACH today from Mickey Thompson's sister Collene (Thompson) Campbell. We have not yet checked the accuracy of the information, but have no reason to doubt its veracity. I think it makes for interesting reading, however, please read with an open mind. Marc J. Rauch - TACH Auto Central

San Juan Capistrano -February 5, 2006: Years ago, I said I would attempt to keep our good friends and a few special media associates updated on the progress of my Brother and Sister-in-law's murder case. At that time, I did not know this would be a lifetime commitment of tremendous frustration and additional pain.

My Brother, Mickey Thompson, was more than an auto racing legend, he and his wonderful wife, Trudy, were the most special people ever. Anyone would be proud to know them, let alone have them as your Brother and Sister. They are terribly missed!

I feel that it is despicable that our justice system tolerates the known deceit, coupled with the outrageous delays that the victim's family is forced to endure, plus, the taxpayers are obligated to pay the absurd additional costs. Obviously, as a family, we are tired and discouraged. However, I wanted to keep my word to you . . . and let you know, . it is "possible" that we could get a ruling Monday that something significant might begin to happen and "just maybe" we could move forward towards a trial date. I don't have any inside information, and perhaps it is just wishful thinking. It is my understanding that the "Special Master" is expected to make another report, hopefully a "final" report.

The case, and the motions, are scheduled to be heard:

Jewish Judge

February 6, 2006, 1:30 p.m.
Before: Judge Teri Schwartz, Los Angeles County,
Pasadena Superior Court, Department E, 5th floor. Following is information that I have tried to "keep track of". It is long and drawn the case.

Kindest regards,
Collene (Thompson) Campbell

Thompson Murder Case:,

Auto Racing legend, Mickey Thompson, 59, and Trudy Thompson, 41, were shot to death in the driveway of their Bradbury, CA, home, shortly after 6:00 a.m. on the morning of March 16, 1988.

For media information: Contact the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office: Public Information Officer, Sandi Gibbons (213) 974-3528.

General Information Regarding Defendant:
First Arrested by Orange County at his O. C. home for double homicide, Dec. 13, 2001: Note: Defendant had the right to go to trial within 60 days from date of arrest. Accused Defendant: Michael Frank Goodwin, DOB: 2-4-45
Was charged by the Los Angeles District Attorney, June 6, 2004 and rearrested in the Orange County Jail by L.A. County Sheriff, June 28, 2004.
L. A. County Sheriff Booking # 8178058; File # 088-04387-0511-011
Goodwin can currently be located on the L. A. County Jail website:

Jewess wife also convicted
FYI: Goodwin's Former Federal Case # SACR 93-67-1: Michael Goodwin and former wife, Diane Sidel Goodwin, were found guilty of numerous felonies. They were convicted of 13 counts of conspiracy and lying to financial institutions, sentenced to 30 months in Federal Prison, July 8, 1996. (Santa Ana Criminal, year 1993, case number 67, defendant "1", Federal Court.)
Los Angeles District Attorney's Office: Case No. GA 052683 Current charges: Goodwin is charged with two counts of murder, along with special circumstances of lying in wait and multiple murders. The LADA Office announced, Feb. 1, 2005, they would not seek the death penalty.

L. A. County Prosecutors on case (representing the people of California): Head Deputy District Attorney Patrick Dixon, Major Crimes Division Alan Jackson, Major Crimes Division. L.A. County D.A. website: Los Angeles County Sheriff Office: (323) 890-5500 Homicide Bureau, Detective Mark Lillienfeld, (323) 890-5628

California State Public Defenders representing Goodwin: Lead Deputy Public Defender Elena Saris Deputy Public Defender Tom Summers LOS ANGELES COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY FILED CASE, June 6, 2004:

Note: Goodwin left the country and was out of contact for three years following the Thompson murders. After returning to the U.S. he was investigated. Shortly thereafter, in 1993, he was arrested by the FBI, tried and found guilt of 13 counts of conspiracy and lying to financial institutions, sentenced to 2 ½ years in Federal Prison, July 8, 1996. His wife was also convicted and served Federal time.

Federal Case # SACR 93-67-1

Following: LOS ANGELES COUNTY Court Dates and Actions: June 8, 2004, Los Angeles District Attorney's Office charges Michael Goodwin with murder prior to his release from Orange County. Case No. GA 052683.
June 26, 2004. L. A. Deputy Sheriffs arrest Goodwin in Orange County
Jail; transport him to L.A. County jail for prosecution for double homicide.
June 29, 2004. Arraignment, Pasadena Superior Court, Judge Barbara L. Burke. Goodwin was ordered to be held without bail and appear for Preliminary Hearing, Sept. 8, 2004, (Note: Sept. 8th is Gary and Collene Campbell's 53rd Wedding anniversary where Mickey Thompson was their best man)
Sept. 8, 2004. Preliminary Hearing delayed until Oct. 4, 2004
Sept. 21, 2004. Judge Teri Schwartz denied the Motion to exclude testimony of L. A. Sheriff Homicide Investigator, Detective Mark Lillienfeld, during the Preliminary Hearing, scheduled to begin before Judge Schwartz, Oct. 4, 2004, (Trudy's birthday).
Oct. 4, 5, 6, 8, 12 & 13th, 2004. Preliminary Hearing. Pasadena Superior Court, Judge Teri Schwartz, Main Criminal Courts Building, 5th floor, Dept. E, 300 East Walnut Street, Pasadena, CA.
Oct. 13, 2004. Following the Preliminary Hearing and testimony of twenty prosecution witnesses, Judge Teri Schwartz ordered Goodwin to stand trial for two counts of murder, with the special circumstances of lying in wait and multiple murder. Goodwin remains in custody. Arraignment is Oct. 28.
Oct. 28, 2004. Arraignment. Goodwin pled not guilty and was ordered to stand trial for the Thompson murders. The Pre-trial Conference is scheduled for Dec. 9, 2004
Dec. 9, 2004. Pre-trial Conference. Pasadena Superior Court, Judge Teri Schwartz. Goodwin has the right to go to trial within sixty days. Defense filed three more motions. Next court date is scheduled for Jan. 27, 2005.
Feb. 1, 2005. Another trial delay.
Feb. 14, 2005. (Valentines Day) Judge Teri Schwartz. Defense made motion to release Goodwin on bail. The motion was "Denied". Note: The California Constitution states a defendant is not entitled to bail if charged with Capital Murder with Special Circumstances. Two new court dates scheduled: March 7, for a 995 motion, basically claiming there is not enough evidence to hold the defendant to answer. Scheduled to be heard before Judge Janice C. Croft, Dept. H (this is another motion for dismissal). March 14, to go before Judge Schwartz, Dept. E (motion to dismiss).

20 witnesses
March 7, 2005. 995 Motion denied. After Judge Janice C. Croft read the many pages of testimony of the twenty witnesses during the October 2004 Preliminary Hearing before Judge Teri Schwartz, Judge Croft ruled that there was sufficient evidence to hold Goodwin to answer the charges, , affirming the Oct. 13, 2004 ruling by Judge Schwartz who ordered Goodwin to stand trial for the murders of Mickey and Trudy Thompson, with special circumstances of lying in wait and multiple murders. He is to be held without bail.
March 14, 2005. Date changed to March 17. March 17, 2005. (Happy St. Patrick's Day.) Judge Teri Schwartz denied another defense motion to dismiss the double homicide case against Michael F. Goodwin. The defense made claims without reference to any supporting evidence. The failure to do so leads one to believe that this is simply another unfounded bold assertion by the defendant at casting a poor light on law enforcement officials. Next court date, April 27, 2005.
April 27, 2005. This latest motion to recuse the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office was continued to May 16 and will again be heard in Pasadena Superior Court, Dept. E, 5th floor.
May 16, 2005. Judge Teri Schwartz denied the defense motion to dismiss, saying the motion did not rise to the level of misconduct or intent. Next court date is June 2, for another motion to recuse the L. A. D. A. office.
June 2, 2005: Judge Teri Schwartz denied a defense motion to recuse the L.A. Prosecutors or the L.A.D.A. Office. The Judge also denied a defense request to suppress evidence. On June 13, a Special Master is scheduled to be appointed to evaluate all evidence to make certain no attorney client privileged evidence is utilized. Plus, on that date the court will review progress and the court is scheduled to proceed with motions July 14. The Judge said the case will be tried in L. A. instead of Pasadena.
June 13, 2005: Lead Deputy Public Defender Elena Saris, did not appear in Court due to her Mother's death. She did not notify the D.D.A., thereby Alan Jackson did appear and was told Saris would not return to work for possibly a month.
July 14, 2005: Scheduled next court date for August 17, 2005 regarding the appointment of a Special Master to evaluate all evidence making certain no defense, attorney client privileged evidence would or could be utilized by the prosecution. Nothing else took place.
August 17, 2005: A Special Master, George Bird, was appointed. The next court date is scheduled for September 20, 2005, Pasadena Superior Court.
September 20, 2005: Pretrial hearing moved to November 17, 2005, Dept. E Pasadena Superior Court, on 8:30 a.m. calendar. A series of defense hearings tentatively scheduled to begin, November 28, 2005, Dept. E, Pasadena on a defense request to recuse the L.A.D.A. Office from prosecuting Goodwin.
October 14, 2005: The November 17, 2005 date, was changed by the defense to November 16, 2005 for an update by the Special Master.
November 16, 2005: The Special Master, George Bird, reported to the Judge on film in closed session. Judge Schwartz, in open court, ordered the Special Master to separate any possible attorney client privileged documents or any out of scope documents that was seized under a search warrant. A hearing on that matter and to recuse the L.A.D.A.'s Office is scheduled for Jan. 10, 2006 in the same courtroom. A motion for Goodwin's bail will be heard on Nov. 30, 2005, in Judge Schwartz's same courtroom.
Nov. 30, 2005: For the second time in an L.A. County Court, Goodwin was again denied bail.
Dec. 8, no action, next court date: Jan. 10, 2006; changed to Jan. 17, 2006 for another defense recusal motion.
Jan. 17, 2006: In Judge Schwartz's courtroom. More defense motions. Next court date: Feb. 6, 2006.

PREVIOUS ACTION IN ORANGE COUNTY: Fourth Appellate Court, Division 3 (925 N. Spurgeon, Santa Ana, CA) dismissed case due to jurisdiction issues, L.A. Filed Case and arrested Goodwin, June 2004.
Orange County Trial Judge: Superior Court Judge Francisco P. Briseno, Orange County, Main Central Court Building, 700 Civic Center West, Santa Ana. 11th floor, Department C 45
Note: The L. A. D. A. had never turned the case down.

* * * * * Delays

Information on Court Action Started In Orange County:
(Note: There were additional court dates of which we were not aware, until after the fact.)
Orange County District Attorney Office, Santa Ana, CA, Case # 01CF3294;
O. C. Deputy District Attorney, David Brent, Prosecutor.
O. C. Deputy District Attorney, James Mulgrew, Writs & Appeal.
4th Appellate District, Div. 3, Case Number: G031285.

December 13, 2001; Michael Frank Goodwin Arrested for Thompson murders.

Various Charges

December 17, 2001; Goodwin arraigned, ordered held without bail for two counts of first degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder, plus, three special circumstances: (1) Lying in wait, (2) murder for financial gain and (3) multiple homicide.

February 15, 2002; by request of Goodwin's defense, his Federal Probation Violation Hearing was rescheduled to Feb. 17, 2003.
March 1, 2002; Recusal Hearing (995 defense motion, to move case from Orange County) rescheduled by Judge Gary Pare to March 8th, and that Recusal hearing of Orange County District Attorney's Office was reset to March 18th.
March 18, 2002; Orange County Superior Court Judge F. P. Briseno, denied the defense Recusal Motion to remove case from Orange County.
April 15,16 & 18th; Preliminary Hearing: Superior Court Judge Briseno, 10th floor.
April 18; Preliminary Hearing: Judge Briseno ruled there was sufficient evidence to bind Goodwin over for trial for the Thompson murders.
April 30th; Superior Court Arraignment, Judge Kreber, Dept. 5, Goodwin pleaded not guilty. Judge Kreber ordered Goodwin held for all murder charges, without bail.
May 10; Judge Kazuhara Makino, Dept. 30; For a Penal Code Section "995" motion to dismiss case for insufficient evidence at preliminary hearing date. Set 995 hearing, June 28. Scheduled murder trial to begin July 8, 2002 before Judge Briseno.
June 28; Defense failed to file their motion and the June 28 date was removed from the court calendar. July 8 is scheduled to be the next court appearance before Judge Makino who will set a new date for trial.
July 3; The 4th District Court of Appeals refused to hear the appeal of the Defense, to overturn the court's denial of their recusal motion (to remove the trial from Orange County Courts).
July 8; In the Superior Court of Judge F. Briseno, Goodwin's trial was delayed to December 9, 2002. A 1538.5 motion (suppress evidence, unlawful search and seizure) scheduled Sept. 6, Judge Briseno's Court. On this same date in Dept. 38, Superior Court Judge Frank Fasel, set a 995 hearing, scheduled for July 26. Note: The July 26, 995 Motion hearing was later delayed until August 23, 2002. (Note: that hearing date was also rescheduled.)
Sept. 6; Judge Frank Fasel, rescheduled the 995 motion, due to be heard in his court, Sept. 20, 9:00 a.m. (moved to the 11th floor).
Judge F. Briseno ordered an information hearing for Sept. 20, 11th floor, for the 1538.5 motion. (A motion by defense to suppress evidence seized by officers serving search warrants. The defense filed a 1050 motion to continue.
Sept. 20: Judge Fasel denied the 995 defense motion. Trial has been ordered to remain in Orange County. Judge Briseno, after hearing the prosecution and defense, set another hearing for Sept. 27, regarding discovery requirements under Penal Code Section 1054.1
Sept. 27: Judge Briseno ruled that the defense discovery motion was too broad and denied some of their requests. Judge Briseno ordered another hearing for 8:30 a. m., Oct. 18, to discuss the progress of discovery. The Oct. 18 date was continued until Oct. 25, which was again continued until Nov. 1, and on that date was continued until Nov 8.)
Nov. 8, Judge Briseno granted the defense's motion and reset the trial date from Dec. 9, delaying trial another four months. The new trial date is April 7, 2003, 9:00 a.m. in the Courtroom of Judge Briseno, 11th floor.
Dec. 9,2002; Hearing scheduled on the progress of discovery evidence.
Note: the victims' family and prosecutor appeared in the courtroom, only to learn all action concerning the case had been stayed by the Court of Appeal, with exception of the appearance court on Feb. 21, 2003.
Feb. 19, 2003, (Advanced from Feb. 21) 9:00 a.m., 925 N. Spurgeon, Santa Ana. Good Cause Appearing. Hearing before the 4th District Appellate Court,. Jurisdiction: O.C. or L.A.?
April 7, 2003 Murder trial was scheduled to begin. Note: Trial has been Stayed until a ruling by the DCA.
Oct. 21, 2003. 4th D. C. A., scheduled to hear more arguments on Goodwin's appeal regarding jurisdiction of the case. Reset to Oct. 23.
Oct. 23, 2003 Rescheduled, the 4th Dist. Appellate Court heard arguments on the Jurisdiction of the case.
April 23, 2004 Calif. 4th District Court of Appeal rules that Orange County does not have jurisdiction of the case.

Case moved to L. A. County, June 2004 (See above)


Plan was to rip off racing legend
Chauffeur testifies that Michael Goodwin, who is accused of killing Mickey Thompson and his wife, bragged about cheating Thompson.
By John Spano, Times Staff Writer
November 8, 2006

Michael Goodwin gloated about how he would "screw" racing legend Mickey Thompson out of his part of the joint business deal they had signed just hours before, his chauffeur testified Tuesday.

The driver, Charles Linkletter, said Goodwin planned to take advantage of Thompson from the beginning of their joint venture into racing promotion. After the 1984 deal was signed, Goodwin launched on a "45-minute diatribe about screwing him, ripping him off."

Instead, Thompson turned the tables on Goodwin and beat him in court, winning a $514,000 judgment that prosecutors contend was Goodwin's motive to kill Thompson and his wife, Trudy, at their Los Angeles County estate in 1988.

Linkletter told jurors in Pasadena that Goodwin, on trial for the murders 18 years ago, threatened him if he didn't keep quiet.

"If you ever say a word about this conversation to anybody else, I'll … kill you," Linkletter recalled Goodwin saying.

Thompson, the first American to exceed 400 mph at the Bonneville salt flats and a motor sports pioneer and prominent promoter, joined with Goodwin, who invented the sport of motorcycle supercross, to promote dirt races in arenas in Southern California, including the Los Angeles Coliseum and Anaheim Stadium. But the deal quickly fell apart, and Goodwin was bankrupted when Thompson sued and won.

Goodwin, also a race promoter, was "loud, obnoxious and brash" during the year Linkletter worked for him out of his Laguna Beach office, the chauffeur said.

On the second full day of Goodwin's trial, all the witnesses were gray-haired and balding, reflecting the age of the case.

Penn Weldon, a former police officer and private detective, testified that Goodwin tried to hire him in 1987 to bug the car and offices of Thompson's lawyer. Goodwin said Thompson had ruined him financially and he wanted "to get even," Weldon testified.

The cutthroat nature of the competition for races was highlighted by David Jacobs, a former Pasadena police lieutenant and general manager of the Rose Bowl. He said Goodwin promoted all racing events there until 1987, when Thompson beat him out for the promotion rights.

Loves to screw people


Jacobs said Goodwin staged an international race at the Rose Bowl before the 1984 Olympics that tore up the turf, but failed to repair the damage.

"He'd rather cheat you out of $1,000 rather than make $10,000 with you legally," Jacobs told jurors.


Goodwin's cousin, Gregory Keay, said he attended a family gathering at Goodwin's house several months before the killings.

"He said Mickey was out to get all of his money, and before that would happen, he would have him wasted," Keay testified.

The Thompson murders fascinated the media. At least 10 national television shows highlighted the investigation, including "America's Most Wanted" and "48 Hours," which is now preparing its third one-hour show on the case.

As the television shows aired, new witnesses came forward, firming up the case enough for prosecutors to file charges. The defense has suggested the pervasive and continuing media coverage of the case and a $1-million reward produced many witnesses with fake or faulty memories.

Half a dozen witnesses are prepared to testify they heard Goodwin threaten Thompson. The defense contends that the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department initially botched the investigation, and failed to follow up aggressively on leads that pointed away from Goodwin.


Buying a hit

The court also heard from Barron Wehinger of Durango, Colo., who said Goodwin came to visit his family when he was 16. He said he remembered hearing a conversation about Thompson between his stepfather and Goodwin.

"I heard Mike saying, 'I'll kill him. ... I can get it done for 50 grand.' And my stepfather said, 'I can get it done for 20 grand.' And Mike said, 'I don't want to get you involved.'"





By LINDA DEUTSCH AP Special Correspondent


PASADENA, Calif. Nov 9, 2006 (AP)— Two lawyers testifying in the trial of a man accused of slaying racing legend Mickey Thompson said the court battle over the pair's severed business ties two decades ago was vitriolic.

Philip Bartenetti, an attorney who once represented Thompson, and Dolores Cordell, a bankruptcy lawyer involved in the case, both testified Wednesday at the trial of racing tycoon Michael Goodwin, who is accused of having Thompson and his wife, Trudy, killed over the failed business relationship nearly 19 years ago.

"In all my years of practice …. this was absolutely beyond a doubt the most bitter and contentiously fought lawsuit I've ever been involved in," Cordell said.

Thompson, 59, and his 41-year-old wife were gunned down in the driveway of their home in the gated Los Angeles suburb of Bradbury and the two killers escaped on bicycles. Prosecutors say it was a professional hit.

Thompson, who gained fame in numerous auto sports and set land speed records, had merged his motorcycle racing business with Goodwin's but their association quickly soured and Thompson successfully sued him.


Bartenetti described the lengths to which Goodwin went to try to overturn a judgment that he owed Thompson $793,000. Bartenetti said Goodwin went to an appeals court, which upheld the ruling, then tried to appeal to the California Supreme Court, which refused to consider the case. Goodwin then sued Thompson personally, Bartenetti said.

Goodwin lost the case on March 2, 1988, Bartenetti said. Thompson was killed two weeks later, on March 16.

Goodwin, 61, was brought to trial on murder charges after years of pressure by Thompson's sister. He is charged with two counts of murder with special circumstances and faces life in prison if convicted.

The defense has cited the lack of any physical evidence and contends Goodwin is a victim of false assumptions and of TV shows that created a "folklore" and prompted people to come forward with unsubstantiated accounts.

The court also heard from Barron Wehinger of Durango, Colo., who said Goodwin came to visit his family when he was 16. He said he remembered hearing a conversation about Thompson between his stepfather and Goodwin.

"I heard Mike saying, 'I'll kill him. … I can get it done for 50 grand.' And my stepfather said, 'I can get it done for 20 grand.' And Mike said, 'I don't want to get you involved.'"

On cross-examination, defense attorney Elena Saris pointed out that Wehinger came forward after a 1999 TV "Unsolved Mysteries" about the case.

"I didn't want to get my family involved and now my mother has passed on and I can say what I really heard," he said.


SYNOPSIS: The pre-dawn quiet of March 16, 1988 was shattered by the sound of gunfire. Mickey Thompson and his wife Trudy were brutally gunned down in the driveway of their home. Sheriff's investigators went to the scene and immediately knew that the murders were a professional "hit." Trudy Thompson had been wearing $70,000 worth of jewelry, none of which was taken. Witnesses report that they saw two African-American men -believed to be the shooters - ride off on bicycles away from the crime scene in the Thompson's exclusive Southern California neighborhood. Mickey Thompson had first blazed into the record books by being the first American to break the 400 mile-per-hour land speed mark. His pioneering designs changed the face of racing. During the 1980's, Mickey developed an extremely profitable stadium-racing venture. His wife, Trudy was constantly at his side. They worked hand-in-hand to promote their many business ventures. But police say some of his business ventures may have gone sour. According to Mickey's sister, Mickey told her that an individual might hurt him. Several days after that conversation, the Thompsons were brutally gunned down in cold blood as they left their home in the gated community of Bradbury, California. For thirteen years, Sheriff's investigators attempted to piece together a case.



Thompson's sister









Argentinian given names accepted by the Civil Registration Entity

Jewish Genealogy in Argentina
The Online Center of Jewish Genealogy in Argentina


jewish genealogy in Argentina

The following is a list that includes the argentinian names accepted by the Civil Registration Entity of Buenos Aires. This list shows argentinian jewish and non jewish names. The Civil Registration Entity of Buenos Aires accepts those names that are listed here, but you can suggest new names for newborn babies demonstrating that this name belongs to another culture. In case of jewish names you can find in the list ones like Iacov and Iaacob (when the spanish translation is Jacobo), Reuben and Reuven (when the spanish translation is Ruben), Itzjak and Itzjok (when the spanish translation is Isaac), Shmuel (when the spanish translation is Samuel), Leah (when the spanish translation is Lia). You can find also jewish names without spanish translation like Shneur, Sholem, Shulamit and Dov

The name starts with letter:



Alesandro M



Aaron M
Aaronit M
Aba F
Abaco M
Abalen M
Abbas M
Abbie F
Abbott M
Abby F
Abdala M
Abdas M
Abdecalas M
Abdel M
Abderico M
Abdias M
Abdiel M
Abdieso M
Abdo M
Abdon M
Abdul M
Abdullah M
Abe M
Abel M
Abelardo M
Abenamar M
Abencio M
Abeni F
Aberardo M
Abercio M
Abey M
Abhay M
Abi A
Abia F
Abibo M
Abibon M
Abie M
Abiel M
Abigail F
Abijah M
Abijail F
Abilio M
Abimael M
Abira F
Abisai M
Abner M
Abra F
Abraham M
Abrahamitas M
Abrahan M
Abram M
Abran M
Abril F
Abryl F
Absalon M
Abu M
Abudemio M
Abundancio M
Abundio M
Acabi F
Acacia F
Acacio M
Acaρir A
Acantha F
Acaropita F
Acato M
Accalia F
Accas M
Accio M
Acdel M
Ace M
Acelin M
Acepimas M
Acilino M
Acindino M
Acira F
Acisclo M
Ackerley M
Acnin A
Acucio M
Acursio M
Ada F
Adabella F
Adah F
Adair M
Adala M
Adalberto M
Adalgisa F
Adalia F
Adalid M
Adalino M
Adalis F
Adam M
Adamina F
Adamnan M
Adamo M
Adan M
Adaobi F
Adara F
Adauco M
Adaucto M
Adbeel M
Adbi M
Addie F
Addis F
Addison M
Ade M
Adel M
Adela F
Adelaida F
Adelaide F
Adelardo M
Adelberto M
Adelburga F
Adele F
Adelfa F
Adelfo M
Adelgiro M
Adelia F
Adelina F
Adeline F
Adelino M
Adelio M
Adelle F
Adelma F
Adelmar M
Adelmo M
Adelqui M
Adem M
Ademar M
Ademaro M
Ademia F
Adena F
Aderes M
Aderito M
Adhelma F
Adhemar M
Adi M
Adib M
Adiel M
Adil M
Adila F
Adilson M
Adina F
Adiran M
Adita F
Aditardo M
Aditi F
Adiva F
Adlai M
Adley M
Admon M
Ado M
Adolfina F
Adolfo M
Adolph M
Adon M
Adonai M
Adoncia F
Adonia F
Adonis M
Adora F
Adoracion F
Adorinda F
Adrew M
Adria F
Adrian M
Adriana F
Adriano M
Adriel M
Adrienne F
Adrine F
Adrio M
Adrion M
Adulfo M
Adventor M
Ady F
Adyuto M
Adyutor M
Aeneas M
Affrica F
Afia M
Afiano M
Afif A
Afra F
Afraates M
Afric F
Africa A
Africano M
Afrides M
Afrika F
Afrodisio M
Afrodita F
Afton M
Aftonio M
Agabe M
Agabio M
Agabo M
Agape F
Agapio M
Agapito M
Agar F
Agata F
Agatangelo M
Agate A
Agatha F
Agatoclia F
Agatodoro M
Agaton M
Agatonica F
Agatonico M
Agatopodes M
Agatopodo M
Ageo M
Agerico M
Aggie F
Aghavni F
Agilberto M
Agileo M
Aglae F
Agliberto M
Agnano M
Agnelo M
Agnes F
Agnese F
Agnetha F
Agnew M
Agoardo M
Agop M
Agostina F
Agostino M
Agricio M
Agricola M
Agripa M
Agripina F
Agripino M
Aguaclara F
Agueda F
Aguri M
Agusti M
Agustin M
Agustina F
Agustino M
Aharon M
Ahava F
Ahearn M
Ahian M
Ahilton M
Ahmad M
Ahmed M
Ahmik M
Aiad A
Aiako F
Aiala F
Aicardo M
Aicha F
Aida F
Aidan M
Aidano M
Aide F
Aiel M
Aielet F
Aien A
Aigulfo M
Aike A
Aiken F
Aiko F
Aila F
Aileen F
Ailen F
Ailin F
Ailish F
Ailla F
Ailsa F
Aimar M
Aimara F
Aimardo M
Aime F
Aimee F
Aimery M
Aimi F
Aimie F
Ain A
Aina F
Ainao A
Ainara F
Aine F
Ainhoa F
Ainsley F
Ainslie M
Aiosha M
Airlia F
Aischa F
Aisha F
Aisling F
Aislinn F
Aissatou F
Aitalas M
Aitana F
Aitiana F
Aitor M
Aixa F
Aiyana F
Ajani M
Ajay M
Akagi M
Akane F
Akanke F
Akari M
Akasma F
Akbar M
Akela F
Akemi F
Aki M
Akiko F
Akil M
Akilah A
Akilina A
Akina F
Akio M
Akira M
Akiva M
Aksel M
Al M
Alaa F
Alaciel M
Aladdin M
Aladino M
Alahi F
Alaia F
Alaide F
Alain M
Alair M
Alala F
Alan M
Alana F
Alani F
Alanis F
Alanna F
Alano M
Alaor M
Alaqua F
Alaric M
Alarico M
Alastair M
Alaura F
Alavda F
Alaya F
Alayde F
Alayn M
Alba F
Alban M
Albana F
Albano M
Albar M
Alben M
Alberico M
Albert M
Alberta F
Albertina F
Alberto M
Albida F
Albin M
Albina F
Albinka F
Albino M
Albuino M
Alcander M
Alceo M
Alcia F
Alcibiades M
Alcides M
Alcina F
Alcira F
Alcmena F
Alcott A
Alda F
Aldabel F
Aldabella F
Aldair M
Aldan M
Aldana F
Aldara F
Aldea F
Aldegunda F
Aldelmo M
Aldemar M
Alden M
Alder M
Aldercy F
Alderico M
Aldevar M
Aldina F
Aldo M
Ale A
Alea F
Aleandro M
Aleardo M
Alec M
Alecio M
Aleeza F
Alegra F
Alegre F
Alegria F
Aleida F
Aleix M
Alejandra F
Alejandrina F
Alejandro M
Alejo M
Alek M
Aleka F
Aleksan M
Aleksander M
Aleksandra F
Aleksey M
Aleksy M
Aleli F
Alelia F
Alem M
Alen A
Alena F
Alenka F
Aleron M
Alesandra F
Alesandro M
Aleser M
Alesia F
Alesio M
Alessandra F
Alessandro M
Alessia F
Alessio M
Aleta F
Alethea F
Alethia F
Aletta F
Alex M
Alexa F
Alexan M
Alexander M
Alexandra F
Alexandre M
Alexandria F
Alexandrina F
Alexandro M
Alexandros M
Alexeev M
Alexei M
Alexey M
Alexia F
Alexina F
Alexio M
Alexis M
Aley A
Aleya F
Alfa M
Alfeo M
Alfieri M
Alfio M
Alfonsa F
Alfonsina F
Alfonso M
Alfred M
Alfredo M
Algar M
Alger M
Algerico M
Alheli F
Alhue M
Alhueche A
Ali M
Alia F
Alian A
Alibar M
Alice F
Alicia F
Alida F
Alide F
Alides M
Alidia F
Alihuen A
Alik M
Alike F
Aliki F
Alim M
Alima F
Alin F
Alina F
Alinda F
Aline F
Alipio M
Aliquen M
Alira F
Alis F
Alison F
Alissa F
Alistair M
Alister M
Alit F
Alita F
Alithia F
Alix F
Aliza F
Alize F
Alkun M
Allan M
Allard M
Allegra F
Allen M
Allison F
Alma F
Almandos M
Almanzor M
Almaquio M
Almendra F
Almiro M
Almudena F
Alodia F
Alodie F
Alois M
Aloisio M
Aloiz M
Alojz M
Alomai F
Alon M
Alona F
Alondra F
Alonso M
Aloysia F
Alphonse M
Alpiniano M
Alsacia F
Alston M
Altagracia F
Altair F
Altea F
Alter M
Althea F
Alton M
Aluel M
Aluen A
Aluhe A
Alula M
Alulay F
Alumine F
Alun F
Alunι F
Aluney A
Alva A
Alvand M
Alvar M
Alvaro M
Alvesio M
Alvia F
Alvin M
Alvis M
Alvita F
Alys F
Alysa F
Alyson F
Alyssa F
Alzena F
Amabel F
Amabelio M
Amable F
Amada F
Amadeo M
Amadeus M
Amadis M
Amado M
Amador M
Amaia F
Amaicha F
Amaike A
Amal F
Amali F
Amalia F
Amalio M
Amaltea F
Amambay F
Aman M
Amana F
Amancai F
Amancay F
Amancio M
Amanda F
Amandine F
Amandio M
Amando M
Amani A
Amankaya A
Amantze F
Amara F
Amarande F
Amaranta F
Amarante F
Amaranto M
Amarilis F
Amarino M
Amarire F
Amaris F
Amaro M
Amaru A
Amaryllis F
Amata F
Amatista F
Amauri M
Amaury F
Amauta F
Amaya F
Ambar F
Ambay A
Amber F
Ambico M
Ambika F
Ambrosia F
Ambrosio M
Amedeo M
Ameerah F
Ameghino M
Amel M
Amelberga F
Amelia F
Amelida F
Amelie F
Amelin F
Amelina F
Amelio M
Amena F
America F
Americo M
Amethyst F
Ami F
Amideo M
Amiel M
Amijay F
Amilcar M
Amin M
Amina F
Aminda F
Amine F
Aminta F
Amir M
Amira F
Amiri M
Amissa F
Amit M
Amitai F
Amittai M
Amity F
Ammi F
Ammia F
Ammiano M
Ammiel M
Ammon M
Ammonaria F
Ammonio M
Amnedis F
Amneris F
Amon M
Amor A
Amorina F
Amorino M
Amory F
Amos M
Amparo F
Ampelio M
Ampelo M
Ampliado M
Amuyen M
Amy F
Amye F
An F
Ana F
Ana de las Ermitas F
Anaba F
Anabel F
Anabela F
Anabeli F
Anabella F
Anacario M
Anacarla F
Anacelis F
Anaclara F
Anacleto M
Anacreonte M
Anadina F
Anael A
Anaelle F
Anahi F
Anahiancy F
Anahid F
Anais F
Analaura F
Analena F
Anali F
Analia F
Analis F
Analisa F
Analiz F
Analua F
Analuz F
Analy F
Anamilla F
Anamlor F
Ananda F
Anandi F
Anando M
Ananias M
Ananquel F
Anarda F
Anasol F
Anastacia F
Anastasia F
Anastasio M
Anastay F
Anat A
Anatalon M
Anatiel F
Anatilde F
Anatol M
Anatole M
Anatolia F
Anatolio M
Anatonia F
Anaxagoras M
Ancelin F
Ande M
Andeolo M
Ander M
Anders M
Andi F
Andina F
Andino M
Andoni M
Andoquio M
Andra F
Andranik M
Andras A
Andre M
Andrea A
Andreana F
Andreas M
Andrei M
Andreina F
Andres M
Andretta F
Andreus M
Andrew M
Andrey M
Andrian M
Andriela F
Andries M
Andro M
Androcles M
Androgeo M
Andromaca F
Andromeda F
Andronico M
Andry M
Andura F
Andy M
Anecto M
Aneider F
Anele M
Anelei F
Anelen F
Anelida F
Anelina F
Anelisa F
Anelise F
Anella F
Anemone F
Anempodisto M
Anera F
Aρes F
Anesio M
Anette F
Anezka F
Anfiloquio M
Anfion M
Angel M
Angela F
Angeles F
Angelia F
Angelica F
Angelico M
Angelina F
Angeline F
Angelines F
Angelique F
Angelo M
Angeni F
Angie F
Angilberto M
Angiolina F
Angulo M
Angus M
Angustias F
Anhelen F
Ani F
Aρi Nala F
Ania F
Aniah M
Aniana F
Aniano M
Anibal M
Anica F
Aniceto M
Aniela F
Anieli M
Aniella F
Aniello M
Aniko F
Anil A
Anina F
Anine F
Aniria F
Anisa F
Anise F
Anisi A
Anisia F
Anisio M
Anita F
Anixe F
Anju F
Anke F
Anker M
Ankine F
Ann F
Anna F
Annabel F
Annabella F
Annaly F
Anne F
Annelie F
Anneliese F
Annella F
Anneris F
Annette F
Anni F
Annick F
Annie F
Annika F
Annis F
Annoha F
Annora F
Annuar M
Anoel A
Anoha F
Anoki M
Anolfo M
Anon M
Anouk F
Anquises M
Ansano M
Ansberto M
Anscario M
Ansel M
Anselme M
Anselmo M
Ansley A
Ansovino M
Antar M
Antara F
Antares M
Anteia F
Antelmo M
Antelo M
Antenor M
Anteo M
Antero M
Antes M
Anthea F
Anthony M
Anti A
Antia F
Antidio M
Antigona F
Antigono M
Antimo M
Antinisca F
Antino M
Antinogenes M
Antioco M
Antipas M
Antje F
Antoine M
Antoliano M
Antolin M
Antolina F
Anton M
Antonela F
Antonella F
Antonello M
Antonia F
Antonieta F
Antonina F
Antonino M
Antonio M
Antony M
Antranig M
Antsise M
Antu A
Antual M
Antuan M
Antun M
Antusa F
Anuar M
Anuk F
Anunciacion F
Anunciada F
Anush F
Anwar M
Any F
Anya F
Anyel F
Anyelen F
Aoife F
Aolani F
Aoniken F
Aparicio M
Apaz M
Apees M
Apeles M
Apelio M
Apia F
Apiano M
Apirka F
Apodemio M
Apolinar M
Apolinaria F
Apolinario M
Apollinaire M
Apolline F
Apolo M
Apolodoro M
Apolonia F
Apolonio M
Aponi F
April F
Apro M
Aproniano M
Aptonio M
Apuleyo M
Aquene F
Aquila M
Aquileo M
Aquiles M
Aquilesia F
Aquilina F
Aquilino M
Ara A
Arabela F
Arabia M
Araceli F
Aracelis F
Aracelli F
Araci F
Aracio M
Aracoeli F
Aracy F
Arador M
Arai A
Arakel M
Araksi F
Aram M
Arami A
Aramil A
Araminta F
Aramis M
Arandu A
Arantxa F
Arantza F
Arantzazu F
Aranzazu F
Arapey F
Arash M
Araucaria F
Arauco M
Araxi F
Arbogasto M
Arcadia F
Arcadio M
Arcana F
Arcangel M
Arcangela F
Arcelia F
Archaluis M
Archer M
Archibald M
Archibaldo M
Arconcio M
Ardaches M
Ardalion M
Ardashes M
Ardelia F
Arden M
Ardin M
Ardis F
Ardon M
Arduino M
Are A
Areb M
Arecio M
Aref M
Arek M
Arel A
Areli F
Areliz F
Arella F
Aren M
Arena F
Ares M
Aresio M
Aretas M
Aretha F
Aretina F
Aretusa F
Arev A
Arge A
Argelia F
Argen F
Argentina F
Argentino M
Argeo M
Argimiro M
Argos M
Argus M
Argyroula A
Ari M
Aria F
Ariadna F
Ariadne F
Arian M
Ariana F
Ariane F
Arianna F
Arianne F
Ariano M
Aric M
Aricel F
Aricelli F
Aricia F
Aricin M
Arie M
Arieh M
Ariel M
Ariela F
Ariella F
Ariene F
Arif M
Arik M
Arim M
Ario M
Arion M
Ariosto M
Aris M
Arista F
Aristarco M
Aristeo M
Aristides M
Aristion M
Aristipo M
Aristo M
Aristobulo M
Aristocles M
Aristofanes M
Ariston M
Aristonico M
Aristoteles M
Arjuna A
Arkin M
Arlene F
Arlinet F
Arman M
Armand M
Armanda F
Armande M
Armandina F
Armando M
Armen M
Armenia F
Armentaria F
Armentario M
Armenuhi F
Armida F
Arminda F
Armindo M
Armogastes M
Armonia F
Arnaldo M
Arnaud M
Arndt M
Arne M
Arneris F
Arnie M
Arno M
Arnol M
Arnold M
Arnoldo M
Arnolfo M
Arnon M
Arnulfo M
Aroldo M
Aron M
Aroncio M
Arquelao M
Arquimedes M
Arquipo M
Arrigo M
Arrio M
Arsacio M
Arsen M
Arsenio M
Arshak M
Art M
Artajerjes M
Artemio M
Artemisa F
Artemon M
Arthur M
Artin M
Arturo M
Aruanda F
Aruna F
Aruni A
Arvid M
Ary M
Aryan M
Aryana F
Arydea F
Arye M
Asaar M
Asael M
Asaf M
Asafo M
Asbed M
Asbel M
Ascension A
Ascla F
Asclas M
Asclepiades M
Asclepiodoto M
Asdrubal M
Asei M
Asela F
Asencio M
Aser M
Aset M
Asha F
Asher M
Ashera F
Ashford M
Ashjen M
Ashlan A
Ashley A
Ashlin M
Ashling F
Ashtar M
Ashur M
Asia F
Asier M
Asincrito M
Asis M
Asise M
Aslan M
Asmara F
Asmodeo M
Aspasia F
Aspreno M
Assur M
Asta F
Astalora F
Astera F
Asteria F
Asterio M
Astio M
Astor M
Astra F
Astrea F
Astrid F
Asuero M
Asuncion F
Atahualpa M
Atahualpa d.l.Andes M
Atalia F
Atalicio M
Ataliva M
Atalo M
Atanasia F
Atanasio M
Atara F
Atenas F
Atenea F
Atenodoro M
Atenogenes M
Athalia F
Athan M
Athena F
Athenas F
Atherton M
Athina F
Athos M
Atica F
Atico M
Atieh M
Atiel M
Atifa F
Atila M
Atilano M
Atilio M
Aton M
Attar M
Atuel M
Atzin A
Auberta F
Auberto M
Aubino M
Aubrey M
Auca M
Aucan A
Aucto M
Auda F
Audacto M
Audaz M
Audberto M
Aude F
Audelina F
Auden M
Audi F
Audifaz M
Audoeno M
Audomaro M
Audra F
Audrey F
Audric M
Audry F
Audun M
Augulo M
Augurio M
August M
Augusta F
Augustal M
Augustin M
Augustine A
Augusto M
Augustus M
Auki A
Aunario M
Aure F
Aurea F
Auree F
Aurek F
Aurelia F
Aureliano M
Aurelio M
Aureo M
Auri F
Auria F
Aurilia F
Aurora F
Ausano M
Ausonio M
Auspicio M
Austin M
Austreberta F
Austregisilo M
Austremonio M
Austricliniano M
Autana F
Autonomo M
Autumm F
Auxano M
Auxencio M
Auxibio M
Auxilio M
Auxtina F
Ava F
Avedis M
Avelino M
Avena F
Aventino M
Avery M
Avi A
Avigdor M
Avilio M
Avital F
Avito M
Aviv M
Aviva F
Avril F
Axel M
Aya F
Ayalen F
Ayame F
Ayarai M
Ayax M
Ayelen F
Ayelet F
Ayen F
Ayerai A
Ayesa F
Ayesha F
Ayhesa F
Ayiana F
Ayisha F
Ayita F
Ayla F
Aylen A
Aylin F
Aymara F
Aymee F
Ayoka F
Ayrampu A
Ayren A
Ayrton M
Ayumi F
Ayun A
Azadanes M
Azades M
Azael M
Azalea F
Azalia F
Azarias M
Azariel M
Azas M
Azize M
Azrael M
Azucena F
Azul F


Pelosi, who is married to investor Paul Pelosi, has amassed a large portfolio of jointly owned real estate, including three properties in the Napa Valley. They sold an 8-acre vineyard on Skellenger Lane in Rutherford last year for $1 million to $5 million, according to her disclosure form.

Paul Pelosi's holdings include a four-story commercial building on Belden Place in San Francisco, a retail and office building on Sir Francis Drake Boulevard in San Anselmo and an ownership stake in the Auberge du Soleil resort in Napa Valley valued at $1 million to $5 million. He also has millions of dollars of shares in publicly traded companies such as Microsoft, Amazon. com and AT&T.

The couple estimated their total assets to be worth $25 million to $102 million last year, with liabilities of $6 million to $31 million. Assets are reported in broad ranges on the disclosure forms, making it difficult to determine a lawmaker's exact net worth.

Federal lawmakers are required to file financial disclosure statements under the Ethics in Government Act of 1978. The forms are released each year to give the public a financial portrait of their representatives and help expose any potential conflicts of interest with their or their spouses' business dealings.

Pelosi Delivers Speech to American Israel Public Affairs Committee; Text of Remarks

5/24/2005 12:11:00 PM

Paul Pelosi Sr.

Relationship to Pelosi: Husband of nearly 40 years.

Occupation: President of Financial Leasing Services Inc. of San Francisco, specializing in real estate and venture capital investments.

How they met: While a student at Trinity College in Washington, D.C., Nancy D'Alesandro took a class at Georgetown University and met undergraduate Paul Pelosi, a San Francisco native. After they married, Paul and Nancy Pelosi in the mid-1960s returned to San Francisco, where they raised five children.

The role he plays: While Nancy Pelosi has pursued a political life, Paul Pelosi has helped maintain her financial independence, in addition to being what many consider the model political spouse, providing emotional and practical support that has freed his wife to pursue her political interests.

"You cannot have a career in politics as a married woman unless you have incredible support from your mate,'' said Roz Wyman, a long-active Democrat and close friend of the Pelosi family. "Paul's support is immeasurable.''

Quote: "I've made a conscious effort to not be involved or give the appearance of being involved in her political career. People should realize that she's the one.''


Hembrecht - poliesi

The Kellogg-Recanati International Executive MBA Program hosted Prof. Henry Bienen, President of Northwestern University, and TAU Rector Prof. Nili Cohen. The guest lecturer was William Hambrecht, founder and former chairman of Hambrecht and Quist, who spoke on "Open IPO: A Classic Internet Disintermediation."

The last lecture of the Aharon Katzir Memorial Series "In the Smelter of Revolution," entitled "Globalization and Economic Policy of Israel," was delivered by Governor of the Bank of Israel Prof. Jacob Frenkel of TAU's Eitan Berglas School of Economics.

William Hambrecht

Relationship: Major financial backer and close friend. The Hambrecht and Pelosi families have taken frequent ski vacations together.

Occupation: Venture capitalist.

How they met: Through Paul Pelosi's brother, Ron, who was a San Francisco supervisor and active in state Democratic politics. The Hambrechts frequent attended events hosted by Nancy Pelosi at her home on behalf of national Democrats. "That slowly brought us more into the political arena,'' Hambrecht said.

The role he plays: He has been a major source of financial backing for Pelosi's career, which includes donating to her campaigns and directing money to other causes and campaigns Pelosi identifies as critical.

Quote: "It never occurred to me she was going to be a non-player. I never really bought into that 'aw shucks' routine. She's a real thinker and we've been lucky to see that side of her.''



James Hormel

Relationship: Major donor, adviser on Democratic election strategies and gay issues.

Occupation: Philanthropist; Chairman, Equidex Inc., which manages the Hormel family investments and charitable donations.; appointed ambassador to Luxembourg by President Clinton in 1999.

How they met: Hormel served on the Host Committee for the 1984 Democratic National Convention in San Francisco. Pelosi was chair of the Host Committee and a main organizer of the San Francisco bid for the convention.

Assets of Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-CA

• 1600 Atlas Peak Road, Napa, CA
• 235 Twelve Inc.— LLC Common Stock (Now 235 Second Twelve Inc.—LLC)
• 25 Point Lobos,
San Francisco, CA — Commercial Property
• 45 Belden Place,
San Francisco, CA — Four Story Commercial building
• 723 Mule Ears Court, Norden, CA — Townhome
• 820 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.,
San Anselmo, CA—Commercial Property
• Access Technology Partners, LP
• Adaytum Software, Inc.-Common Stock
• Advanced Fiber Communications, Public Common Stock
• Agile Software
• Alliance Gaming Corp. — Public Common Stock
• Alter Ego — Common Stock
• — Public Common Stock
• America’s — Common Stock
• — Common Stock
• Apogee Networks, Inc. — Common Stock (now evident — common stock)
• Aristotle Publishing, Inc. — Common Stock
• Ashlar, Inc. — Common Stock
• AT&T Public — Common Stock
• Atipa Fund B (See Oculan Corp)
• Attenza, LLC — Common Stock
• Auberge du Soleil, Rutherford, CA — Owns resort hotel
• Avaya — Public Common Stock
• Bank of America,
San Francisco
• Bank of America, Washington, DC
• Beacon Education Management — Common Stock
• BF Enterprises — Common Stock
• Borel Estate Company — Owns shopping center
• Briazz — Public Common Stock
• Broadcom Corp. — Public Common Stock
• Broadway Property,
San Francisco, CA — Real Estate Option
• Builder’s Info. Group — Common Stock (Formerly Netclerk)
• Bullhorn (Formerly Bridgepath LLC — Common Stock)
• Calico Commerce — Public Common Stock
• Chalone Wine Group, Ltd.
• Cierra Photonics — Common Stock
• Cisco Systems, Inc. — Common Stock
• CMGI, Inc. — Common Stocks
• Co-Net (Formerly — Common Stock
• Coach, Inc. — Public common stock
• — Common Stock
• Collaborative Group — Common Stock
• ComCast — Public Common Stock
• Command Audio — Common Stock
• Commerce One, Inc. — Common Stock
• Congressional Credit Union, Washington, DC
• CopperCom, Inc. — Common Stock
• Covalent Technologies — Common Stock
• Critical Path Inc. — Public Common Stock
• Currenex — Common Stock (Formerly FX Trades)
• Digital Fountain — Common Stock
• Digital Intelligence (Now Picture IQCorp)
• EDI Associates, Mill Valley, CA — Hotel Investment
• Emulex — Public Common Stock
• Engage, Inc. — Common Stock
• Evident — Common Stock (Formerly Apogee)
• Fastnet — Common Stock
Financial Leasing Services, S.F., CA — Investment company
• Forty-Five Belden Corp., S.F., CA — Investment Company
• Genetope Corp. — Public Common Stock
• Getty Images, Inc. — Public Common Stock
• Granite Ventures, LP
• — Common Stock (now Unicru)
• IKnowMed Systems, Inc.
• Infospace, Inc. — Public common stock
• Interloci, LLC — Public Common Stock
• Internap Delaware — Common Stock (formerly Internap Network Services)
• Internap Network Services, LLC — Common Stock (Now Internap Delaware)
• Internet Cap. Group — Public Stock
• Intraop, LLC — Common Stock
• Japan Partners — Common Stock (AKA Isochron Data Corp.)
• Jet Blue Air — Public Common Stock
• Johnson & Johnson — Public Common Stock
• Learning Techonolgies, Inc.— Common Stock
• LEG Partners, III, LP — Common Stock
• Liberate Technologies — Public Common Stock
• Lionis Gate Limited Partnership (Cordavalle) — Golf Development Partnership
• Lucent Techonolgies — Public Common Stock (Formerly Nexabit)
• LuxN, LLC — Common Stock
• McGrath Rentcorp, Inc. — Public Common Stock
• Microsoft Corp. — Public Common Stock
• MontaVista, LLC — Common Stock
• Mosher Partners, LP, Sacramento, CA — Real Estate Partnership
• Natelli Communities — Real Estate Partnership
• Nautilus Leasing Services — Container leasing company
• Navis Holdings, LLC — Common Stock
• Net2Phone, Inc. — Public Common Stock
• Netcessity — Common Stock
• NetSchools Corp. — Common Stock (Now Plato—Common Stock)
• Niku Corp. — Public Common Stock
• Niman Ranch — Common Stock
• Nine Forty Five Battery, LLC,
San Francisco, CA — Real Estate Partnership
• Nine Hundred One Battery,
San Francisco, CA — Real Estate Partnership
• Oakwood Homes Corp — Bonds
• Oculan Corp — Common Stock
• Odyssey, LLC — Common stock
• Orlimar, LLC — Common Stock
• — Public Common Stock
• Pacific Island Resources LLC — Common Stock
• Piatti Restaurant Co., Tiburon, CA — Restaurant Opening Company
• Picture IQ Corp. — Common Stock (AKA Digital Intelligence)
• Plato — Common Stock (Formerly Netschools — Common Stock)
• Plumtree Software, Inc. — Common Stock
• Polycom — Public Common Stock
• Potomac Investment Association, Gaithersburg, MD — Real Estate Partnership
• Procure Point — Common Stock
• QIC (Quinton Instrument Company) — Public Common Stock (Now Quinton Cardiology Sys., Inc.)
• QualComm, Inc. — Public Common Stock
• Rainmaker Systems, Inc — Common Stock
• Read-Rite Corp, Inc. — Public Common Stock
• Ready Router (Now Netcessity)
• Recommender 2 — Common Stock
• Redenvelope — Public Common stock
• REOF V — Real Estate Partnership
• RF Micro Devices, Inc — Public Common Stock
• Robert Half Intl., Inc. — Public Common Stock
•, LLC — Common Stock
• — Public Common Stock
• Shutterfly — Comon Stock
• Skellenger Lane, Rutherford, CA — 8 acre vinyard
• Slam Dunk Networks, Inc.
• Sonus Networks, Inc.—Public Stock
• Speakeasy, Inc. — Common Stock
• Spirian, LLC — Common Stock
• Stoneridge, LLC
• Sun Microsystems — Public Common Stock
• Support Inc. — Common Stock (AKA Support Soft, Inc.)
• TeraOp, LLC — Common Stock
• Thirteen Hundred One Sansome, LLC — Real Estate Partnership
• Tripath Technology, Inc. — Common Stock
• Trivium Systems, Inc — Common Stock
• Trux Gate Associates Ltd, Real Estate Partnership
• Unicru Common Stock (Formerly
• Union Bank of California,
San Francisco, CA — savings account
• USA DR — Common Stock
• Vanguard Airlines, Inc — Public Common Stock
• Wells Fargo Bank,
San Francisco, CA — Savings account
• Witness Sys, Inc. — Public Common Stock
• Xtreme Spectrum, Inc. — Common Stock
• Yantra Corp — Common Stock
• Yerac Associates — Investments
• Zinfandel Lane, St. Helena, CA

Presented by the Federal Election Commission

Contributions Arranged By Type And Recipient


Contributions to Political Committees


  06/19/1997 1000.00 97032250970


  09/18/2000 1000.00 20036223293

Total Contributions:    2000.00

Financial Leasing Services
235 Montgomery Street Suite 610
San Francisco, CA (California) 94104-2915
Phone: (415) 788-8600
Business Types: Security Brokers & Dealers