"Operation Matador"


May 1, 2005

A Marine division leveled border towns on the Euphrates River between Iraq and Syria. The excuse was that Muslim fighters were using the corridor to enter into Iraq.

The real reason was that Israel wants the US to build a new oil pipeline from Iraq to Haifa, Israel. Israel will let our Marines die, to establish bases, to protect their oil pipeline.








We Blew Up Their Towns








And Here Is Why

Israel Wants Another Pipeline




Why Are Americans Dying In Iraq?

There are two reasons. One is we eliminate Israel's perceived enemy, and the second is that 30% of the world's oil sits in Iraq, and Israel wants it.

Another problem is that the Mossad gives US military information to the insurgents.




Abu Nidal

USS Cole

Israeli Black Ops

Blackwater ambush
Mossad behind insurgent ambushes

Dov Zakheim