Nazi Gold And Oradour-sur-Glane, France


Who killed the 642 villagers? A Communist gang of bank robbers, or an elite German unit.






At The Heart Of It All Was Nazi Gold

The movie Kelly's Heroes was supposedly based on this story





The Only Witness Was A Communist

June 10th, 1945






Did Nazis Really Slaughter An Isolated Village For No Reason?

Or did the Communists do it to steal a gold shipment?










Burnt Out Ruins Of The Church And Town



A National Shrine In France











Another Mysterious Massacre Courtesy Of The Jews

It was June 10th and a crack SS Panzer Battalion, 'Das Reich', left Toulouse and was racing to Normandy, to fight the invasion. The legend goes that a hundred French Jews decided to engage the 13,000 strong 'Das Reich' and delay them from reaching the beaches of Normandy.

The Communist say that Nazis were so enraged, because of the three days delay,  they herded an entire village, 180 men and 462 women and children, into a church, and burnt them alive.









According To The Jewish Communists

A French FTP leader, named Colonel Georges Guingouin, kidnapped a Major Kampfe, and threatened to burn him alive. He was held in Oradour sur Glane. The Nazis showed up in the town, rounded up innocent civilians, and when they refused to talk, the Nazis put them in a church, threw in poison gas, grenades, shot escapees, and then torched everything.



According To The Germans

Otto Weidinger, the last commander of 'Der Führer' regiment. Witnesses say the communists put the villagers in the church, and blew it up.










 Who Were The People Involved


SS-Brigadeführer Heinz Lammerding

In April 1944, General Lammerding, and the 2nd SS Panzer Division "Das Reich" were transferred from the muddy Eastern front to rest and refit in Southern France




Sturmbannführer Adolf Diekmann

Battalion commander Diekmann who was the highest ranking officer present at Oradour-sur-Glane on June 10, 1944 the day that 642 men, women and children were murdered and the whole town was destroyed. He was he was killed in action on June 29, 1944 at Normandy.



Major Helmut Kämpfe

He is 34-year old Knight's Cross holder, Major Kampfe, the commander of Der Führer Battalion 3. He reconnoitering in advance of his unit, and while surveying Gueret (10 miles east of Oradour sur Glane), he is said to have been captured.

FTP, the French Communist resistance




Major Sylvester Stadler

Diekmann's commanding officer. When Stadler heard about the massacre and the destruction of Oradour-sur-Glane, he reported Diekmann to Brigadeführer Heinz Lammerding and requested that Diekmann be court martialed for exceeding his orders.



Colonel Georges Guingouin

A ruthless communist leader, who was feared throughout the Limousin, he controlled the Sussac maquis. Guingouin who was in charge of FTP (Partisans) was really just a bank robber, black marketeer. The communists partisans did nothing during the war.

Guingouin said he captured, and executed, Major Helmut Kämpfe, and that was the reason the SS killed 648 innocent Frenchman. He claimed to be behind the Tulle atrocity.


Madame Rouffanche

She was the only survivor. This Jewess claims to have jump 15 feet from an upper window, got up, was shot five times, but ran away. Next she dug a hole in a pea garden, and covered herself with plants.


Communist Partisans

The FTP partisans did absolutely nothing for five years, except run the black-market in gasoline, ration cards, and extort farmers. When the other partisans attacked St Laurent, the FTP refused to help.

In late 1943 Guingouin went to London and meet with Churchill. Their interests were to see the communists in control of postwar France. Staging massacres, and assassinating Vichy leaders, was done to promote these ends.













Nothing Makes Sense

An elite Panzer division, enroute to the Normandy Invasion, is delayed for 3 days as it stops at a isolated village. Crack SS troops wipe out an entire village of 650 men, women, and children.

A hundred Communist partisans, who did nothing the entire war, decide to battle a the 13,000 strong 'Das Reich' panzer battalion?


Where Is The Truth

It was June 5th, 1944, and the Allies were in France. Nazi generals who had stashed their gold in Swiss banks were transferring the gold to ships, and onto South America.



The route was from Switzerland to the port of Bordeaux, and it ran through Limoges, St Julien, and Oradour sur Glane


Partisan's Ambush

The Communists blew a bridge, and forced a German Gold convoy to detour through Oradour sur Glane. They ambushed, and destroyed, the entire unit of 120 Germans, but had a town 0f 642 witnesses.




They executed all the men, and herded the women and children in a church, using a bomb.


Total Destruction

The entire village (photos) was destroyed. London ordered a bombing attack, after the ambush.










Oradour-sur-Glane Trials

On January 12, 1953, a trial began against the surviving 65 of the about 200 soldiers before a military tribunal in Bordeaux. Only 21 of them were present. Seven Germans were put in jail for five yrs, and the released.

Historical version of story









Oradour-sur-Glane Today


The town is a popular tourist stop. They built a memorial,




Bones of victims

Glass Casket

The French even have glass caskets that display the bones of the 650 innocents. There is even a crypt.

Georges Guingouin was arrested after the war.













Turning Communist Killers Into War Heroes

London wanted war atrocities, and the French communists wanted to control post war France.

Killing a village of 642 was child's play for the Communists, since they killed 40 million in Russia. What you really have to wonder, is how high up this went for England to ahnilate the village in a bombing raid?








 Judicial Index