The Temple of Solomon and Mt Moriah

The real truth

Haram al-Sharif or the 'Temple Mount' is a platau on Mt Moriah which contains two Muslim's shrines ( Dome of the Rock and Al Aska Mosque ). The Jews say these shrines were built over a Jewish Temple. They say these shrines should be destroyed and a Jewish temple built on the land.


This site will help you decide.







Artist's conception of Jewish temple

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The existing Muslim site today

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Basic arguement: 

The Jews claim that the Dome of the Rock is built over their 'Temple of Solomon'.


This is Islam's 3rd holiest shrine - built on Mount Moriah in Jerusalum - 1400 years old.

The Dome of the Rock, the first Muslim masterpiece, was built in 687 A.C. by Caliph Abd al-Malik, half a century after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (s). The rock marks the site from where Prophet Muhammad (s) made his Miraaj or Night Journey into the heavens and back to Makkah

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The only artifact from 2000 yrs of digs

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This thumb-sized pomegranate is believed to be the only known relic from Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem.  Around the shoulder of the pomegranate is a carefully incised inscription in early Hebrew characters, part of which is broken off, which reads: "qodes kohanim I-beyt [yahwe]h". "Sacred donation for the priests of (in) the House of [Yahwe]h." "House of Yahweh" most probably refers to the Temple in Jerusalem.

It was a favorite motif in the Temple of Solomon, and decorated the capitals of the two freestanding columns at the entrance to the Temple (1 Kings 7:21).


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