The Iranian Holocaust Conference







Dr. Toben and Richard Krege









Dr. Toben and Richard Krege Arrive In Iran





Toben Explains The Fairy Tale Of Auschwitz

The concept of the gas chamber disintergrates






Iranian College Girls Working On Their Master Degrees

Not quite the image that Bush, and his Zionists, portray






Both Men And Women Listen

Where is the discrimination towards women that the Jewish Media tell us about?






Toben Teaches Holocaust At Law University

Notice women on right






 Razavi Islamic Studies University


 Toben's safety was never in question






Who Are These Holocaust Historians?

When you study the holocaust, you need to study the historians. You need  to decipher who is the real deal, and who is just another Zionist plant. Out of the hardcore historians, only Toben, Faurrison, Graf, Butz, and a few others, could be considered  genuine.

In one group there are historians that resemble  peacocks, parading around, thumping their chests, talking in circles, but never laying out any facts. In the other group you have scholars that explain the basic facts on the German camps, and their purposes.









What Was The Conference About?

Mr Krege and Dr Toben's visited three universities, which sponsored mini conferences, where some of Iran's future leaders attend. Their goal was to explain the camps, their purposes, and the physical impossibility of the 'Gassing Legend'.









Dr Fredrick Toben

 Dr. Töben is an historian,  a German who was raised in Australia, and he runs the Adelaide Institute.

He is shown here at his archeological exanimation of Auschwitz.










Richard Krege

Richard Krege is an Australian engineer who carried out electromagnetic scanning of soil layers at the sites of a Treblinka, and Belsec. He concluded the soil in both locations was found to be pristine, and not subjected to external influences.










Iran's Students And Schools

Dr Toben points out Iran's higher grade of learning. Here, you have teachers that are knowledgeable, and students eager to learn.

These schools are not infected with the liberal, clouded, Zionist views, and fabrications. The Iranians students have no interest in liquor, drugs, pornography, and other Jewish pushed vices.








Krege And Treblinka

According to the Jews, Treblinka was the second greatest killing center in the history of the world. They claim that between 900,000 up to 2,000,000 were killed there.

Krege went there with ground radar, and soil testing equipment, and determined there were no graves, no bodies, no bones, no ashes, and in fact there wasn't even a camp there. Most historians accept it was simple a transit station, where Jews changed trains enroute to occupied Russia.

Here is video.








The Evil Monster?

On their Iran trip, Dr Toben and Richard Krege were widely applauded, and treated with great respect. Their safety was never in question, where as a trip to Israel would be a death sentence.

The fact that Israel, with it's 4.8 million Russian and Polish immigrants, with an average IQ of 90, and a aggressive behavior, caused by years of inbreeding, are sitting on 400 plus nukes, are the real monsters we have to fear.

Iran never attacked a unarmed US ship.








Toben's Commitment To The Iranian People?

Dr Toben, known to everyone, as a first class academic, has taken the position: ~ "If Iran is attacked he will act as a human shield."









What Did The Conference Accomplish?

To start with, very few people understand WW2, who started it, the purpose of the camps, and the Allied atrocities. People are shown 500 dead typhus victims, a crematorium with six ovens, and told six million Jews were gassed and burned there, and we believe it.

The truth is Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin wanted to destroy Germany and open up Europe, and the world, for Jewish Communism. Hitler was forced into Poland to stop communist atrocities that killed 58,000 German Nationals.

What Dr Toben did was, explain the camps, and their function. He brought a model of Auschwitz to demonstrate the physical impossibility of the gassing charade. Here is an excellent video on the camps.







The Jewish Sayanims


 Judicial Index