Valley Of The Wolves



A Film About CIA-led Marines Slaughtering Iraqis.




  CIA Leader Of Marines   The Rebel Leader  








Propaganda At It's Worst

An Israeli-backed, Turkish film about a CIA-led group of Marines in Iraq. The film shows Marines killing civilian women and children, as if they were mad dogs.

The good guy is a Turkish freedom fighter, who becomes the Iraqi leader, and eventually slaughters the Marines. This film will inflame Muslims beyond comprehension.





exclusively by young Turkish men. They clapped furiously when the Turkish hero of the film was shown blowing up a building occupied by the United States military commander in northern Iraq.

In the closing sequence, the hero is shown plunging a dagger into the heart of a US commander called Sam, played by Billy Zane. The audience responded by standing up and chanting "Allah is great!"



CIA In Turkey

The film starts with Marines arresting a group from Turkish intelligence, where the film's hero comes from.








Marines Storm Iraqi Wedding

They kill twelve, shoot the groom, and execute a child in front of his mother











Marines execute prisoners in a container.










Marines blow up a Mosque with people inside.









Execution of Mother

Marines shoot a mother in front of her daughter.









Abu Ghraib

Marines are shown degrading, torturing, and killing prisoners








American Doctor

Marines bring him Iraqis, he takes their organs out, and sends the organs to wealthy Americans.









Suicide Bomber

Female kisses Koran, says 'Allahu Akbar' and detonates.









Marines Beheaded And Killed

The movie ends with the Arabs blowing up the Marine headquarters, killing the CIA leader, and executing the Marines.









Damage Beyond Belief

Turkey is an Israeli satellite state, and they were behind this film. The danger this puts Marines in, is incalculable. This is the most dangerous propaganda film ever made. The US Army issued a special bulletin for GI's, about being in a location where the film is shown.

The Zionists stopped a play about Rachel Corrie, which tarnishes their image, and then put this atrocity out. This film is part of the Zionist program to enrage Muslims to a volatile level. At the same time, Israelis intelligence will execute a hideous ambush on Marines in Iraq. Everyone winds up killing each other, as the Israelis sit back waiting for their pipeline.

The real message here, is that we are coming close to a nuclear attack on a US city, perpetrated by the Zionists.


A Must See - Two Minute Video Of Film





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