Today's Gun Control













You Will Need A Psychological Profile To Qualify






A Private Quasi Government Testing Institute










Guns Are The Zionists Greatest Fear

They have gotten control of Australia, Canada, and Europe's firearms and defanged the population. In America they broke the Militia's back when they 'False Flagged' the Oklahoma City bomb, and blamed the militia. Now their goal is total gun control.

They set up the Brady Gun Laws committee as their vehicle. Amazingly, atrocious gun massacres like Columbine, Red Lake, the Amish School Shootings, just fall in their laps. Their first steps were banning assault rifles, and their next goal with be total registration of all firearms, combined with licensing all firearm owners.

In the future you will need a firearm authorization license, which requires a through background check, and a psychological profile by a psychiatrist. It will cost $150, and the winners will be the psychiatrists.

Knowing the history of Zionists, it makes you wonder if these massacres are planned events?






Red Lake Massacre

Columbine Massacre

Port Arthur Massacre

Pearl High School Massacre

Kip Kinkel Massacre

Judicial Index