America Has100 Million Immigrants That We Know Of






Juan Says Goodbye To Mexico







Koreans Who Got  Accepted To American Universities

I bet they can't wait to return to Seoul







Skilled Immigrants Will Get Special Status







America's Make Up

One-third of Americans are members of minority groups, according to the latest figures. 





All The Beautiful Brown Faces

Hispanics were also the largest minority group, accounting for 44.3 million people, or 14.8 percent of the overall U.S. population. That doesn't count the twelve million plus illegals, that will soon be citizens






Asians Flood Our Universities

Asians were the second fastest-growing minority group at a rate of 3.2 percent, with their numbers standing at 14.9 million. As far as avoiding service in the Armed Forces, they are second only to Jewish immigrants.





The First Great Jewish Immigration

Between 1880 and 1924, Poland, Russia, Hungary, the first great wave of 4,000,000 hit America's shores. The second wave of 2,000,000 started in 1938, and the most recent migration of at least 2,500,000 in 1980, came from Russia.






Caribbean Blacks

Over 2,000,000 from Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and the southern Caribbean have washed up on Florida shores.





The American Indians

Indians were pushed onto a reservation with poor schools, and little infrastructure. In 1970 Las Vegas Zionist's lawyer found the status of an Indian reservation could be very beneficial. Through their lobbying the Congress to pass the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA).






The America Blacks

Zionists gave them cocaine and welfare, and when a leader would arise, they assassinated him. Their function is to serve as a major faction in a race war. Their primary schools are third rate, and a small percentage make it to college.







You Can Thank Zionists For All This

This is all part of their 'Master Plan', where they turn their base host nation into a multicultural sewer. A cage full of tigers is trouble, but a cage full of dogs, cats, possums, kangaroos, will just stare at each other, and fight amongst each other.

They learned their lesson from the Leo Frank incident, that's where 1913 Atlanta stood united, and did God's work.




The Leo Frank Affair

Judicial Index