Mother Accuses Stern Of Murder

Anna Nicole Smith's mother says she is afraid for the safety of her granddaughter in the custody of Howard K. Stern.

"I knew she would be next. My grandson did not overdose. Howard was there when he died, and Howard was there when my daughter died. And he has my granddaughter now and it is not even his child. I'm afraid for her life as well," a crying Vergie Arthur said. "Please, help us."


Stern Has To Be Restrained

Stern shook his head. Earlier in Arthur's testimony, he angrily rose from his seat, but Judge Larry Seidlin interrupted him before he could complete a sentence.

"You have no podium here, Mr. Stern," the judge said. "Appreciate you being here, though."


Stern's Lawyer Attacks Mother

Barth said Vergie had been paid for an interview. If she had it, that's how she paid to go to Florida.


Judge 'Sollie' Yelled At Mother

Answer the question, the Judge tells the mother.


Judge Forces Mother To Morgue

Anna's mother was forced to view the body with Howie Stern next to her.


Rumors Swirl On Cremation

Some think that Sollie may order a cremation, and have the ashes split.








What A Travesty

A traffic judge from night court, Stern's belligerent lawyers, a good possibility of murder, and a five month old baby in a monster's hands, sitting in the Bahamas.




The Anna Nicole Murder
Judge 'Sollie' And Anna Nicole

 Judicial Index