Editorial: Columns

October 18, 2004

The Jews

by Philip Kurian

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You are not required to complete the work, yet you are not allowed to desist from it.

—Pirkei Avot (The Book of Principles), 2:21

Such describes the Jewish concept of Tikkun Olam. Perfecting, preparing or repairing the world: a credo that, to many Jews, prescribes what role they should play in the wider concerns of our society. Judging by the opposition to this past weekend’s Palestine Solidarity Movement conference, however, I cannot help but conclude that the powerful Jewish establishment has distorted the meaning of this age-old teaching.

It is well known that Jews constitute the most privileged "minority" group in this country. Among the top 10 universities, Jews enjoy shocking overrepresentation: Only the California Institute of Technology has an undergraduate Jewish population below 10 percent, and four schools have particularly stark Jewish advantages—Harvard (30 percent), Yale (23 percent), UPenn (31 percent) and Columbia (25 percent). Keep in mind that, at best estimate, no more than 3 percent of all Americans are Jewish.

In his slim volume The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering (2000), Jewish-American historian Norman Finkelstein argues that American interest in Judaism is "a tribute not to Jewish suffering but to Jewish aggrandizement." The holocaust label, he says, arose from the real suffering of European Jews during the 1930s and 1940s, in turn giving rise to the Holocaust ideology, distinguished in its capitalization. He documents economic exploitation by this "Holocaust Industry," which he calls an "outright extortion racket."

Regardless of your political stance or position on the PSM conference, it is impossible to ignore the unprecedented outpouring of pro-Jewish, pro-Israeli support in defiance of free speech at Duke. Jewish alumni, faculty and staff have gone out of their way to lobby Duke to reject the PSM conference, mustering 92,000 signatures for their online petition and denouncing professors who have spoken out in support of free speech, as Duke’s chair of political science Michael Munger can attest.

Supposedly apolitical in nature, the Students Against Terror concert, headlined by Sister Hazel, kicked off this weekend’s festivities. The Chronicle reported, "The Freeman Center for Jewish Life funded 90 percent of the $80,000 event through the private donations from parents and alumni." The Joint Israel Initiative, a coalition of campus Jewish and pro-Israeli groups, coordinated a series of events in opposition to the PSM, at a price tag of $25,000, more than two-and-a-half times what was spent on the conference itself. Four pro-Jewish, full-page advertisements appeared in the Friday, Oct. 15, edition of The Chronicle, with two directly condemning the PSM. We are dealing with a very well-funded and well-organized establishment, indeed.

Granted, I tend to err on the side of complete academic freedom; I would probably let the Ku Klux Klan hold a conference on campus, as long as it could be couched within the framework of serious discussion. But what Jewish suffering—along with exorbitant Jewish privilege in the United States—amounts to is a stilted, one-dimensional conversation where Jews feel the overwhelming sense of entitlement not to be criticized or offended. If the Duke administration had buckled under the influential weight of the Jewish establishment by not allowing the PSM conference, we would be suffering from the Orwellian notion of consciousness, where the only ideas that matter are the ones espoused by the powerful.

While Jews undoubtedly lay claim to a long history of racism and genocide that continues across the world today, this characterization does not transport perfectly to the United States. After World War II, overt anti-Semitism gradually subsided, in part because of American response to Hitler’s murderous regime, but largely due to Jewish association with whiteness and the privileges white skin affords. In short, Jews can renounce their difference by taking off the yarmulke. Clearly, this is not a luxury enjoyed by all minority groups.

When former President Bill Clinton nominated his first two judges to the Supreme Court, both were Jews. Remarkable in the slightest? No, of course not. But the American public still can’t get over Clarence Thomas’s cultural heritage, after being appointed by Bush 41. To be Jewish is to have the right to move seamlessly between the majority and minority, without constraint. Thus, Jewish-American appropriation of the "oppressed" moniker is disingenuous, belying the reality of America’s social hierarchy.

What’s worst is that the "Holocaust Industry" uses its influence to stifle, not enhance, the Israeli-Palestinian debate, simultaneously belittling the real struggles for socioeconomic and political equality faced, most notably, by black Americans. As the world-renowned historian John Hope Franklin mentions, the U.S. decision to authorize federal funding of a holocaust memorial on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.—hallowed ground otherwise reserved for commemorating U.S. history—camouflages this nation’s guilt in our own crimes against humanity: the Native American genocide and slavery.

I do not ignore historic Jewish oppression or discredit the stark realities of the holocaust. Nor do I discount anti-Semitic sentiments that still persist in America. With the burden of Tikkun Olam, Jews were even some of the most vocal abolitionists and supporters of the civil rights movement. However, to preserve our democracy and honestly confront inequality where it persists, Jews must own up to their privilege in America, and use it more wisely.



Jewish % of various universities

YALE …………………………………10000 67 6700…  3000........... 30% …3700 37
PRINCETON …………………………..5700 70 3990 …. 800...........14 %…3190 56
HARVARD …………………………...16700 45 7515… 4500.......... 27% …3015 18
DUKE ………………………………….9500 72 6840 ….1500 ..........16 %…5340 56
MIT……………………………………. 9800 48 4704 …..875............ 09% ….3829 39
STANFORD ………………………….14000 50 7000….2000........... 14%… 5000 36
DARTMOUTH …………………………5270 57 3004 …500.......... 09% ….2504 47
BROWN …………………………………7100 67 4757 ..1600 ..........23%… 3157 44
CALTECH ………………………………2050 56 1148 ….100 .........05% …1048 51
NORTHWESTERN…………………… 10000 68 6800 …2000 .......20% ..4800 48
COLUMBIA …………………………….19000 58 11020. 6000...... 32% ..5020 26
CHICAGO………………………………. 8500 60 5100 ….1350...... 16% ..3750 44
PENN ……………………………………22800 60 13680.. 7000 ......31% …6680 29
CORNELL ………………………………18500 67 12395 ..3000....... 16% …9395 51
HOPKINS …………………………………4400 65 2860 ….800 ......18%… 2060 47
TOTALS ………………………………..163320 97513 ….35025 .....21%…62488 38


College presidents

Harvard, Yale, Tufts , Stanford , Carnagie, North Western, Dartmouth, Princeton , Cornell, Un. Of Pennsylvania .


Where was this liberal outrage that's now crying their crocodile tears over Halliburtons alleged ties to the GOP, when President Bill Clinton gave a presidential pardon to Bernard Schwartz, one of Bill's biggest campaign contributers, who was Chairman of the Board of the Lorel Corporation? Lorels Bernard Schwartz was up for treason because he gave the Communist Chinese government our top-secret Missle Guidance System technology, which they needed to put their Sattelites into space. Lorel had a contract with the Communist Chinese to correct a problem they had with their missles, which were going in every direction, when they weren't blowing up. This technology transfer was not cleared by our Defence Department, and can (and probably did) get used by the Communist Chinese for their own militaries offensive weapons--weapons that may come back to haunt us. Bill Clintons presidential pardon of a traitor to our country made him an accessory to treason. I don't remember any outrage then.


Roosevelts Jews ....The interconnecting web

Bernard M. Baruch -- a financier and adviser to FDR.
2. Felix Frankfurter -- Supreme Court Justice; a key player in FDR's New Deal system.
3. David E.
Lilienthal -- director of Tennessee Valley Authority, adviser. The TVA changed the relationship of government-to-business in America.
4. David Niles -- presidential aide.
Louis Brandeis -- U.S. Supreme Court Justice; confidante of FDR; "Father" of New Deal.
6. Samuel I.
Rosenman -- official speechwriter for FDR.
7. Henry
Morgenthau Jr. -- Secretary of the Treasury, "unofficial" presidential adviser. Father of the Morgenthau Plan to re-structure Germany/Europe after WWII.
8. Benjamin V. Cohen -- State Department official, adviser to FDR.
9. Rabbi Stephen Wise -- close pal of FDR, spokesman for the American Zionist movement, head of The American Jewish Congress.
10. Frances Perkins -- Secretary of Labor; allegedly Jewish/adopted at birth; unconfirmed.
11. Sidney Hillman -- presidential adviser.
12. Anna Rosenberg -- longtime labor adviser to FDR, and manpower adviser with the Manpower Consulting Committee of the Army and Navy Munitions Board and the War Manpower Commission.
13. Herbert H. Lehman -- Governor of New York, 1933-1942, Director of U.S. Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations, Department of State, 1942-1943; Director-General of
UNRRA, 1944 - 1946, pal of FDR.
14. Herbert
Feis -- U.S. State Department official, economist, and an adviser on international economic affairs.
15. R. S. Hecht -- financial adviser to FDR.
16. Nathan
Margold -- Department of the Interior Solicitor, legal adviser.
17. Jesse I. Straus -- adviser to FDR.
18. H. J.
Laski -- "unofficial foreign adviser" to FDR.
19. E. W.
Goldenweiser -- Federal Reserve Director.
20. Charles E.
Wyzanski -- U.S. Labor department legal adviser.
21. Samuel
Untermyer -- lawyer, "unofficial public ownership adviser" to FDR.
22. Jacob
Viner -- Tax expert at the U.S. Treasury Department, assistant to the Treasury Secretary.
23. Edward
Filene -- businessman, philanthropist, unofficial presidential adviser.
24. David
Dubinsky -- Labor leader, president of International Ladies Garment Workers Union.
25. William C. Bullitt -- part-Jewish, ambassador to USSR [is claimed to be Jonathan
Horwitz's grandson; unconfirmed].
26. Mordecai Ezekiel -- Agriculture Department economist.
27. Abe
Fortas -- Assistant director of Securities and Exchange Commission, Department of the Interior Undersecretary.
Isador Lubin -- Commissioner of Labor Statistics, unofficial labor economist to FDR.
29. Harry Dexter White [Weiss] -- Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; a key founder of the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank; adviser, close pal of Henry
Morgenthau. Co-wrote the Morgenthau Plan.
30. Alexander
Holtzoff -- Special assistant, U.S. Attorney General's Office until 1945; [presumed to be Jewish; unconfirmed].
31. David
Weintraub -- official in the Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations; helped create the United Nations; Secretary, Committee on Supplies, 1944-1946.
32. Nathan Gregory
Silvermaster -- Agriculture Department official and head of the Near East Division of the Board of Economic Warfare; helped create the United Nations.
33. Harold
Glasser -- Treasury Department director of the division of monetary research. Treasury spokesman on the affairs of United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.
34. Irving Kaplan -- U.S. Treasury Department official, pal of David
35. Solomon Adler -- Treasury Department representative in China during World War II.
36. Benjamin
Cardozo -- U.S. Supreme Court Justice.
37. Leo Wolman -- chairman of the National Recovery Administration's Labor
advisery Board; labor economist.
38. Rose
Schneiderman -- labor organizer; on the advisery board of the National Recovery Administration.
39. Jerome Frank -- general counsel to the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Justice, U.S. Court of Appeals, 1941-57.
40. Gerard Swope -- key player in the creation of the
N.R.A. [National Recovery Administration]
41. Herbert Bayard Swope -- brother of Gerard
42. Lucien Koch -- consumer division,
N.R.A. [apparently-Jewish]
43. J. David Stern -- Federal Reserve Board, appointed by FDR
44. Nathan Straus -- housing adviser
45. Charles
Michaelson -- Democratic [DNC] publicity man
46. Lawrence Steinhardt -- ambassador to Soviet Union
47. Harry Guggenheim -- heir to Guggenheim fortune, adviser on aviation
48. Arthur Garfield Hays -- adviser on civil liberties
49. David
Lasser -- head of Worker's Alliance, labor activist
50. Max
Zaritsky -- labor adviser
51. James Warburg -- millionaire, early backer of New Deal before backing out
Louis Kirstein -- associate of E. Filene
53. Charles
Wyzanski, Jr. -- counsel, Dept. of Labor
54. Charles
Taussig -- early New Deal adviser
55. Jacob Baker -- assistant to
W.P.A. head Harry Hopkins; assistant head of W.P.A. [Works Progress Admin.]
Louis H. Bean -- Dept. of Agriculture official
57. Abraham Fox -- research director, Tariff Commission
58. Benedict Wolf -- National Labor Relations Board [NLRB]
59. William
Leiserson -- NLRB
60. David J.
Saposs -- NLRB
61. A. H. Meyers -- NLRB [New England division]
62. L. H. Seltzer -- head economist at the Treasury Dept.
63. Edward Berman -- Dept. of Labor official
64. Jacob
Perlman -- Dept. of Labor official
65. Morris L. Jacobson -- chief statistician of the Government Research Project
66. Jack Levin -- assistant general manager, Rural Electrification Authority
67. Harold Loeb -- economic consultant,
68. William
Seagle -- council, Petroleum Labor Policy Board
69. Herman A. Gray -- policy committee, National Housing Conference
70. Alexander Sachs -- rep. of Lehman Bros., early New Deal consultant
71. Paul Mazur -- rep. of Lehman Bros., early consultant for New Deal
72. Henry
Alsberg -- head of the Writer's Project under the W.P.A.
73. Lincoln Rothschild -- New Deal art administrator



University of Pennsylvania

Amy Guttman

Guttman and her crowd video



Law School Students

Degrees Conferred

Juris Doctor, October 4, 2001


Susan Ann Benesch ----------------------------- ----------JEWISH

Mark Christian Colσn

Sandra Nicole Farrell

Preston Hopson III

Francis Shannon Yin-Lan Kuo

Aleksey Leonidovich Selipanov----------------------------- JEWISH

Claire Priest

Mary Alison Hale ----------------------------- ----------------JEWISH

Linda Ann Colwell----------------------------- ----------------JEWISH

Leslie Joyce Abrams------------------------------------------ JEWISH

Stephen Michael Ackley-Ortiz------------------------------ JEWISH

Ali Ahsan

Bertrand-Marc Allen------------------------------------------- JEWISH

Jana King Allen------------------------------------------------- JEWISH

Dawn Renee Applegate------------------------------------ JEWISH

Bernadette Atuahene

Ricardo N. Avila

Evelyn M. Baltodano Sheehan

Gabriel Bankier Plotkin--------------------------------------- JEWISH

Dorian Moshe Barag--------------------------------------- JEWISH

Richard Anthony Barrett----------------------------- JEWISH

Joseph Elliot Bartel------------------------------------------ JEWISH

Cecily Elizabeth Baskir

Lily Lawrence Batchelder----------------------------- JEWISH

Kenneth Daniel Beale------------------------------------ JEWISH

Anatoliy Grygorovych Bizhko----------------------------- JEWISH

O. Joseph Boryshansky----------------------------- JEWISH

Jeff James Bowen-----

Eric Scott Braverman---------------------------------------- JEWISH

Stephanie Ann Brennan

Jeffrey Marc Bryan------------------------------------------ JEWISH

Brandee M. Butler

John C. Camillus

Erin Flynn Casey

Robert H. Chandler----------------------------------------- JEWISH

Elidia Chapa

Stephen Chia Chi Chien

Naeemah Clark---------------------------------------------- JEWISH

Jonathan Abraham Cohen----------------------------- JEWISH

John Watson Crongeyer----------------------------- JEWISH

Willow Dawn Crystal--------------------------------------- JEWISH

Brad Spencer Daniels------------------------------------- JEWISH

Rose Darling------------------------------------------------ JEWISH

Michael Edward Davidian

Rebecca Gabrielle Deutsch----------------------------- JEWISH

Derek Brandon Dorn----------------------------- JEWISH

Michael Wayne Durham

Ikenna Paul N. Emehelu----------------------------- JEWISH

Elizabeth Francis Emens----------------------------- JEWISH

Jody Lynn Feder----------------------------------------- JEWISH

Jessy Joseph Fernandez

Laura Ann Fernandez

Katrina L. Fischer------------------------------------ JEWISH

Eric Alexander Friedman----------------------------- JEWISH

Tania Galloni

Bryce Allan Gee

Ralph Geiger-------------------------------------------- JEWISH

Robin S. Goldstein------------------------------------- JEWISH

James Kendrick Gooch

Kristi Lee Graunke

Eliezer Mendel Greenbaum----------------------------- JEWISH

David Singh Grewal

Itai Grinberg------------------------------------------ JEWISH

David A. Grossman----------------------------- JEWISH

Adam Zinsser Grumbach----------------------------- JEWISH

Janea Reiter Gubitosi

Chetan Gulati

Benjamin Adams Hance----------------------------- JEWISH

Sheila N. Hayre----------------------------------------- JEWISH

Randy James Heinig

Jeffrey Alan Hendrickson

Carissa Byrne Hessick----------------------------- JEWISH

Frederick Andrew Hessick III----------------------------- JEWISH

Adam Sean Hickey

Joshua Hill Jr. ------------------------------------------ JEWISH

Allegra di Bonaventura Hogan

Angela Diane Hooton

Robert Steven Huie

Nicole Gail Iannarone

Jenia Iontcheva

Kristen Marie Jackson

Nancy Lynne Jacobson----------------------------- JEWISH

Nikesh Jindal

Beverly Janet Jones

Theodore David Jones

Harleen Kaur Kahlon

Shemina Salim Kanji

Kevin Michael Keenan

Chimθne Ilona Robbins Keitner----------------------------- JEWISH

Robin Jill Kemper

Colleen Marie Kennedy

Riva A. Khoshaba

Michael Kim

Paul Kangyoo Kim

Jeffrey R. King-------------------------------------- JEWISH

Sarah L. King----------------------------------------- JEWISH

Winter King--------------------------------------- JEWISH

Gregory Mark Klass

Emil Abraham Kleinhaus----------------------------- JEWISH

George Gust Kouros

Elizabeth C. Kramer---------------------------------- JEWISH

Tammany Morgan Kramer----------------------------- JEWISH

Robert Kelsey Kry------------------------------------ JEWISH

Chi Tsun Steve Kwok

Carrie Lowry La Seur------------------------------------ JEWISH

Joseph Benjamin Landau----------------------------- JEWISH

David Samuel Lebolt

Grace Minjai Lee

Seung-Eun Ann Lee

Bianca Jonea Levin----------------------------- JEWISH

Daniel Benjamin Levin----------------------------- JEWISH

Duncan Patrick Levin----------------------------- JEWISH

Hillel Y. Levin------------------------------------- JEWISH

Nickolai Gilford Levin----------------------------- JEWISH

Andrew Marc Levine----------------------------- JEWISH

Xiangmin Liu

Daniel Alexander Malin----------------------------- JEWISH

Tara Nicole Malloy

David Wright Marcus----------------------------- JEWISH

Deborah Martinez

Matthew M. Martino

Daniel Nathan Marx-------------------------------- JEWISH

Christopher Ryan May

Sujeet D. Mehta

Frederick D. Melendres

Leslie Ann Meltzer----------------------------- JEWISH

David Frank Menschel----------------------------- JEWISH

Amy Valor Meselson----------------------------- JEWISH

Jeffrey Peter Metzler----------------------------- JEWISH

Michael O. Molina

Becky Lyn Monroe

Toni Eleanor Moore

Melissa Erica Murray----------------------------- JEWISH

Kate Han Nepveu

Michael Tzvi Novick

Jonathan LeRoy Nygren

James Patrick Duggan O’Connell

Kyan Olanna

Matthew Michael Onek

Allison Beth Orris------------------------------------ JEWISH

Justin Joel Peacock------------------------------------ JEWISH

John M. Pellettieri

Jill Marie Perry

Emily Suzanne Pierce Emah----------------------------- JEWISH

Tamara Jill Porter

Melissa Bema Pryor----------------------------------- JEWISH

Daniel Samuel Reich---------------------------------- JEWISH

Caroline Elizabeth Reid

Dana Ann Remus

David Charles Rice

Christopher Robert John Rickerd

Homer Hiram Adam Robinson----------------------------- JEWISH

Paul Mark Rohrer------------------------------------------ JEWISH

Joshua Ian Rosenstein------------------------------ JEWISH

Amy Caroline Rothschild------------------------------ JEWISH

Sarah French Russell--------------------------------------- JEWISH

Reshma M. Saujani

Joel David Sayres------------------------------------ JEWISH

William E. Scheffer------------------------------------ JEWISH

Alexandra Tamar Schimmer----------------------------- JEWISH

Thomas Wickham Schmidt

Amanda Louise Schreiber------------------------------ JEWISH

Matthew Robert Segal-------------------------------- JEWISH

Naomi Kate Seiler-------------------------------------- JEWISH

Bella Katy Sewall------------------------------------- JEWISH

David Shahoulian

Yi Sheng

Jed Handelsman Shugerman----------------------------- JEWISH

Jason Edward Silvers----------------------------- JEWISH

Ian Michael Slotin-------------------------------------- JEWISH

Ian Hoddy Solomon----------------------------------- JEWISH

Saema Somalya

Sang-Hoon Song

Kory Spencer Sorrell

Sonja Birgitta Starr

Simon D. Stern----------------------------------------- JEWISH

Sarah Elizabeth Sundell----------------------------- JEWISH

Benjamin James Swartzendruber----------------------------- JEWISH

Christopher Page Taggart

Joshua Christopher Tate

Damali A. Taylor

Michael Justin Teter

Kay Lee Tidwell

Elizabeth Troup Timkovich----------------------------- JEWISH

Steven Lawrence Tiscione

Jean Lydia Tom

Katherine Elizabeth Ulrich----------------------------- JEWISH

Adir Gurion Waldman-------------------------------------- JEWISH

Aaron J. Walker----------------------------------------- JEWISH

Kanchana Wangkeo

Amy Lynn Weber------------------------------------- JEWISH

Scott Ryan Wiehle--------------------------------------- JEWISH

Nicola Faith Williams

Tyra Nicole Williams

Kimberly Ann Woody




Juris Doctor, June 1, 2005

Ruby Zahiyah Afram
---------------------------- JEWISH
April Joy Anderson
Farrin Rose Anello
Neeraj Arora
Uzo Asonye
Aditi Banerjee
David Paul Bartels
---------------------------- JEWISH
Emily Rose Ritvo Beckman
---------------------------- JEWISH
Manuel Gabino Berrιlez III
Daniel Gregory Bird
James Davis Blacklock
---------------------------- JEWISH
Nathanael James Blake
---------------------------- JEWISH
Joshua Abraham Block
---------------------------- JEWISH
Anastasia Vladimirovna Boyko 
---------------------------- JEWISH
Donald Braman  
---------------------------- JEWISH
Andrew Jason Brauer  
---------------------------- JEWISH
Zachary Andrew Bray 
---------------------------- JEWISH
Maria Elizabeth Burnett
Christopher James Burrell
Pamela Alba Campos
Pamela Anne Carter
Ashlie E. Case 
---------------------------- JEWISH
Samantha Lee Chaifetz
Wareewan Tina Charoenpong
Kenneth Sanway Chen
Richard Chi
Lawrence Perley Cogswell III
John Francis Coyle III
David John D'Addio
Robert Bernard Davis
---------------------------- JEWISH
Megan Elissa Delehanty
Deborah Dinner
Amanda Bouvier Edmonds
Antonio Coronel Elefano, Jr.
Jasmine Elwick
Nicole Le Estey
William David Falsey
Aron Russell Fischer
---------------------------- JEWISH
Leah Collier Fletcher
---------------------------- JEWISH
David Fontana
Hillary Michelle Forden
Sydney Andrea Ramsey Foster
Cary Catherine Franklin
Michael David Gadarian
---------------------------- JEWISH
David Scott Gamage  
Patrick Schaefer Louis Geary 
Justina Louise Geraci
Michael Gerber
Margaret Caitlin Gleason 
---------------------------- JEWISH
Chad Ian Golder
Andrew Daniel Goldstein  
---------------------------- JEWISH
Scott Wachtel Golenbock  
---------------------------- JEWISH
Brianne Jenna Gorod
Andrei Milenko Kenneth Greenawalt  
---------------------------- JEWISH
Abigail Brier Greene  
---------------------------- JEWISH
Jamal K. Greene
Ayo Kleinsinger Griffin  
---------------------------- JEWISH
James Taylor Lewis Grimmelmann  
---------------------------- JEWISH
Sarah Elizabeth Griswold
---------------------------- JEWISH
Seth Sherman Grossman  
---------------------------- JEWISH
Avni Gupta
---------------------------- JEWISH
Annie Mae Harlan
Grant Thomas Harris
Scott Richard Hatch 
---------------------------- JEWISH
Karen Hendricks Healer
Thomas K. Hedemann 
---------------------------- JEWISH
Nicole C. Henning
Ethel Randolph Higonnet
Blaise Chadwick Hill
Dale Edwin Ho
Michael T. Holland
Beth Hooton Ruiz
Candace Rae Jackson
Christopher Frederick Jeu
Alicia Edith Johnson
Phyllis Alene Jones
Jeffrey Douglas Kaliel 
---------------------------- JEWISH
Svilen Ivanov Karaivanov  
---------------------------- JEWISH
Katherine Louise Karl
Zachary Kaplan Katz
Derek Jay Kaufman
Kabrina Kau
Lara T. Kayayan
Allon Kedem
Patrick S.R. Keefe
Christopher E. Kemmitt
Julia Anne Kernochan
Bryan Jacob Ketroser
Anita Khandelwal
Elaine Ki Jin Kim
Elisha J. Kobre
Thomas Ford Koelbl
Abigail Brett Krauser
Praveen Srinivas Nepalli Krishna
Jedidiah Joseph Kroncke
Bryan Wykoff Leach
Joshua Ryan Lee
Michelle Ju Yoon Lee
Peter Yun-hyoung Lee
Brandt Arthur Leibe
Eliza Sarah Sylvia Leighton
Wylie Harrison Levone
Paula Rebecca Levy
Nancy Liao
Oskar Liivak
Yair Jason Listokin
J. Alejandro Longoria
Victoria Vierling Louie
Alison Margaret Mackenzie
Elisabeth Ann Marshall
Sarah Barbara Mascareρas
Judkins Cooper Mathews
Kevin P. McCulloch
Mercιdes Daile Marie McFarland
Bryan Kent McGee
Diarra McKinney
Cynthia Ann Merrill
Abja Uttam Midha
Yuval Miller
Charles Randall Minor
Daniel Ibsen Morales
Erin Eileen Morrow
Elora Mukherjee
Nicolas David Muzin
Maya Nayak
Jeremy Rondeau Newell
Chet Kelii-Wallraff Pager
Alexander S. Parsons
Parviz Parvizi
Elizabeth Holt Peters
Katherine Marie Pollock
Emma Marion Quinn-Judge
Juan Luis Ramirez
Lauren Reid Randell
Yusuf Abdulla Rangwala
John William Rea
Kevin Thayer Reed
Jane Mary Ricci
Marie Isel Rivera Santana
Limor Robinson
Blake Keally Rohrbacher
Eric Rosenstock
Jeremy Adam Rossman
Matthew Brennan Rowland
Andrew J. Sackett
Gabriel Patrick Sanchez
Galit Alcalay Sarfaty
Martin Schmidt
Timothy Ryan Schnabel
Robert Charles Schuwerk
Laurence Michael Schwartztol
David M. Shapiro
J. Peter Shindel, Jr.
David Reuben Silverman
Anna Margaret Skotko
Phillip Nelson Smith, Jr.
Jennifer Rebecca Soble
Adam Albert Sofen
Nadia Bohachewsky Soree
Katherine Gallup Southwick
Jennifer Helene Sperling
Ankur Srivastava
Sara Jane Sternberg
Debra Lynne Stump
Deborah A. Thomas
Matthew David Thurlow
Travis Alexander Torrence
Tahlia Natasha Townsend
Alexander Turkeltaub
Peter P. Vassilev
Ashley Wilcox Manjarrez Walker
Ting Wang
Clarence Webster III
Max McMeekin Weinstein
Gregory S. Wesley
Caroline Elizabeth Wilson
Andrew Michael Woolf
Elizabeth Garland Wright
John Atchison Wright
Jeffrey Y. Wu
Steven Chiajon Wu
Benjamin Jacob Wyatt
Shintaro Yamaguchi
Alexandra Wallace Yates
Brian M. Yates
Jonathan M. Young
Alexandros Donnelly Zervos


Yale law school faculty