Gordon Brown Becomes England's Prime Minister


The world falls deeper into mass idiocy







One Of Brown's Goals Is Mass Holocaust Education







Marching To The Gas Chambers






Nazis Pour In Zyklon-B On Helpless Jews







Look At The Baby







British Politician To Further Shoah Education

To have a clown of this caliber as Prime Minister, is simply hard to believe. The holocaust is a child's fable at best. If any of it were true there would be archeological teams all over Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Sobibor.

Gordon Brown claim to fame is he assures British Jews that Holocaust/Shoah education will be a keystone in all elementary education.










England's Treasurer

Gordon Brown this week announced a new government cash injection to help ensure British educators are prepared for teaching about the Shoah.





School Trips To Auschwitz

The announcement came during an address to Labour friends of Israel’s annual lunch. This follows his £1.5m windfall in 2005 to help fund the Holocaust Educational Trust’s plan to send children and teachers from every school on visits to Auschwitz.





Mandatory Teacher Training

Chancellor Brown referred to a recent report on  teachers in the UK avoiding the Shoah or finding it difficult because they are afraid of causing offence. Brown assured his Jewish audience that “Teachers will be adequately equipped with the training and resources”.





Young Minds Must Know

Gordon Brown said  “any suggestion” that the Holocaust will be dropped from the curriculum is rubbish, this will not happen." The Holocaust will remain on the curriculum, now and in the future. 






You Don't Want To Be On That Train

Brown is concerned about the rise in anti-Semitism, and sees the teaching of the holocaust as preventive medicine.   He also praised the “immense” contribution of British Jewry to this country.

On the Middle East, Brown assured British Jews that England was prepared to sacrifice its young people for the dream known as Israel.





British Jews Will Administer The Programs

HET Chief Executive Karen Pollock said the new financial commitment “will enable HET to administer a broad programme of teacher training. We look forward to working with partner organisations on this important initiative”.






Start With Fifth Graders

The younger these minds can be imprinted the better.





Tony Blair's Successor

Gordon Brown, England's  Chancellor of the Exchequer since 1997, is the favorite to win.  Brown is a Zionist's dream, he sold 70% of England's gold supply to Rothschild's agents.






Foreign policy

Brown remains committed to the Iraq War, and remains supportive of American policies.






No Need For Elections

Brown took over from Blair as Labour Party leader on Sunday and has until May 2010 at the latest to call a general election, although opposition parties want him to call one immediately









The Absurdity Of It All

Zionists have been running the world, and we are dying for them, for hundreds of years. The number of dead is beyond calculating. As long as they keep the credit flowing, and the economy humming, they will keep getting away with it all.







Judicial Index