Churchill And The Sayanim Network


Churchill's Mother Was Jenny Jacobson






Churchill And Roosevelt Were The Main Factors In WW2

They egged Poland into killing German nationals and provoking Hitler








Churchill's Daughter Arabella






Arabella Has A  Son, Jacob Barton






Jake Is Now 34, And Charged With Ecstasy Peddling


















It Turns Out Jacob Is A Major Dealer

Jacob Churchill Barton who is an Australian, is said to be a major ecstasy dealer, and was caught with $12 million in tablets. Gerard Woodgate was his accomplice.

The Australian ecstasy market was controlled by an Israeli, Abe Saffron, and there is no way you become a dealer without an invitation. The Zionist Sayanim network says if you are loyal to international Jewry, than you come under their umbrella. Jacob was given this ecstasy franchise because of the network.

The sayanim's code is to always favor another Jewish person in any transaction. It could be a admission to a college, a job opportunity, a government contract, student loans getting erased. Have no doubt the network will pull all stops to protect young Churchill. 4





The Sayanim Network

 Judicial Index