Benjamin Netanyahu

Netanyahu is the real power in Israel, and he is ruthless. He once went to a Canadian University (Concordia), and placed snipers on rooftops. In his 20's, he was a Sayeret Matkal assassin. He is well aware of what it takes to get America to fight. In his mind, there must be another 9/11, but on an even more monstrous scale.



Palestine/Muslim/Arab/I hate America faction:
1. Such hypocrites. When someone questions you, you cry "attack on free speech", but you were all too quick to shut down Netnyahu at cross-town Concordia. Too bad some of the rooftop israeli snipers didn't fire a few shots in your directon. Yeah, there were Israeli snipers up on the roofs around concordia. Canadians, what do you think about that?

2. Such bravery over here, yelling at people and spewing your garbage propaganda. Go to Iran if you want to pull that garbage. Better yet, want try that Holocaust day stunt next to an IDF base? Didn't think so.

3. Whenever you claim that the American/Zionist group is opressing the arabs, pull your head of your ass and look at the truth. Your own leaders are the causing most of the pain and suffering. The Iran-iraq war killed millions more than Israel will ever kill, most of which are in self defence. If you want to see how bad you have it here and America, just look at how good the christians and jews have it in the Arab world. All those religious freedoms, constitutional rights and so..... Not like Christians were slaves to the Muslims in Sudan THIS FUCKING DECADE or anything....

Media Monopoly and the Netanyahu affair at Concordia

by 6:26am Tue Sep 10 '02 (Modified on 11:03pm Mon Sep 16 '02)


What happens when a media mogul bankrolls a controversial event and sends his journalist minions to cover it?


Media Monopoly and the Netanyahu affair at Concordia

What happens when a media mogul bankrolls a controversial event and sends his journalist minions to cover it?

Yesterday at Concordia we witnessed a clear example of media concentration and its ramifications for free speech. Izzy Asper, the owner of CanWest? Global, provided thousands of dollars for former Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's speech at Concordia University. Meanwhile, around a dozen CanWest? Global journalists roamed the streets.

What kind of coverage can we expect from CanWest?'s 15 major Canadian newspapers in this situation?

At least two journalists from the National Post were prevented from accessing the site after they stupidly chose to reveal their corporate identity to a chain of humans barricading Bishop Street outside Concordia University. Why should they try to report on an event paid for by their own boss? Why not just just ask Izzy directly for a press release?

It can be surmised that any reporting critical of Netanyahu, the police handling of the event, or the University's hypocritical approach to dealing with student concerns about the Middle East would result in punitive action.

Since Asper gained control of the Montreal Gazette from Conrad Black, he has fired a number of editors and veteran journalists for their positions on a host of issues. Many others, including publisher Micheal Goldbloom, resigned in protest, and the journalists from the Montreal Gazette led a movement that spread to other CanWest? newspapers to withhold their bylines in their articles.

In addition to the Montreal Gazette, CanWest? now owns the National Post, 14 large city dailies, 120 smaller dailies and weeklies, and the Global TV network, Canada’s second-largest private broadcaster. The company also has private TV networks in Australia, New Zealand and Ireland.

Some commentators suggest that free speech was not respected by protestors at Concordia yesterday. But the "marketplace of ideas" if it exists at all, is by no means a fair one, given current levels of media concentration.



Last year Palestinian solidarity groups were refused use of a University-owned park two blocks from the main campus for day of tabling and information exchange, because of a supposed "security risk" it would pose. There were no cries from members of the media that this was a suppression of free speech, and no attempt to work with organizers to ensure security.

But it seems that Netanyahu enjoys a different set of rules, which allow for shutting down 90% of the fire exits of the Hall Building and snipers on the roof, without it being considered a "security risk".




Speech by Benjamin Netanyahu at Montreal university cancelled


Hundreds of people met in front of the Ritz-Carlton hotel and the Concordia university to protest against the policy of the Israeli government. A scheduled speech by Benjamin Netanyahu at Concordia University was cancelled Monday as police used pepper spray and tear gas in a clash with demonstrators who wanted to thwart the former Israeli prime minister's visit to Montreal. Concordia University allows Netanyahu's security detail to place snipers on roofs along with scores of tactical riot policemans.

Independent Media Center ( describes Benjamin Netanyahou as a war criminal.
Netanyahu, who was Israel's Likud Party prime minister from 1996 to 1999, is scheduled to speak Tuesday in Toronto, where more protests have been planned.

Just as the warrant for Netanyahu’s arrest was ignored, so were the risk assessments made by Concordia’s head of security. Rector Frederick Lowy and his cabinet made a hefty choice that day, sacrificing the safety of the students, faculty and staff for the sake of Netanyahu’s "free" speech.

The speech was for an exclusive "bring your Israeli flags" audience, absent of any question period. It required the deployment of hundreds of riot police on campus, bomb-sniffing dogs and snipers. All but one exit to the Hall Building was locked, rendering the building a fire hazard-as was clearly shown later when students attempted to evacuate.

The job of Concordia administrators is not as easy as that of a pharmaceutical lobbyist on Capitol Hill. They know that no matter what decision is made, there's going to be political unrest outside of their doors. Do students have to react this way, though? Let's look at past examples where controversial free speech was allowed.

There's the Netanyahu incident, where shattered glass and student injuries were preceded by the setup of snipers atop area

Last year Palestinian solidarity groups were refused use of a University-owned park two blocks from the main campus for day of tabling and information exchange, because of a supposed "security risk" it would pose." Ya handing out hate literature demonizing Israelis & Jews is a security risk.
"snipers on the roof" I guess in light of the riot the extra security would have been needed... and yet no one got shot

Netanyahu wants Shin Beth to kill agitators

Netanyahu was quick to denounce Canada and Concordia for not being able to control the protesters. In a press conference at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, he denounced the protesters’ “totalitarian mentality,” and suggested that Concordia should be “cleaned up.”

For his part, Rector Frederick Lowy reacted with a strong statement condemning the actions of protesters, and declaring a moratorium on further events relating to Middle East politics.