David Irving Visits Sobibor



The greatest historian of WW2, David Irving, has stated that the millions of Jews killed met their fate at the Reinhardt camps of Sobibor, Treblinka, and Belzec. In addition, there were hundreds of thousands executed at places like Babi Yar.








Below Are Two Videos Of Sobibor

Jews claim 250,000 were killed at a place called Sobibor. In 2001 there was an excavation, no bodies were found, and no buildings either. The Jewish story is the bodies  were burnt, and then the buildings and bodies were fed into 'Bone Crushers', and turned to dust.



Why did he kill the baby?






Do You Believe 250,000 Jews Died At Sobibor

Yes - And if you count that baby shot, it would be 250,001
No - Notice there are no bodies, just more Jewish holocaust rubbish.


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