Images from Abu Ghraib

Photos of Iraqis Being Abused by US Personnel

updated 17 Feb 2006


This page contains the most recently-released photos. For earlier photos, click here.


Related Postings:

"Family of Iraq Abuse Whistleblower Threatened"

Abu Ghraib Interrogations "A Total Waste of Time"

The Rest of the Abu Ghraib Photos & Videos

Document: Intel Agents Who Saw Detainee Abuse Were Threatened

Unreleased Army Reports: US Soldiers Beat Detainees to Death

FBI Documents Call Iraq Interrogations "Torture," Refer to Presidential Order OK'ing Inhumane Treatment


The images below were broadcast by Dateline, a show on the Special Broadcast Service in Australia.
You can download the segment here.

Many of the images were screen-captured from the broadcast. The others were disseminated by Reuters, the BBC, the Sydney Morning Herald, and other outlets.

Still more photos (not included here) have been released by Salon here.































































This page contains the most recently-released photos. For earlier photos, click here.


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posted 30 Apr 2004 | updated 05, 06, 10, 20, 21 May 2004; 17 Feb 2006
site copyright 2002-6 Russ Kick