Madame Yenta Does Israel








Nancy Pelosi Makes Her Pilgrimage

JERUSALEM - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi toured Jerusalem stopping at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher with a congressional.

This was done under the guise of a fact-finding trip to the Middle East.


Off To The Wailing Wall

They also visited the Western Wall, the holiest site in Judaism, where Jews have gathered for centuries to pray.


The Pretend Muslim

The 1/2 Jewish, 1/2 black, Muslim convert, Rep. Keith Ellison said his presence sent a message to Israelis and Palestinians that "people can come together."

"Reconciliation is possible," he said.


Dare They Visit The Haram Al Sharif

Ellison said he hoped to visit the compound above the Western Wall known as the Temple Mount to Jews and the Noble Sanctuary to Muslims. The third-holiest site in Islam, is one of the main points of friction between Israel and the Palestinians in the Middle East conflict.



Off To The Knesset

On Sunday, Pelosi is to address the Israeli Knesset, and meet Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert






Pelosi Was Elected On The Iraq Withdrawal

Who cares about some spittling morons at the wailing wall, or that cesspool of terrorists called Israel. Bowing to AIPAC and Israel while American GIs are blown to bits by in Iraq over the Mosul/Haifa pipeline.




Keith Ellison

Nancy Pelosi
Pelosi AIPAC

 Judicial Index