Mickey Bloomberg For President













Bloomberg Wants To Be President

"Did Mike Bloomberg become a multi-billionaire by lowering his sights? I don't think so," says a friend of the popular second-term mayor. "Why would he want to be governor? If he runs for anything, it'll be the White House."

Sources close to the mayor confirm that Bloomberg is not interested in trying to oust newly elected Democratic governor Eliot Spitzer from his job. "He's become the Paris Hilton of politics — people love to speculate about him," says one source, who adds that Bloomberg, a nominal Republican, is preparing to throw himself into the presidential race next spring, if he sees an opening. He's told people privately that he'd be willing to spend $500 million or more to finance an independent, third-party presidential campaign — to collect the signatures needed to get him on the ballot in all 50 states, to buy ads and to pay for staff.




Will Bloomberg Back Israel And Invade Iran?

Yes - And it will be Gentile kids dying
No - He will do what's best for the American people


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