McCain Has Time For Immigrants

Republican presidential candidate John McCain backs the immigration bill.

"I do what I think is right," McCain told a town-hall audience in Iowa. "The people of Arizona sent me to Washington to do the hard things. They didn't expect me to go there and say 'no' and do nothing about our broken border."

The bipartisan bill which would tighten borders and offer employers more temporary workers from abroad in addition to providing lawful status to an estimated 12 million illegal aliens.





McCain's Reaction To The USS Liberty

Sen. McCain also has brushed off Liberty veterans, saying in one letter, "The United States government has thoroughly investigated the incident."






McCain Says This Book Is "Tops"

After reading The Liberty Incident, the latest attempt to cover up Israel's perfidy, written by a former navy pilot who is a federal judge, McCain wrote: "After years of research for this book, Judge A. Jay Cristol has reached a similar conclusion to one my father [then chief of Naval Operations] reached in his June 18, 1967, endorsement of the findings of the Court of Inquiry. I commend Judge Cristol for his thoroughness and fairness, and I commend this work."





A Miami Bankruptcy Judge

A 75 year old Zionist that declares himself an authority on the Liberty Attack, and says it was a case of friendly fire.






Judicial Index