New Orleans'  Blacks Beaten Senseless






They Protested City Hall About Demolishing Public Housing






Their Public Housing Is Being Torn Down






Blacks Locked Out Of Meetings







Police Use Pepper Spray








New Projects Built For White Casino Employees







New Orleans' Elite Want The Blacks Gone

Katrina provided the perfect cover to blow the levees, and flood the blacks out. They were shipped on buses to various towns while Zionist real estate moguls bought the town up. They plan to build casinos and staff them with white Europeans, thanks to their new immigration laws.

All this will be paid for by the American taxpayer.








Outside City Hall

On Thursday, police used chemical spray and stun guns on protesters who tried to force their way into a City Council meeting where the members voted unanimously to allow the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to demolish 4,500 public housing units.






Demolitions Must Go On

The vote allows demolition crews to begin tearing down the buildings within weeks unless they are blocked in the courts. Lawyers fighting the demolition say they have not exhausted their legal options.

Endesha Juakali, a protest leader arrested on a charge of disturbing the peace, said the confrontation with the council was not the last breath from protesters.








Blacks Want To Return

For weeks, protesters have been gearing up to battle with bulldozers and have discussed a variety of tactics, including lying in front of the machinery.

Thursday's confrontation was the most violent and tense of a string of protests that have brought attention to the plight of a growing number of homeless and the lack of inexpensive housing for people displaced by Hurricane Katrina.[1]







Shelly Adelson

Las Vegas moguls see New Orleans as the new Las Vegas. The mysterious explosion of the levees flooded the black districts, and now 80% of the schwartzers (yiddish for negro) are gone.



HUD Is Impatient

Jerry Brown, of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, said demolition crews should be able to get to work soon. There is $700 million in redevelopment work being held up.

 The use of Blackwater to stem this violence, and these negro radicals, is not out of the question.







Get On The Bus

After Katrina, the blacks were given $200, put on buses, and told not to come back.




Las Vegas and New Orleans

Who controls New Orleans

Katrina Levees

 Judicial Index