Congress Backs Bush On Iraq Financing







No Iraqi Withdrawal Timetable





"Viva Zion"






Our Boys Are Dying For Democracy

US President George W. Bush on Thursday predicted a bloody summer in Iraq for US troops and Iraqi civilians, saying he expected insurgents and al Qaeda to step up attacks to try to influence the US debate over how long to stay in Iraq.





Pelosi And The House OKed The Money

The US House of Representatives broke a four-month deadlock with Bush on Thursday night and approved $100 billion in new funds for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan without a timetable for withdrawing combat troops. 





More Intrigue

Twenty seven were killed by a bomb at a funeral in Fallujah, and 11 people in a minibus were executed. 





Gates Says It Is The price Of Freedom

Defence Secretary Robert Gates later said he also anticipated more violence this summer from what he called "a smart, agile, thinking enemy."

"They know what's going on in this country and I think we should be prepared for them to make a very strong effort to increase the level of violence in July and August. My hope is that anticipating it will allow us to thwart it."






Americans Are Sick Of The War And Bush

The predictions of more bloodshed came at a time when Americans' assessment of the war has never been worse. A New York Times poll that said 76 percent of Americans believe the war is going somewhat or very badly for the United States.

  Bush's overall job approval was 30 percent.





Chuck Schumer Says It Is Worth It

We must stand our ground and fight these devils, they will attack Israel and then America. If we don't do it now, if we don't have the courage to defeat this enemy, we will long long regret it," he said.

Democrats voted against the war-funding portion of the bill in droves because it did not contain timetables for troop withdrawal.

The total cost of the war since 2001 exceeds half a trillion dollars.









They Should All Be Impeached

Nine months ago we had 130,000 troops in Iraq, and the last election supposedly sent a message that America wants out of Iraq. The first question is: - "Why are we there?" We have 30,000 kids maimed, and 3.400 dead, because the Iraqis needed democracy?

We are over there because Israel, and world Zionists, want to control the world's oil supplies.



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