New Orleans Turns Into A Shooting Gallery






Twelve Killed Assassination Style Since Christmas






Twelve Killed In Eight Days

A spate of killings that has swept this city in recent days — six of them in less than 24 hours — has terrified residents.


They Are Killing The Professionals

These are teachers, and everyday citizens. Dinerral Shavers, 25, a teacher was fatally shot Dec. 28 while driving with his wife and two children.


Who Kills A Filmmaker?

Helen Hill, an independent filmmaker, was killed at her home on Thursday. Hill's husband, physician Paul Gailiunas, was shot three times in front of their 2-year-old son. Gailiunas survived, and police said the toddler was unharmed.


Police Are Afraid

Commissioner Warren Reilly denies these are professional assassinations. Riley told reporters Saturday that a curfew was being considered to help curtail violence. He contends that New Orleans gets the spotlight because of Katrina.


Nagin Does Nothing

He did not ot respond to requests for comment. In a local television interview Thursday, Nagin said most of the crime was "black on black" and "it's unfortunate."



Who Are The Victims?

Out of the twelve victims, they are all black, the killings are random, even the areas are upscale. Four were men older than 40, and two were women, and some of the slayings occurred in areas not typically considered crime hotspots.









It Really Isn't That Complicated

Zionists had eyed New Orleans as their next Las Vegas for years , but they needed to get rid of the 70% black population. The blacks lived in the 9th district, which was 12' below the water level, and the levee was the answer. They had plan this thing for years, waiting for the right moment, and that was Katrina.

An Israeli demolition team blows a small channel under the 17th st levee, what started as a trickle quickly eroded the earthen levee, and the cement wall gave finally collapsed. Other than a muffled explosion, there was absolutely no evidence. Bush and his crew let the blacks sit for four days in hell, and then sent in buses, shuffling them off for the great black diasporas.

Today the city sits rotting, Zionists are buying hand over fist for pennies, and someone is sponsoring an assassination team.




Katrina Levees

Blacks vs Jews in Katrina

Blacks not returning to New Orleans

Jews Savage Blacks

New Orleans Drug Trade

Mercenaries used to evicts Blacks

 Judicial Index