Polish Town Sick Of Jewish Teens





Rabble Rousing Israelis Are Troublemakers




Always Accompanied By Shin Bet Thugs








Jewish Teens Terrorizing Oswiecim

Rich Israeli hatchlings are so rude that the people of Oswiecim, who run the hotels, restaurants, and shops would love to ban them.  Przekroj weekly, which accused Israeli teens of damaging hotel rooms and traumatizing locals during visits to Poland.





Israel's Ambassador Had To Get Involved

The relationship between Israel and Poland is in danger, according to Israel’s Ambassador to Poland, David Peleg.






Flight Attendants Repulsed

Jewish teens were accused of sexually harassing, and humiliated flight attendants, while flying with the Polish Lot Airlines. The young Jews travel with Shin Bet, who are armed and belligerent. One teen slapped a stewardess for bring her a coke late.





Hotels Repulsed

The article published in Przekroj, titled “Young Israeli’s run amok in Poland”, describes incidents of Israeli teens burning carpets, breaking furniture, and defecating  in their beds and sinks.





Motel Maids

They go to make up the bed and there will be a fresh stool under the covers. They wind up throwing the mattress away.





Nobody Wants These Israelis

The hotels, the bars, the restaurants, and the local shops protest to the mayor. Whether it's leaving no tip, or shoplifting, or just plain ignorance.






Israel Savages Beat Townspeople

This Zionists hatchlings parade through downtown Ociewn and hassle the local population, blaming them for the 4,000,000 Jews killed at Auschwitz.






Poles Didn't Care

“The Israeli youth sees Poles as second-class humans, and treat them as potential enemies”, said Professor Moshe Zimmerman of the Hebrew University’s History Department.







Here Is How They Get Away With It

The article also criticized Shin Bet guards, and featured quotes by locals claiming that the guards beat them and forced them to undergo humiliating security checks.





A Polish Teacher Comments

Israeli teens in general are mean, rude, impolite, and uncivilized, add that to their immaturity and age.  It's the way their parents have bought them up, with the superiority complex and distaste for the Goyim.








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