The Oxford Debating Hall






Good Zionists Protests Evil Speakers







High Drama For The History Books

A World War Two historian, and a anti immigration blowfly politician knocks Oxford University off it's gyroscopic axis. Not since the 'Guns of Navarone' or the Diary of Anne Frank, has the world held it's breath.









David Irving

Irving is a spellbinding speaker, but it seems his views are vague. In his recent stance Irving contends that there were 4,000,000 Jews killed during WW2.






Nick Griffin

Griffin is a British politician, his stance is he doesn't completely accept the holocaust, and is opposed to multicultural immigration.







Evan Harris

Harris is a Jewish immigrant, who is now a English politician. He is very slick, very personable, and his speech consisted of advancing the notion that Irving and Griffin, as deplorable as they were have a right to speak.






Luke Tryl

He is the Jewish head of the Oxford debating society, who organized the event.






Anne Atkins

She is a vicar's wife and a social gadfly. Her speech was about allowing Irving to speak.






Oxford Professors Worried?

Professors like Heim Wilenski are caught between free speech, and holocaust denial.

Oxford has been good for Heim, a 40 yr old Polish immigrant, who now makes £ 90,000 pounds, plus all the allowances. Swaggering  around campus in his tweed jacket, his coiffered hair, always accompanied by a bevy of nubiles, Heim cuts a dashing stance.






Professor Israel Bladderstein?

Off the record I can say 'We pretty much control Oxford', our people's enrollment is 45%, and we have filled the louve, sort of speak, with 25% multicultural poodles. Besides that, who do you think organized the event.

"Christ almighty, 60% of the protestors are Jewish, and the rest are what we call Tsunami flotsam, Macacas (Asian monkeys)."





The Minister Of Education

Bill Rammell, a pro Zionist education minister, contends that Universities must challenge violent extremism like David Irving through open debate. He flew to Israel, and stood shoulder to shoulder, when British Academic Union called for a boycott of Israeli academics slithering into teaching positions.








Rammel Says 'Watch The Muslims'

Minister Rammel denies that the government expected universities to keep their Muslim students under surveillance, but he warned academics to "recognise that our society does face a threat which differs in scale and nature from that we have experienced before".

"Just like the rest of us, they have to be aware that there must be a trade-off between liberty and security. Asking people to be aware of reality hardly amounts to the barbarians standing at the gate."








George Galloway Threatens Violence

Galloway, a liberal British politician, and  a 'Kosher Nazi', said he would break through the 'thousands' of protestors and two main Nazi speakers tear them limb from limb.










What Do You Think?

Yes - A great battle for Free Speech
No - Just a Zio-Publicity stunt free polls



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