A Look At Michael Ruppert


A 53 yr old Nostradamus or an Israeli disinformation agent ?



His book

Ruppert's book says Big Oil, Bush, Cheney, Pakistan and CIA were behind 9/11




Who is Michael Ruppert ?

Ruppert graduates UCLA in 1973 - becomes LAPD cop – then a narcotics agent and declares it's the CIA behind drugs in America. He mysteriously resigns/fired in 1978 and voluntarily commits himself to psychiatric care.

Next he surfaces as a counter espionage agent who dates a CIA agent who tells him about weapons for heroin in Iraq. His career from 1980 to 1996 is a blank until Ruppert reappears in 1996.






Winds up on national TV debating the CIA director


By some miracle in 1996, Ruppert winds up on TV confronting CIA director John Deutsch about CIA involvement in drugs - Ruppert appears before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, where he spoke on CIA ,drugs and police infiltration and is on his way to fame and fortune.






Mysterious Ad

Ruppert discovers the Internet

In 1998 Ruppert starts a run of the mill web site called ‘From the wilderness’ – it’s a nothing till some mysterious backer suddenly appears and fronts a $ 50,000 Washington Post ad - that puts him on the map. Legend goes he was then able to raise almost $114,000 to follow up with an ad blitz in major newspapers throughout the nation's top markets and brings his subscriber base to 16,000. In 1998, has a staff of three full-time employees and generates about $400,000 a year from a variety of sources, including subscriptions.





Taliban and Afghanistan

 Ruppert avoids mentioning that Afghanistan was about getting Jewish controlled drug routes back after the Taliban threw them out. He maintains the $ 200 bill a yr opium trade is run by some camel jockeys hiding in a cave. After 9/11 Bush invades Afghanistan and the drug trade returns to it’s former owners. Ruppert also spins the fairy tale that the Medellin Cartel and Colombian Narco terrorists control the South American drug trade.

The world drug trade is a $ 600 billion a yr. international business and has always been controlled by the same people.





Now comes 9/11

Ruppert and Delmart Vreeland ( ex-con) and both ex-cops, become the ‘In–Guys ‘ and corner a large piece of the alternative-9/11 market. Suddenly he becomes a hot ticket on the college speaking circuit where he tells young minds of big oil and evil politicians were behind 9/11.

The simple truth is 9/11 was an Israeli operation designed to false flag Muslims and allow the Iraq and soon the Iran invasion – Israel gets Arab oil and Muslims get blamed for coming financial collapse but Ruppert sees a different boogey man.

Ruppert’s take is 9/11 was a CIA job using Pakistani intelligence and Arab hijackers and the US government used the attacks to go to war on behalf of oil interests. His site talks of Bush and Bin Laden profited from a stock account run by Buzzy Krongard (Executive Director of the CIA).







Great pains to avoid Israeli involvement

Ruppert avoids the fact that 200 Israelis (demolitions experts, to anti hijacking teams) were in the USA and arrested after 9/11. He totally dismissed the possibility of any Israeli or Mossad involvement with 9/11.







Gary Webb’s assassination

Gary Webb is a famous reporter on the drug trade who is writing a book about Israel’s involvement when he gets shot twice in the head. Ruppert declares it a suicide and declares anyone who dared challenge that verdict as "Internet trailer park trash",








Ruppert’s purpose

He seems to be a dis-information agent whose job is blame the drug trade on Colombian drug lords, Chinese Ninjas, Afghan warlords and the CIA.

His version of 9/11 was - It was engineered by Bilderbergs , Illuminati , Skull and Bones, Cheney but not Israel.

Fees $ 2500 for three hrs






Ruppert prediction of gold

The strangest thing is he pushes the coming collapse, and the purchase of gold – which no one listens to but will give him great credibility when it happens.




 Judicial Index