The 1970 Sterling Hall Bombing

University Of Wisconsin











Jewish War Protestors Kill And Maim Students




Four Lice Ridden Terrorists




Part Of The 'Students For A Democratic Society'






What Happened

On August 24th, 1970, a stolen Ford Econoline van filled with close to 2,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate and topped off with jet fuel. It was parked in front of Sterling hall , at the University of Wisconsin campus in Madison, by four Jewish radicals. The terrorists were protesting the Vietnam War. One professor was killed and four students were injured.






David Fine

David Fine was the ringleader and three others were arrested.







Leonard Burt

A 22-year-old Leonard Burt fled the country. The FBI tracked him to Canada, where he apparently then fled to Israel. It's contended that the Bronfman family may have lent financial support for his escape.   Burt has neither been captured nor heard from since the bombing.






Who Was This Garbage?

This group was the SDS (Students of Democratic society ). Their roots were the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Brandeis, Oberlin, and the University of California at Berkeley – all heavily Jewish. Sympathetic Jewish faculty groomed them. Key members were Kathy Boudinvich, Richard Flacks, Al Haber, Ted Gold, Jerry Rubin, Bernie Ayers, Steve Max, Mike Spiegal, Mike Klonsky, Todd Gitlin, Mark Rudinsky, and others.

The money for the ‘Yhid draft dodgers‘ came from the League for Industrial Democracy, a Jewish organization.





Killers Get A Few Years In Country Club Prisons

Karl Armstrong:  ...He served seven years. After a stint as a cab driver, he now runs a Jewish deli called Radical Rye.

Dwight Armstrong: ...Apprehended in 1976. He served four years in prison, moved back to Madison and now works for Union Cab.

David Fine:  ...He served a three-year sentence. He received a law degree in 1984 and was last known to be working in Vancouver, Wash.

Lenny Burt: ...Fled to Canada, and on to Israel.  PDF





Forty Years Later

The University is still a radical's paradise, and as Iraq heats up, today's Jewish students see the Sterling Hall killers as revolutionaries like Che Guevaras.

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Notice They Used A ANO Bomb

This has been a Zionist's favorite for fifty years, because these bombs are considered second only to a nuclear device. The Zionists used this on the Murrah building in OKC.

Notice the slap on the wrist sentences, a few years for a massive terrorist act. Fast forward to 2007 and these Zionists are all professors, lawyers, and even a few politicians.






Judicial Index