John Kennedy Jr Was Assassinated







Thousands Of Years Of Schemes

Zionists have plotted world domination since forever, and 9/11 was their kick-off for the final chapter. Soon there will be a massive False Flag that escalates to the annihilation of Iran, and probably Syria, which puts them in control of the Zargos oil belt. That is followed by an economic collapse, and in a few years the Zionists come to the rescue with a new one world currency, based on commodities.

In order for this to happen you need a government full of Zio-Bots. John Kennedy could be elected in a micro second, and he could destroy years of plotting. After his father was killed, he had no love for Israel. He wasn't a molded lap dog like the Hillary, Obama, Biden, or any of the rest. Once his mother had died, his days were numbered.










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JFK Jr. Assassination

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