Space Rogue's Resignation and the closure of the Hacker News Network.
Abba-da-dabba-da-dabba-dabba Dat's all folks!
| HNNCast for the fourth week of June, 2011
Top stories
#AngrySec, Lulzy Lockup, AnonOps, an Active Fan Base, Think Again
Bit of a Problem, DropBox Popped, ISP Raids, Another Damned Penetration, Tripping Up Malware, Judgement Dayz for Banking, the Jackin' Five, Shrek a Scam?, Revenge with a Side of Pr0n
T00l T1m3
updates: JtR Performance Boost, Whisper Core Selective Permissions, SET Convergence Edition, 11 New Metasploits, Packet Fence Reinforced, SAMHAIN Mystery Update, WoanWarez, Long Live to Mona
phresh: Metasploit Bug Bounty, DOM Snitch for Chrome, AndroGuard, Fuse4X, OS X, BackTrack VPS Beta, SSL Analyzer, B to tha SQL to tha BF
Children Chrooted, Network Solutions DDoS, WordPress Compromised, Cyber Bon Bons, the Go to da Jail Birus, ATM Cops, Credit Safe?, Canuck PIN-heads, Die DoS, Holiday with Melissa, Clueless News
Wargames.MY, TrustWave SQL Injection and Filter Evasion Challenge, B-Sides Cape Town Venue, B-Sides Vegas CFP, Defcon in Transition
Program Note: There will be NO HNNCast for the 4th of July Weekend - Don't Blow Yourselves Up Now Ya'll Hear?
Stack of Shame
count: 126 (-3)
Top Offender: Apple (23)
| HNNCast for the third week of June, 2011
Top Stories
Takeover Tuesday, AnonOps Abound
IMF Intrusion, Shitibank Shenanigans, Cyber Cold War, Pervert Inside
T00l T1m3
updates: The Sleuth Kit, Inguma, packetfu, BeEF, THC-Hydra, Quick Recon, SWFRE Tools, Wireshark, ZED Attack Proxy, RIPS, Xplico, John the Ripper, ATI Video Drivers, IPv6 Day and Nmap
phresh: WACA, ClamAV lib, EAPeak, Scalpel, Radare, JumpLister
news: Black Hat Tools Arsenal, SysInternals Book
Hatin on Soulja Boy, Update from Win-DOH!, Epic Failure, Homo Carders, Online Banking Fraud, Rogue Android Apps, Border War Goes Cyber, Embassy Defacement, School of Fools
Con Fu
Blackhat Speakers Posted, EFF Defcon Getaway
Stack of Shame
count: 129 (-8)
Top Offender: Apple (26)
| HNNCast for the second week of June, 2011
Top Stories
Welcome Aboard it's Lulz, Why You Hack My Shitty Bank, RSA Recall, Latest Sony Pwnage
Cupcakes, b107 Not Over Yet, Anonymous v. World, Bletchly's Tunny, Other Gaming Breaches, Seems Like a Lotta Snitches
CC-Compromise Down Under, Disgr-Acer, Cisco Counterfeiters Case Update, UK Jobs, Facebook Not an Open One, chroot(Nsplitter), Peep eTom of BelleAir, Harper Hoax
44con Talks, Rootcon Schedule, Zacon CFP, HacKid Locations, RSA CFP
Stack of Shame
count: 137 (-19)
Top Offender: Adobe (36)
| HNNCast for the first week of June, 2011
Top Stories
All Your Base Are Belong To Lulzsec, Rewind to RSA, It's Those Damned Mongolians Again, Faux News About Fox News?
Cyber Cold War Roll-Call, Google's Open Market, Welcome to the Real World Stevie Joby Jobs, Postcards for Solo
Celebrity Twits: He Said Wiener, Hell's Inbox
Honda Canada Breach, Facebook Bug Bounty, Not Called to Duty, Blame the "Victim" Finally, I <3 Open Comodos, LOL Dox, Norway Pays Attention for a Day
Con Fu
Source Boston 2012, Black Hat Review Board
DefCon News: New Website, New Contests
B-Sides News: Summer Schedule, Fall Schedule, Logo Voting Open
Chaos Computer Camp Location
Stack of Shame
count: 156 (+32)
Top Offender: Adobe (36)
| HNNCast for the third week of May, 2011
Top Stories
Sony to Say but Sony Again, Joo Id-Eidos, Sonne Sees the Sunlight, Macin Malwarez
Down Under the B-Side, the Land with a Plan, Unemployed Identities Stolen, Le Pirate Genarale, Phreaking the Phuture
updates: Metasploit, Skipfish, NessusDB, OpenDLP, NetSparker, EMET, Sys Internals: VMMap, RAMMap, Handle, and Process Explorer
new: nuf-fuzzer for Browsers, safe3 SQL Injector, MalBox Analysis System, Pytbul IDS Tester, YETI Network Identity Scanner, Cuckoo Malware Analysis Sandbox, DOMinator JavaScript Scanner, rcat is Netcat
Shame on the VA, India Cyber Army, More Ghost Market Sentences, Geek dot Com not So, Tinkode Hits NASA, the Pleasure of Malware, Op U-F-LOL, M&A News
GrrCon CFP, RuxCon 2011 CFP, PhreakNic 15 Date
DefCon Roundup: SkyTalks CFP, Wall of Sheep Sponsorship, Badges
Stack of Shame
count: 124 (-1)
Top Offender: Adobe
| HNNCast for the second week of May, 2011
Top Stories
A Sony Excuse for Security, Anonymous Discontent, They Call Me Dr. Suck, EFF the FBI, Perilous Pin Pads
He Who Smelt It..., CrazyJ Gets Locked Away, Thor Defeated, Breaking In Going Away, Breaking In for Lulz
T00l T1m3
updates: BackTrack, BurpSuitePro, ESAPI
new: PulledPork, Network Security Toolkit, Xplico, RegExtract, SWFRETools, theHarvester, GGGooglescan, CryptoNark
Zeu$ News, Card Runners Blunder, Someone Rocked on Through CC Avenue, Investigation Finnished, VUPEN Ruse, Cyber Security Plan, Android Persistently Trojaned, Keystoned Cops, Hole in the Skype, M&A News
LASCON Speakers, MohawkCon, Summercon Speakers, Hackers On A Plane/CCC Camp, Hack In Paris
Stack of Shame
count: 125 (-10)
Top Offender: Oracle (25)
| HNNCast for the first week of May, 2011
Top Stories
sOny, AnonOps, Malware Goes Mac
Research Fought the Law, Cruiser Cam Configs, Rent to Pwn, solo-ng
Updates: Hydra, MosCrack, JTR, NCrack, SAMHAIN, Seccubus, MOD Security, ARPon, PacketFence, SysInternals, JQuery, Java, BackBox Linux, OpenBSD, Metasploit, WhisperCore
New: AntiXSS for ASP.NET, PHP Vulnerability Hunter, Malware Analyzer, NeXpose Ruby API, SQL Dumper
Celebrity Twitts, Rabobank Down, CybaTerminators, Best Breach, I Love You, Phreaking Not Dead, NCIJT Under-powered, Grade Changing Games
BruCon Venue Change, Source Conference Round-up, SecTOR CFP, to LayerOne in LA, No Sleep Til Brooklyn, dEFFcon Getaway Contest
Stack of Shame
count: 135 (unch)
Top Offender: Adobe (25)
| HNNCast for the last week of April, 2011
Top Stories
Sony's Boner, Iran Seeing Stars, EFF Defeats Another Abuse
Epsilon Needs Hacker-B-Gone, All Your Bugs R Belong 2 Microsoft, YOU@gov.cn, PP Live Proxies
updates: DarkComet RAT, NetSparker, SET, Nessus DB
new: Untrackerd, iPhone Tracker, Pangolin, Universal Fuzzer, sslsniff, nmap/Google SOC, nmap XML parsers
note: ToolsWatch
Ashampoo Boo-boo, Pirate Plea of Guilty, Do You Mind if I Kill You Joe, War Drivin the Pacific North West, Cyber Crime goes Small Town, Browser Obscurity Fading
Information Security Summit, UK Cyber Security Challenge, Cyber Partiot, 44con, RootCon, Source Boston/Seatle, Notacon Badges
B-Sides Round-up: CFPs and on the Horizon
Note about an XSS on our website.
Stack of Shame
count: 135 (-11)
Top Offender: Adopey (25)
| HNNCast for the third week of April, 2011
Top Stories
Breach-omattic, BigR and the FPL, RockYou Case Rocks On
Drop the B.S., Botnet Busters, Another Pathetic Transferrence, Week of Threat Briefs
updates: Wireshark, SandCat, Amap, Armitage, CVEchecker, QubesOS, Sys Internals, Olly Debug, Creepy, Maltego
new: RawCap, Streams, ViewStateHacker, DirectoryScanner, ShareScan, GetSploits, SQLmap, redsn0w, SpoofTooph
hardware: Fluke Air-Check
TurboMessa, Ai Shitunot, WiFi Insecurity Conference, Key-through-12 Logging, CCDC Championship
CanSecWest Media Posted, Hack.LU CFP, EkoParty Expanded
DefCon Wrap-Up: Pokercon, Scavenger Hunt Sponsors, SkyTalk CFP, Call for New Vendors
Stack of Shame
count: 146 (+4)
Top Offender: HP (27)
| HNNCast for the second week of April, 2011
Top Stories
WAFamatta University, Let Them Eat It, a Sober Segvec Ponders Position, UK SpyEye Bust
Month of Prior Art, Russia's Cyber Woes, Hackerness is next to Godliness, Hyundai Held Hostage
T00l T1m3
new: iKeyGuard
Governments Rush to Cover their Behinds, Delta Hacking Team Takes the Gulf, Black-Hole at the Post Office, Goatse Guilty Plea, Brit Banker Pigs Plunder da Pounds, Linksys Pwnage, Ducati Dumbness, mmm Deer Meet, Another Phat Tuesday
Con Fu
Community: SketchCow@Internet Archive
BugCon, Chaos Computer Camp
DefCon 19 Updates: badges, digs, tamper evident contest, ctf, the Shmooze Strikes Back, Facebook t-shirt Contest
Stack of Shame
count: 142 (+57)
Top Offender: HP (27)
| HNNCast for the first week of April, 2011
Top Stories
Epsilon Anything But, AIM on Full Exposure, Remaining Silent About the risk, Lil Ole Lisa Moon
#1 Phish Phry, Anonymous Still Active, NASA's Just Popped Labs, Breach of English, Inside Bad Guys
T00l T1m3
updates: THC-Hydra, Metasploit Pro and Express, Peach, Snort, Maltego, SET
new: OWASP ESAPI, WhisperCore, WhisperYAFFS
news: UIC Debugging List, Submit to the Vulnerability Database
Euro-Cluelessness, Aussie Email Breach, brIEEEch, Gaming Breaches, Netopia Dystopia, Take it Easy on the FBI Guys
C-C-Camping, Ninjacon Tix, Notacon Nota Bad Badge
B-Sides: Detroit CFP, Connecticut CFP, Rot-chester CFP, LV Registration, Chicago Sold-Out, London Sold-Out, Australia Added
Stack of Shame
count: 84 (-1)
Top Offender: Oracle
| HNNCast for the last week of March, 2011
Top Stories
Running SCAreDA, VIPRE AV Poisonous, Comodo Still Open, Hacked-In Networks' InfoSpherix Opener
SeQueL to 13 Years of SQL Leaks, Congress Comes a Callin', No Gitmo for MitMo, the WiFi Transmits for Free
CORRECTION: it's ne0h, not neo4data; sorry to both.
T00l T1m3
upates: QuickRecon
new: WebScarab NG, Hatkit Proxy, yInjector, Data Block Analyzer, DDL Dump, Monocle
news: Stuxnet Internals, X-Code Pro-Tip, MOD Security Prevails
Ghost Exodus CHROOTED, PHP in a Fog, Trip Advisor Breached, Virtual Chip Convict CHROOTED, When Security Software Attacks, Local File Phishing Flourishes, McAffee Safe for Hackers, OS 10:Virii 4, FBI Issues RL Cyber Sleuth Challenge, POOP LOLz
Con Fu
CCD Final 9, Tak3D0wn con Speakers, Dakota Con Speakers
B-Sides Roundup: LV Registration, CFP Rounds
Stack of Shame
count: 85 (-4)
| HNNCast for the third week of March, 2011
Top Stories
Under the Comodo, Recent Security Acquisition turns Incident, PHPwned, b107
j35t3r sets DoS Record, Smart-phone Security Sucks, DoS Flurry, Going Wayback with the Saltine
T00l T1m3
Updates: PacketFence, winAUTOPWN, SAMHAIN, JBROFuzz, Arachni, Fiddler, Burpsuite, Skipfish, Yara, THICKNET
Fresh: J-HAT/HPROF, GnackTrackR6, MOSCRACK, Creepy
Hardwarez: FUNcube
Note: MoonSols Utilities
Celebrity Twits, Plans to Nix IE6, pwned and Poppin', Vendor Insecurity List, SHA-3 Field Narrows to Five, Ghostmarket Guy Sentenced to Five, Student Snagged Changing Grades, InterWACK, Jumbo Hoax, Pr0n h4x0r Sentenced to Six Years, One H0t H4x0r Chick
Con Fu
Note: Tokyo Hacker-Space
CSW and PWN2OWN, OWASP AppSec USA CFP, Hack Lu CFP, Notacon, CCC 2011 is ON, Source Boston/BeaCon, Carolina Con, B-Sides World-Wide, the SF to DC19 Hack-Bus
Stack of Shame
count: 89 (+35)
| HNNCast for the first week of March, 2011
Top Stories
pwn2own a Week Away, Anonymous Ops Continue, Anonymous Fall-out Continues Too, It's a Good Year NOT to be Greg Hoglund, Thanks OWASP
Androids Under Attack, Mac Malwares, Lion Seed, iTunes Struggle, It's Unanimus - You're Pwn3d
T00l T1m3
updates: Mobius, Wireshark, Nessus, Scapy, w3af, Armitage, FOCA, WATOBO, XSSer
Nessus in the Cloud, Naked Password
Celebrity Twits, Turing Target Met, Wack-a-Quack, Underground Carder War, Weev Free, Every Browser can Tatanga, Cry Me a Digital River, Crippling Autorun, Team Kuwait Strikes Israeli Sites, Zynamics Acquired by Google
DerbyCon Speakers, WOOT CFP, Source Coast-to-Coast, BruCon CFP, Notacon Not-acomodations, B-Sides Wrap-Up, Can Sec West NEXT WEEK!
Stack of Shame
The Stack of Slightly Less Shame
count: 92 (+38)
| HNNCast for the last week of February, 2011
Top Story
Two Minutes of Hate, Two Weeks of FUD, Too Long Behind Bars
HB Gary's Fake Friends, Cenzic Can't DO so they patent and SUE, We R All Up in Yer Musics
T00l T1m3
updated: Mod Security, Nikto, Seccubus, SAMHAIN, THICKNET, Autologon
new: Volatility, Splunk for OSSEC, NiX, inSSIDer
NetWitness Note
Celebrity Twits: Kim Kardassian, BBC World News
Cyber Mumbo Jumbo, Cyber UL
Defacements: Voice of America, Avira
Med School Compromise, Dutch Banking DDoS, MFA No Panacea, ODDJOB, CyberFool Index, Patch Time
Con Fu
X'd CaliberCon, PST CFP, DC19 CFP
Stack of Shame
count: 54 (-4)
10 (-2) OVERDUE! ; 2/4/11 (-21):
>ZDI-CAN-830 Novell [RISK=10] (245 days) thanks Stephen Fewer (Harmony Security)
>ZDI-CAN-767 Microsoft [RISK=10] (323 days) thanks: Anonymous
>ZDI-CAN-733 Apple [RISK=10] (338 days) thanks: Anonymous
>ZDI-CAN-713 Sun Microsystems [RISK=10] (348 days) thanks: Anonymous
>ZDI-CAN-691 Apple [RISK=10] (365 days) thanks: wushi (team509)
>ZDI-CAN-672 Microsoft [RISK=10] (386 days) thanks: Moti Joseph
>ZDI-CAN-244 Borland [RISK=10] (462 days) thanks: Anonymous
>ZDI-CAN-543 Microsoft [RISK=10] (566 days) thanks: Peter Vreugdenhil
>ZDI-CAN-533 Microsoft [RISK=10] (580 days) thanks: surerun
>ZDI-CAN-348 RealNetworks [RISK=10] (973 days) thanks: Matteo Memelli (ryujin)
| HNNCast for the third week of February, 2011
Top Story
Team Themis
Plenty of Breach, Stuxnet Attribution, Lush Breach Broader than Believed, Show Me THAT Money
T00l T1m3
updated: Vera, Fiddler, Dradis, Arachni, RAT, Nmap, Nessus
new: IronBee, PhoneyC, Mimic, SQueRT
It's the Chinese Eh, Dark Side of the Moon for Solo, /lib/keyboard, Recruiting Suckaz, One Too Many Clicks to BBC Six, WinAmp0wnage, Bad Days for Jewlers, Back to Basics Down Under, Back-peddling on AutoRun, Kingpin
Con Fu
pwn2own update, DC19 Cracking Contest, Sweet Paris
Stack of Shame
count: 58 (-7)
10 (-2) OVERDUE! 2/4/11 (-14):
ZDI-CAN-830 from Novell ( 239 days )
ZDI-CAN-767 from Microsoft ( 317 days )
ZDI-CAN-733 from Apple ( 332 days )
ZDI-CAN-713 from Sun Microsystems ( 342 days )
ZDI-CAN-691 from Apple ( 359 days )
ZDI-CAN-672 from Microsoft ( 380 days )
ZDI-CAN-244 from Borland ( 456 days )
ZDI-CAN-543 from Microsoft ( 560 days )
ZDI-CAN-533 from Microsoft ( 574 days )
ZDI-CAN-348 from RealNetworks ( 967 days )
| HNNCast for the second week of February, 2011
Top Stories
NASDAQ JAFM, How's THIS for attention, Crime Around the World Pays, Oh TP for Google
Chasing the Night Dragon, Malware M&A Update, ZeuS Source on the Loose, OWASP Summit Wrap-up, Two Sides of Bug Bounties, Fish Eat Bugs Too
T00l T1m3
Hardwarez: KeyKeriKey
Updatez: green pois0n, clamAV, openDLP, aidsql, seccubus, Snort, the Metasploit Framework, BEEF, Tuna's Netsparker, Armitage, Veracode Online Code Exam, Nmap 5.5 for Android
New Warez: Network Miner, SSL Diagnose, KoreLogic Word Lists, eEye on the Horizon
Missouri Staffers Shown the Pwn, Egypt Defacements of Course, Tyrants Target American Internet, Cyber Security Challenge, Jail Lords is Ghey, Defacements Round-up, Old Skool TV Pir8 Busted, iPhone Warning, Recompiled Malwarez Are NOT APT, Play-time Auto-Running Out, Comcast Where Everyones an Admin, Turn Off Telnet Already!
Con Fu
BruCon Sorta IS Beer Con Already Space Rogue, HacKid interCONtinental Security B-Sides Round-Up: New Helhi, London
Stack of Shame
count: 65 (-40)
12 OVERDUE! 2/4/11 (-7)
ZDI-CAN-830 from Novell ( 230 days )
ZDI-CAN-767 from Microsoft ( 308 days )
ZDI-CAN-733 from Apple ( 323 days )
ZDI-CAN-713 from Sun Microsystems ( 333 days )
ZDI-CAN-691 from Apple ( 350 days )
ZDI-CAN-672 from Microsoft ( 371 days )
ZDI-CAN-628 from Sun Microsystems ( 378 days )
ZDI-CAN-244 from Borland ( 447 days )
ZDI-CAN-552 from Sun Microsystems ( 537 days )
ZDI-CAN-543 from Microsoft ( 551 days )
ZDI-CAN-533 from Microsoft ( 565 days )
ZDI-CAN-348 from RealNetworks ( 958 days )
| HNNCast for the first week of February, 2011
Top Stories
SourceForged, Amazon's Emergence from the Bronze Age, Online Dating Site Smells Fishy (Must Have Lotsa Girls), Who's LeaKEY?, pwn2own the Masters Cup for Hackers
Anonymous Arrests, STOP-THINK-CONNECT, Virtual Chips to RL Sentence, N0 M0ar 0days, Cyber Patriot III
T00l T1m3
Hardwarez: Ubertooth One Needs a Kickstart
Updates: NoScript, netBIOS ShareScanner, PacketFence, SysInternals
NPE File Analyzer, pyOLE Scanner, Veracode XSS Scan Service, Knock on Mockapetris' Door, WebService-Attacker, iKAT, NMAP NSE, Seas0nPass to Apple TV, Web Browsers Traces Eraser, Use NIELD to watch your shields
Celebrity Twits: Wale Falorin
The State of Data Breach, 1923 Turks, Stuxnet Fall-out, 50 Million Malware Mark, Your Mission Should You Choose to Accept It, Happy Birthday to the Virus, Happy Birthday to the EFF, Number 1 Sucka
Con Fu
Derby Con Calls for Moar Speakers, OWASP Summit THIS Week
B-Sides Round-Up: Greensboro - NC, St. Johns New Brunswick, Cleveland, Austin
Plan Ahead for DefCon, ThotCon SOLD-OUT, Plan Ahead for CanSecWest
Stack of Shame
count: 105 (-6)
34/19 up for release on 2/4/11 - THAT'S TODAY! (-4)
- Turning 1:
- ZDI-CAN-672 Microsoft CVSS: 10 2010-02-02 (366 days ago) 2011-02-04 Discovered by: Moti Joseph
| HNNCast for the last week of January, 2011
Top Stories
Funny Facebook, Peeping the Net, Goat Insurance, Wikilution Chapter Two, Operation Egypt
Hey there's a Hole in your Hat, Lush Needs to Sober Up, Android Tales, Zeus Gettin Loose
T00l T1m3
Updates: Armitage, SET, RAT, L0phtCrack, ZAP
Phresh: Web Scanner Weview@WAVSEP, CANVAS is VoIPPackin, Recover the Orb in Mobius, Tu Luka Round Yer System, Bounce Riff-Raff at the Door, MAEC New Friends by Speaking Their Language
Dancho Returns, UFOs in Argentina,Khorashad K0ps, Communication Breakdown, Apple's Orchard, URL Shortners are for Shady char(1)s, POOPNUGGET, Don't Fear the Torrent
Con Fu
HackInParis, Defcon 19, Security B-Sides San Francisco, ThreatScapes
Stack of Shame
count: 111 (-8)
38/19 up for release on 2/4/11 (-5)
- Turning 1:
- ZDI-CAN-628 Sun Microsystems CVSS: 10 2010-01-26 (359 days ago) 2011-02-04 Discovered by: Sami Koivu
- Turning 2:
- ZDI-CAN-420 Hewlett-Packard CVSS: 10 2009-01-26 (724 days ago) 2011-02-04 Discovered by: Anonymous
- ZDI-CAN-419 Hewlett-Packard CVSS: 10 2009-01-26 (724 days ago) 2011-02-04 Discovered by: Anonymous
- ZDI-CAN-418 Hewlett-Packard CVSS: 10 2009-01-26 (724 days ago) 2011-02-04 Discovered by: Anonymous
- ZDI-CAN-417 Hewlett-Packard CVSS: 10 2009-01-26 (724 days ago) 2011-02-04 Discovered by: Anonymous
7 Days until 2/4/11
| HNNCast for the third week of January, 2011
Top Stories
Where in the World is Dancho Danchev, Max LOLz, Stuxnet Source Still Sketchy, Render Unto Augustus87, Phishers Force London to Hold on Gas
New Hampshire Shows the State of Breach, Defacements, Malware Infestations, the Boonana Split
T00l T1m3
Updates: ListDLLs, Handle, Process Monitor, Maltego, SAINT
Microsoft's DC Premiers, AutoDiff it Online, Be the Boss of Badware, an Incomplete Inguma, Bigger Faster Stronger or Something Like That
Celebrity Twits, Silverpoop Keeps on Poppin, the Seoul of Online Crime, Getting Fierce on da FuNK Radio, Tapp Dat Trapster, UK Cyber Command Will Attack, Reports Are Due at the Start of the Year, Resumes Ruin Recruiters, U Will Be Conned... if You Haven't Already, Text Torture, Oracle's 66, Kindling for Your Phire
Con Fu
Security B-Sides Wrap-Up: London Sold-Out/CFP, Cleveland Registration Open, SF Already at 300
Thotcon Tix Going Quick, HashDates, OWASP Summit, Time to Troll for PH Neutral, HacKid Con Looks South and West, Pwn2Own all Grown, See Ya @Shmoocon!
Stack of Shame
count: 119 (-11)
43/19 up for release on 2/4/11 (-8)
Birthdays - none
14 Days until 2/4/11
| HNNCast for the second week of January, 2011
Top Stories
TaoBao Trafficking iTunes Accounts, an Ill Communication from Korea, Vodafone Breach, SMS Killer, GSM Cracking Goes Garage, a Cleaner Chrome
Iran a Password Snarfer, Siphoning a Digital River, Estonian Cyber Draft, Don't Let Your Droid Get Gemini-orea, Clean Themes Rare Indeed, There's a Little Bit of Tunisia in Tunisian Web Traffic
T00l T1m3
Updates: Text Secure, DFF, OpenDLP, Netsparker, GRAudit, Hajiv, Wireshark, ZAP
A Sneaky RAT, Nexus of Trust, Fuzzy Oracle Focuses on Faults, Rah-rah YARA, Patevera Puts Up a Prize
Break a Leg, 0wn3d by Tiger-M@te, Ticked Off at Rousoff, Logic Bomber Sentenced, Chrooted News, a Start Stopping Badware
Con Fu
Hackerspace Update, Thotcon, Takedown Con
Stack of Shame
count: 130 (-12)
51/19 up for release on 2/4/11 (-1)
Birthdays - none
21 Days until 2/4/11
| HNNCast for the first week of January, 2011
Top Stories
Payback Saga Continues, Happy Ninja Haxmas, I Want You to Hit Me, Silverpoop, Good Shopping Vietnam
Little black Box, Facebook's FU, VoIP Vanpires, Hax0r Hostage
T00l T1m3
SourceForgeD, md5sums, Tripwire, Blockwatch, Security Essentials, Updates, Metaterpreter UAC, MagicTree, Agnitio, Mega-Teaser
TrainReq Arrest, Osbourne's Emails, HDTV XSS, apPirate Store, Immobilization Be-Gone, SAPing Your Time, Virii Outlawed, the Durka Durka Hacking Unit, City Sights - Tour Our Customers Credit Cards, It's Back to School, Frame Thy Neighbor, Market Watch, Cyber-Guys and Wise Guys
27c3, B-Sides Worldwide, Source Boston Keynote, Excaliber Con is Back On, Shmoocon CFP, Rooted CFP, Sector Dates, Carolina Con CFP, DerbyCon Speakers and Site
Stack of Shame
count: 142 (-7)
52/19 up for release on 2/4/11 (-1)
Birthdays - none
28 Days until 2/4/11
| HNNCast for the last week of December, 2010
Top Stories
Fallout from Payback, A Hive Divided, Gettin Gawked, Silver Popped
IPSEC, HP Backdoor, Stuxnet Still Smoldering, A Sad Panda Story, As the World Turns
T00l T1m3
Prospecting for Exceptions, If You Da Pro den Update, Fresh BeEF, Find Your Thrill with Blueberry Password Cracker, Use thicknet to Inject, NetworkScanViewer
Celebrity Twitts, Double Click Made My PC Sick, Avast Sum for Protection by the Dumb, It's Back to School, GAA'est Compromise Ever, Suncoast Knows no Wrath Like a Woman's Scorn, HVAC Attack or Malfunctioning Crap, Bug Hunt Expands, Another Record Patch Tuesday, APB: stolen HNN fan equipment
Con Fu
p68 cfp, Get on da Astaro Shmoobus, B-Sides World Wrap-up
Stack of Shame
count: 149 (-10)
53/19 up for release on 2/4/11 (-9)
Birthdays - none
49 Days until 2/4/11
| HNNCast for the second week of December, 2010
Top Stories
Wicked Leaks, From Mega-D to Cell Block D, Outsourced ATMalware, Let's Play War
Too Much Zeus Proof to Sift Through, All Yer Dataz R Belong 2 Us, Iowa's Swiss Cheese State of Security, Creative Christmas Time Crime, Captain Crunched
T00l T1m3
Twitter Password Recovery Tool, ZED for OSX, nMap for Andriod, PLA Boxes for Andriod, Zozzle dat JaSazzle
Celebrity Twits, Called in for Call of Duty, Zeus Messes with Texas, Avast Sea of Pirates, Anti Virus or Nasty Virus, HNN for the Holidays
Con Fu
A Book by PLA, LEET, B-Sides Rot-chester, Con Scalpers
Phone Losers of America - Kindle |
Phone Losers of America - paper back |
Stack of Shame
count: 159 (-16)
62/19 up for release on 2/4/11 (-16)
Birthdays - none
56 Days until 2/4/11
| HNNCast for the first week of December, 2010
Top Stories
Courtnee: WikiLeaks and j35t3r
Stuxnet, Granick, Open Source Comromises, Komprimising Kesha
Operation Payback is Back, RIAA wants Meta Pirate to Walk the Plank, Poo in a Hot Pot, Cyber Warior GI Bill of Sorts
T00l T1m3
Maltego gets SHODAN Transforms, Fathom, RAVAN, Metasploit Armitage and Moar, Whisper Updates, Viewstate Hacker from Woanware, SysInternals Updates, SIP Inspector Update, BackTrack Update, WinAutoPwn Update, Nessus on iOS4
Secwhona? Twitterstorms in Indonesia, Mr. Anderson Trapped by the Matrix, Lineage Larceny, Turing Papers Reserve Not Met, Kung Fu Defacement, Cheating with the Stars, Miscreant Missouri Students Meet Misery, Farsi One Defaced
HitB CFP, Source Wrap-up, CSW CFP, Shmoo Round 2 Sold Out, Dojocon in Dulles, ThOTcon
Stack of Shame
count: 175 (+10)
78/19 up for release on 2/4/11 (-1)
Birthdays - none
63 Days until 2/4/11
| HNNCast for the third week of November
Top Stories
Hackers Gone Wild, Sizemore Gets Leah'd Online, Free Popcorn for a Year and a Day, Stuxnet Suspicions Substantiated, US Domains Diverted to Shitty Wok Drive-Through, Weev'ing in and out of Trouble
A Limewire Pirate be Free, Trendy Panzies, Pooping on the Android Marketplace, Bit9's Dirty Dozen, Programming Note
This Week's Browser Safety Tip - Brought to you by the Letter N, Be a Better Rock MioStar, Fixes for Phreebird, Fresh Skipfish, Process Explorer Updated, OpenSSL Toolkit, Fear the FOCA, Rootkit Hunter... for Unix
Cisco Unified Videoconferencing - pwn Away, the Turring Collection, Celebrity Twits, Tibetan Diaspora DoS'd, Google Gobblin Up Bugs, Royal Navy Struggles with Situational Awareness, Big Trouble in Tiny Tiawan
Phrack 67, Lady Ada for Fast Company Cover, Serverpocalypse, ThOTcon Tix, MalCon Schedule, CarolinaCon CFP, SECTor Presentations Posted, Eko Party Vidz Posted, Excaliber Con Moved to April
Programming Note: NO HNNCast for THANKSGIVING
Stack of Shame
count: 165 (+20)
79/19 up for release on 2/4/2011 (-8)
76 days until 2/4/2011
Birthdays - none
| HNNCast for the second week of November, 2010
Top Stories
Still Herding Sheep, Botnet M&A Update, Adafruit Driver Bounty, China Cellphone Malwarez, Down with Squirrels, Operation Fully Paid Back, Barracuda Bug Bounty
Go-Daddy Doh, Akron Student on Ice for DoS, European OPFOR, OECD DoS, CSAW Wrapup
Update Roundup, Forensic Control Tools, WoanWarez Updated, Blue Tooth Dao, JD-GUI, DNS Sec Stuff
Sextort You Up, US Cyber Command's Itchy Trigger Finger, Spear Phishing World Bank, Intuit DDoS, Coos Bay Co-opted Phones, Tinkode Dinks Royal Navy, Islamic Defacements, Injecting the Spice Girl, Money Control loses Control
Phrack Pending, 2600 Digital Domination, SoOn Camp, CCC tix, B-Sides World Wrapup, Watch for BayThreat, R00tc0n Archives Up, Hackito Ergo Sum CFP
Stack of Shame
count: 145 (-20)-87
up for release on 2/4/2011 (-10)
83 days until 2/4/2011
- ZDI-CAN-244 from Borland ( Discovered by Anonymous 2009-11-18 )
MITCHELL FROST was arrested, not Michael Frost.
Dan KAMINSKY will be speaking at ThreatCon, not Dan Makinsky
| HNNCast for the first week of November, 2010
Top Stories:
Herding Sheeps, OS X AV, Bug Bounties, Operation Payback Again
Adopey Again and Again, SSD Sets Records, Big Trouble all Over Asia, Resurgency in 2600, CSAW Awards
Evilgrade gets A+, Exploring Cloud Storage with Azure, Maltego OSX, TSK Update, Lots of Updates, Process hacker, VMMap, Duck-Duck-g00se, USB Attack Stick
Undead Botnet, Elementary Mistake, the Temptation of the Terminated, Home Office Catches Up, IE Uber 0day, LinUSSR, Poontang and Popcorn, Dopier than Doping, Backward Offer by Black Belt, US Cyber Command is Fully Operational
Shmerverpocalypse, Th0t (probably) Gone, Club Hack, Source, Hash Days
Stack of Shame:
count: 165 (-9) 97 up for release on 2/4/2011 (-7) 91 days until 2/4/2011
ZDI-CAN-407 SCO 2008-11-10 Discovered by: Anonymous
ZDI-CAN-405 IBM CVSS: 10 2008-11-10 Discovered by: Anonymous
| HNNCast for the last week of October, 2010
Top Stories
FireSheep Shows Site Stupidity, Botnet M&A News, War Pigs' to get New Digs, B0t-Jacking, the Nobel Patch Prize
IMA FIRIN MAH LAZORZ AGAIN, CSAW Awards Ceremonies, WikiLeaks Sprung One, Fake AV deJour, Hyped Hax0r Challenge
Whisper Systems Updates, Hashkill for Linux, OpenDNSSE, CodePro Analytix for Java, LiveKD, RSYaba Ruby Dooo, WATOBO do Ruby Too, Sifting with Spectrum, Malgego from PATEVERA
BoingBoing Injection, Boonana, Some DOS Attacks, My Iranian Botlord, 0xCharlie's Secret Lovechild, Rubico's Post-Sentencing Plea, Cyber Warfare Manual, MS's Dev Game, Database Security Film Competition, October is Awareness Month
2600 digital, Hacker Con Mega Weekend, T00rcon highlights, Bay Threat Con CFP, Source USA CFPs, hack3rcon videos up, Thotcon tix on sale, Next Shmoocon tix window
Stack of Shame
count: 165 (-9)
97 up for release on 2/4/2011 (-7)
98 days until 2/4/2011
| HNNCast for the second week of October, 2010
Top Stories
Trouble Follows Zeus Over the Atlantic, Some Foxy Felons, Stuck on Stuxnet Drive, Ruxpin Don't Wanna be Friends, Payback Continues to be a Bitch
iTunes Users Under Attack, Comcast Anti-Malware Trial Extended, Hotmail Fun Nears an End, Insiders Goin Rogue, US Cyber Command is Still Pre-Op?
Tool Time
Cubes, Snort, The Sleuth Kit, Xplico, PadBuster, WACA, RouterDefense, Hydra
Opposition Party DDoS, Canucks Drop Loonies on Beefing Up Security, Google Proxy, Security Companies embaraXSS'd, Symantick Logo, Commerce Companies embaraXSS'd
Kiwicon, Hack3rCon Correction, ThotCon, Sector Speakers, B-Sides San Fran CFP
Stack of Shame
count: 139 (-1)
days til day zero: 126
up for release on day zero: 127
birthdays: none
| HNNCast for the first week of October, 2010
Top Stories
Baaaaad Twitter, Zeus Gets Linked In, Orkut Under Attack, Cyber Storm III, Still Stuck on Stuxnet Drive, Payback is Still a Bitch, Anonymous v. AFACT, Zeus Busts, Zeus' Achilles Heel
Pena to da Pokey, the Online Banking Show, SIM Scam Shutdown, CSAW Swings Back Around, GovNet Groans from the Grave
Tool Time
WakeOnLan, WiFiTE, Samurai WTF, CERT BFF, Pass The Hash Toolkit, MANDOS
My Opera a Tragedy, HDCP Key fo Sheezey, to Catch da Koobface Gang, Kryogeniks used in a Sentence, Rubico's Kernel of Hope, ebay Attacker Outed, Kayne's Bad Friday, Chavez does the Twitterbug
Cyber Patriot, CCC Pre-sales and CFP, Thotcon Pre-sales and CFP, Autum Lectures at Bletchly Park, Hack3rcon Pre-sales
Stack of Shame
count: 140 (-2)
days til day zero: 126
up for release on day zero: 130 (-8)
birthdays: none
| HNNCast for the fourth week of September, 2010
Top Stories
New the Twitter Bug, Seiman's Head in the Sand, Stuxnet Sophistications, Underground Empires Stike Back
Hackerspaces Rise to a Challenge, Fantasy Football Foolery, Hacker Class, CSAW Swings Back Around
Tool Time
PacketFence, iExploder, iScanner, Lens, BinDiff, BlueLog, Havij, BlindCat, WSFuzzer
Visa Certified?, NASA Hax, an Essential Update, an Opening for Attackx, Android Owners Think Again, Green Poison, Legion Strike, International Incidents of Interest, Kingpin - the Book, Cyber Security Awareness Month
Black Lodge, Thotcon, ShmooCon, B-Sides World Wrap-up, PumpCon
Stack of Shame
count: 142 -
days til day zero: 133
up for release on day zero: 138
birthdays: none
| HNNCast for the third week of September, 2010
Top Stories
Here's Your Virus, What's Inside the Worm, Ah Doh Be Yet Again, Stux with Stuxnet, IOError Finds the Needle in the Haystack
Moar Hack is Whack, Shaq, OpenX Attack, heI Hope You Enjoyed Your Stay, Employees Goin' Rogue
Tool Time
NCrack, WinAPIOverride32, WinObj, StreamArmor, RIPS, Sandcat, Nessus iPhone, Metasploit Express, Fiddler Core, HexInject, SET
I'm DDoS, HDCP Key, Defcon Social Engineering Challenge Report, Free Malaysia Under Attack, pwn Your Space, One Turk v. the World, Web Hacking Indicent Database Semiannual, One Million Malware March, Cyber Security Awareness Month
1st Interpol Information Security Conference, THOTcon CFP, POC CFP, DojoCon CFP, Rooted Con CTF Posted, Astaro/Sector Bus, B-Sides World Wrap-up, CCCorection
Stack of Shame
count: 142 (-7)
days til day zero: 140
up for release on day zero: 138
birthdays: none
| HNNCast for the second week of September, 2010
We honor today... Not [for] the desire to destroy, but the impulse to save - Obama 9.11.10
Top Stories
Kalinin-garoo Court, Pirate Dragnet, Ah Doh-pey Again, B49 'em Up Boys, Fourth Flaw in Fewer Months for Twitter
Countdown to Day Zero, Symantec is Wack, FSO Caught Dozing Off, FIFA Fans Fux0red, RackSpace Injects TechCrunch with Malware
Tool Time
UpSploit, DLL Hijack Auditor, iExploder, EMET, Hyanea, Text Secure, TCPjunk, Nikto 2.1.3, Damn Vulnerable Web App
BSA – Bribery and Strong Arm, Zeus Loots School, CERT Holes, Celebrity Twits, Eat my Shorts
Con Fu
H2HC CFP, Toorcon Speakers Announced, CCC
Stack of Shame
count: 149
day 0 count: 145
| HNNCast for the first week of September, 2010
Top Stories:
BanB Busted, IBM Finally Realizes They Suck, Cut and Wailin' but Still Kickin', Rustock Neked Again, Deutsche Post Security Cup, Your Computer Now Has the STONED Virus
Rather Rude Ransomware, Battle of the Gods, Israeli Survivor Info Stolen, How Pirates Spend their B00ty
Tool Time:
ProcDump, Process Monitor, PDF Dissector, Win-App-Debug, Athena, Seccubus, Spiceworks, SIP Inspector, RainbowCrack, OpenDLP
Belvior's on First - Where is Second, Philippines Stuck in Black Matrix, That's All Advertisers, TO-AUTH or not tO-AUTH, Ironmen Brought to their Knees, Point of Suckerdom, DLL Condumdrum
Con Phoo - sponsored by SecTOR:
A Con at and for Bletchy, CFP: rooted con, notacon, shmoocon, dojocon, REGISTRATION: ECO Part, CFP: Nullcon, DATE CHANGE: Club Hack, the Story of PumpCon
Stack of Shame:
count: 150
| HNNCast for the last week of August 2010 -
Top Stories:
Dejavu Microsoft Style, Middle Eastern USB Sticks it to US, PayPal/iTunes Warning, SpanAir Malware not in the Air
Far East Joint Police Actions, Halo Reach Leak, Yo Yo Dos, AutoTrader Raiders
Tool Time:
Fast HTTP Vulnerability Scanner, XSSer, HTTP4e, DotDotPwn, RootKitUnhooker, OpenSSH, RS Mangler Correction
Indian Election Integrity in Question, Miss Vietnam Election Integrity NOT in Question, Seymour's Butt, Irish Youth Identities Likely Leaked, UN Still SQL Injectable, Holly Benson DoS'd, InfoSec M&A, a REAL MIT Hack
Con Fu:
DefCon 18 Archive, RuxCon CFP, BlackHat Abu Dhabi CFP, Source Barcelona Registration, BruCon Beta Schedule, HacKid Con Registration, Malcon CFP
Stack of Shame:
Count: 151
- ZDI-CAN-381 from IBM ( 730 days )
- ZDI-CAN-375 from IBM ( 730 days )
- ZDI-CAN-374 from IBM ( 730 days )
- ZDI-CAN-373 from IBM ( 730 days )
- ZDI-CAN-372 from IBM ( 730 days )
- ZDI-CAN-371 from IBM ( 730 days )
| HNNCast for the third week of August 2010 -
Top Stories:
Free Malware from Network Solutions, Virgin's Love Letter to the Bot Herd, V(D)-Cards, Facebook Likes Malware, iPhone Suck and Sell Scam
Defacement Buffet, OhyouwantAUTH? Celebrity Twits, Month of Abyssec Bugs, Underworld Transaction Processor Popped, Facebook Hack 1.0
Tool Time:
RIPS, RS Mangler, ROPME, Halbred, SAMHAIN, nfex, URLVoid, MBSA 2.0 (NOT), nmapsi4
Cold Fusion's Hot Mess, Facebook Leak, Passwords are Pointless, Insert Mens Room Joke Here, Smudge Attack, Shopping for SQL Injections
Con Phooey:
Hurricane Labs Hack Challenge, LockCon, Hack in the Box, Security B-Sides, ToonCON
Stack of Shame:
-count: 159
-Turning 1 Year Old This Week:
- RealNetworks: ZDI-CAN-569 & ZDI-CAN-568/RISK:HIGH (10=AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C)&AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C) Discovered 2009-08-20 (365 days ago) by: Anonymous
- Hewlett-Packard , IBM , Sun Microsystems: ZDI-CAN-561/RISK:HIGH (10=AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C) Discovered 2009-08-20 (365 days ago) by: Rodrigo Rubira Branco (BSDaemon)
- Sun Microsystems: ZDI-CAN-552/RISK: HIGH (9.4=AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:N) Discovered 2009-08-20 (365 days ago) by: Sami Koivu
| HNNCast for the second week of August, 2010
Top Stories
RBS Coming to a Close, Phat Patch Tuesday, Kryogeniks R0x0r3d by defiant
the Disclosure Game, pr0n m0de Still Unsafe Sex, Wireless Tires, moar Wargames, VxWorks because Rockwell Rox Well
Tool Time
Grid Computing Hackers Kit, Acunetix WVS beta, winAUTOPWN, listener, wpbruteforcer, Debian Live Studio, PHP IDS, IP Tables, Forensic Tool Kit, Titan Mist, Malheur, DOMScan, DOMTracer, Sploitware CORRECTION.
RIM's Lies, the Cyber Mongoose, Shot Heard Round the Facebook, Dutch Durka Durkas, Don't Get Media Playa'd, Verizon Crypto Challenge, Too Many Holes
Con Phooey
the Next HOPE, Confcon 2010, DerbyCon 2011, Toorcon XII, B-Sides Abound, Notacon
Stack of Shame
count: 157
ZDI-CAN-543 - v. Microsoft
Risk: 10 (High: AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C)
Discovered 2009-08-06 ( 370 days ago )
by: Peter Vreugdenhil (http://vreugdenhilresearch.nl)
| HNNCast for the second week of August 2010
Top Stories
Jailbreak Me Demos Threat, Full Disclosure: Crappy Software Ahead
Courtnee: BlackHat/B-Sides/Defcon Wrap-Up
StuxNet Tongue-Twister, Masato Notoutforlong, Citi App Spills Secrets, Wake Up People
T00l Time
Aanval, Razorback, DFF, Passware, BinPack, BinNavi, PDF Dissector, PinTool, Seccubus, SotF, L0phtCrack
Bulletin on vBulletin, Houston We Have a < 140 Character Problem, Carbon Trading Site Polluted, the Mets Bust Some Marlins, Ausi Malware Author Pleas, Virus Variants Spike, Inside Mumba, Moving Money from QA
Hong CON Phooey
Excaliber Con, H2H, HoaP, Thotcon 2, Shmoocon, HacKid Con, HNN in the Defcon Badge
Stack of Shame
count: 117
| HNNCast for the last week of July, 2010
BlackHat/B-Sides/Defcon Weekend Edition
- pwnies, Pulled Talks mean no FIXes, Con Badgery, Check Fraud Talk, Identity Theft Market Saturated