Bush Adviser's Tie to BCCI Deputy campaign manager works for the bank's major owners an article reposted without permission, written by the Associated Press as it appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle on Feb. 28, 1992, Page: A14 --------------------------- Washington President Bush's new deputy campaign manager has earned more than $200,000 for his firm by providing public relations services for the principal owners of the scandal-ridden Bank of Credit and Commerce International. The Center for Public Integrity, a nonprofit group that researches public officials and ethics issues, said yesterday that James Lake's work simultaneously for the campaign and for the main owner of a bank prosecuted by the Bush administration is a conflict of interest, although legal. "For a president who claims he's concerned with ethics and who says he's going to get to the bottom of the BCCI scandal, it is preposterous for him to have a top-level campaign adviser representing a majority investor in the bank," said Chuck Lewis, the center's executive director. "There's simply no good explanation for it." Lake and the Bush campaign, however, deny that any conflict exists, saying they have consulted with the White House and taken all steps to avoid even the appearance of a conflict. According to documents Lake filed with the Justice Department, he and his consulting firm were paid $201,375 last fall by the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority. Family Owns Much of BCCI The authority is owned by the Al Nahayan family, which rules over the Persian Gulf emirate of Abu Dhabi and owns 77 percent of BCCI along with other Abu Dhabi investors. BCCI, accused of laundering drug money, aiding arms traffickers and secretly buying three U.S. banks, recently forfeited its entire $550 million in U.S. assets to settle criminal racketeering charges. Lake has been working as a senior communications adviser to Bush's campaign. He was promoted yesterday to deputy campaign manager for surrogates, advance and scheduling. He is not being paid by the campaign. Lake said he continues to advise the Abu Dhabi company on communicating with U.S. news media in the BCCI scandal. He said he has taken precautions to avoid conflicts, including avoiding any lobbying for the Abu Dhabi group. "They have not asked nor have I given them any advice on dealing with this government, only advice in dealing with the media," Lake said. "I have not and do not intend to discuss this client's business in any way with the campaign." Suggestion of Fraud Abu Dhabi, and the Al Nahayan family have not been directly implicated in the international bank's alleged wrongdoing. But BCCI's former auditor has suggested that members of the family participated in fraudulent activities, a charge the family denies. U.S. and foreign investigators continue to probe BCCI, and seven grand juries are still at work in the United States alone, prosecutors say. Lake is the second Bush aide known to have a BCCI-related client. Last fall, former White House aide Ed Rogers canceled under pressure a $600,000 lawyer's contract to represent a central figure in the BCCI scandal. Rogers had just left as an assistant to then-chief of staff John Sununu when he got the contract to work for Sheik Kamal Adham, who the government said acted as a front man for BCCI's secret purchase of First American Bankshares Inc. of Washington. The Center for Public Integrity released a study titled "Under the Influence," in which it identified more than 100 paid and unpaid advisers to the seven major presidential candidates and their outside interests. It identifies Lake as one of 31 advisers who work as agents for foreign interests or for firms registered as foreign agents. The group also said some of Washington's prominent consulting firms have or recently had officials advising rival campaigns. One lawyer, former Jimmy Carter aide Stuart Eizenstat, has been simultaneously advising the Clinton and Kerrey campaigns, it said. ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Patriot FTP site by S.P.I.R.A.L., the Society for the Protection of Individual Rights and Liberties. E-mail alex@spiral.org)