From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ Dear fellow Patriots, I have been doing some studies recently on the foundations of our country. As our discussions on Patriotism are just begining, I wanted to lay down some little know facts about the thinking of our founding fathers. The most startling fact for many of you will be that 50 out of the 56 of the signers of "The Declaration of Independance" were Christians who believed that the Bible is the handbook for life and goverment. In fact it is likely that 53 out the 56 were Christians, but there is not enough evidence in their writings to prove it. With their belief in the Bibles' teachings the founding fathers would have unquestionably believed the following: That the earth and everything in it was created by an all powerfull God. That God is Sovereign over all people great and small. That God sent his Son, Jesus, to die for the sins of all men. That our lives are to be lived by the principles put forth in the Bible. That if a nation turns its back on God, it will fall. Most of us were raised in a public school system that has used a re-written history of America for the last 50 years. The great faith of the founding fathers has been hidden and lied about extensively. For those of you who are already skeptical, seek out orignal source documents, read their writings, and be amazed. Anything written before the turn of the century is best. Also the Congressional Record is available back to the beginning of our nation. "INALIENABLE RIGHTS" The word Inalienable is defined in Webster's Dictionary as "incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred". The Bill of Rights referred to a standard set of "Rights" as being inalienable. What makes them inalienable? If you are a Humanist and believe that you have evolved from primordial slime and monkeys, then there is nothing in the universe that can make your Rights inalienable. Social absolutes have no foundation in Humanism and change with the passage of time. Since the Bible was banned from being taught in schools in 1962, there has been a exponetial increase in teen pregnancies, crime, drug use and other social problems. Without a firm foundation for thought, you are at the mercy of those who create laws. And people who believe like you do, will do what seems right in their own minds. If you acknowledge that there is a God who is outside of time and space, who knows what will happen from the begining of time until the end, who does not change, and who has set forth consistant rules for living; then you have a foundation for individual rights. Indeed every person who has believed in God from the beginning of time until now, and has had access to his Word, has had a solid foundation for his personal rights. God is the source of the Inalienable Rights spoken of in the Bill of Rights. Indeed the error of the founding fathers was that in their day, America was so clearly a Christian nation (98%), that they omitted mentioning details about basic Biblical teachings in this countries original governing documents, because they were known by most people of their day. The reason that your Rights and Liberties are being trampled on is because the God who guarantees those Rights is being ignored by this nation: with great consequence. In 1991 there was world wide rejoicing as the great empires of Communism began to crumble. Here was the opportunity for people who had been oppressed for decades to live free and prosper. The world neglected to note one thing: Every sign of a mighty God had been removed from their minds and their society. As these nations began to tranfer to a Democratic system, they had no concrete values. Survival of the fittest became the law and the hearts of many grew cold. The majority of these nations are now far worse off than when under communism. A Godless people can only be ruled by martial law. Moscow, for example, is a city run by Mafiosos. The newest crime is Apartment Stealing. It is becoming quite common for a person to show up at your door and demand that you sign over ownership of your apartment to the thug. The standard procedure for those that refuse is to press a hot iron into their stomach until they comply, or simply kill them. Where the teachings of Jesus Christ are unknown or ignored, there is Kaos. The "Separation of Church and State" as it is currently defined by the Supreme Court of the United States is exactly opposite to the intent of the founding fathers. The beginning of the third article of the Constitution reads as follows: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;..." What the Congress was saying was that they would not make any laws to establish a national religion. God is mentioned in every original document that established our form of goverment. To say that God was to be sepparated from the Goverment would have been sheer folly. Their concern was that there be no Goverment in the church. Coming from an English background where a Goverment controlled church forbid Biblical worship of God, and persecuted those who obeyed the Bible's teachings, the writers of the Constitution wanted to make sure that America did not establish a National Church that would be a pawn of the Federal Goverment. Fellow Patriots, My point in this dialogue is to show you that any movement to return America to its roots must be guided by God and his Son Jesus through their teachings in the Bible. Efforts outside of God's guidance will ultimately fail, even as our nation is currently failing. Drew ALC8@PGE.COM Suggested Reading: "A Christian Manifesto" by Francis Schaefer "The light and the Glory" by Peter Marshall " From Sea to Shining Sea" by Peter Marshall Viewing: "America's Godly Heritage" Video from David Barton's "Wall Builders" PO Box 397 Aledo, TX 76008 Telephone 817-441-6044 ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan archives by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)