From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (begin Refounding Amendment) "THE REFOUNDING AMENDMENT" -------------------------------------------------------------------- "THE INITIATIVE" --------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1. Declare Commitment To Refound America We the People of the sovereign State of______________________ agree to refound America in the organic laws of this nation and the original intent of the federal Constitution. When thirty- eight States agree to refound America, "The Refounding Amendment", as defined in section 4 below, shall be ratified as the eleventh amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Section 2. Affirm That Those Powers Not Delegated Are Reserved To The States And Retained By The People. The federal government will immediately cease to unlawful usurpation of property, power and authority. This State affirms that all powers not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or retained by the People. If the Constitution of the United States of America is suspended, altered or abolished in any way, this State reserves the right to reclaim all delegated powers, secede from the Union and become a separate and sovereign republic nation or to join with any other States, who have also agreed to refound America, to form a new Union upon the original Constitution, the Bill Of Rights and the Refounding Amendment Section 3. Reject A Constitutional Convention And Rescind All Previous Calls This State shall neither propose nor engage in a constitutional convention as set forth in Article V of the Constitution of the United States of America. All calls for a constitutional convention previously enacted or currently in effect are hereby withdrawn and permanently rescinded. Section 4. The Refounding Amendment "The Refounding Amendment" --------------------------------------------------------------------- Paragraph 1. Discharging The Federal Government -------------------------------------------------------------------- Government is an agent of the people. If government does not properly represent the people, they have the right to institute a new agent. Therefore with a single, swift and steady act of Citizenship, we shall rid our nation of corrupt federal government. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Upon ratification of this amendment and whenever this nation again refounded, the federal government of the United States of America, now properly and legally renamed the "Federal Agency", shall be discharged and all of its related agents dissolved. The sovereign States neither indemnify nor accept responsibility for the discharged Federal Agency. The sovereign States completely disavow all previous enacted agreements, actions or obligations of the discharged Federal Agency, and declare them null and void. The several sovereign States of America shall institute a new Federal Agency as prescribed in this Constitution. Paragraph 2. Establishing The Foundation And the Public Oath _____________________________________________________________________ We will establish the foundation of this country and ensure freedom for all Americans. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The name of this great nation is America and as Americans we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, the governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or abolish it and to institute a new government. The Citizens from the State Militias, who compose the Military of this nation, shall be maintained and remain loyal to this Constitution. Those people who have been elected, appointed or employed to serve the general public my be referred to as public servants. All public servants are under solemn oath to preserve, protect and defend this Constitution and the individual rights guaranteed to each and every American. Any public servant who shall intentionally attempt to subvert this Constitution, circumvent their solemn oath or violate the public faith shall cease to be an American. Paragraph 3. Defining Our citizenship _____________________________________________________________________ It is essential for the survival of this nation, for the people to know exactly who they are and be able to define there Citizenship. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The People of this nation are Americans. Only People who have been born of an American or who have been explicitly and legally naturalized as Americans shall be Americans. Americans who establish a domicile in one of the several States shall be Citizens of that State in which they domicile. Citizens of the several States may be referred to as American Citizens, or more simply as Citizens. In the constitutional republic, Americans are Citizens by virtue of their State Citizenship. Those Americans who have not established a domicile in one of the several States shall be referred to as American Nationals. American Nationals shall become Citizens upon establishing a domicile in one of the several States. No State shall restrict an American from establishing a domicile in that State. The Federal Agency shall establish no special class of Americans or federal citizenship over which it shall have jurisdiction. Only Americans shall participate in public service. Paragraph 4. Establishing Equality And Justice Under The Law ---------------------------------------------------------------------- We establish that the purpose of law is to protect not to coerce. The force of law must not be used to form society. It must protect liberty and establish justice. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Purpose of the law is to establish justice among the People by protecting the natural rights of each and every American. All Americans are sovereign and equal under the law. No Federal, State or Local government shall deny an American equal protection under the law. No government shall make or enforce any law which may abridge the rights, privileges or immunities of an American. The right of an American to the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended. In all cases of law, both the accused and accuser shall have the unrestricted right to call for a trial by independent Citizen jury who shall be randomly chosen and fully informed of their responsibility to be the final judge of both fact and law. Each case of law shall be considered unique and distinct. Judicial precedent and case law shall be irrelevant and not apply to any case of law. No Judicial decision shall establish law. Original intent and natural law shall be the determining basis in all questions of constitutionality. the right of the Citizens to vote and the right to have equal opportunity to run for public office shall not be abridged or denied on account of race, creed, color, sex, political affiliations, or religion. The Citizens shall verify by whatever means necessary every popular election. Neither involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, nor slavery shall exist within the sovereign States or any place subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency. No government shall enact, mandate or attribute special rights, privileges, entitlements or obligations to any individual, group or special class of Americans. Only Americans are ensured the full rights, privileges and immunities guaranteed in this Constitution. Paragraph 5. Limiting The Jurisdiction Of The Federal Agency ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The greatest threat to the people of this nation is the government itself. Government must not be allowed to assume powers not delegated to it by the Constitution. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The sovereignty of the States and the individual liberty of the People shall be protected by specifically limiting the authority of the Federal Agency. The jurisdiction of the Federal Agency shall be wholly founded on this Constitution and shall be limited to those powers explicitly delegated to it. No further powers shall be implied, assumed or engaged. The jurisdiction of the Federal Agency shall be clear and reasonable or it shall not apply. The jurisdiction of the Federal Agency explicitly stated in the constitution shall be exercised narrowly and interpreted strictly. Any usurpation of property, powers or jurisdiction by a public servant shall be a violation of the public faith. Paragraph 6. Protecting Property Rights ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The right of the people to have the lawful ability to own and possess property is vital for a free society. When government becomes the landlord and the dictator of property, the people are not free. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Allodial ownership and full possession of property is fundamental to individual liberty. The right of Americans to lawfully acquire, possess, and own property of any form shall not be restricted, abridged or denied. The Federal Agency shall not lien, levy or apply in any way an assessment, claim or tax to the property of the American People. The Federal Agency will neither own nor have title to any property. All property administered by the Federal Agency shall be held in trust for the benefit of the American People. The Federal Agency shall not sell, give or transfer property directly or indirectly to foreign powers, or foreign individuals. The Federal Agency shall not leverage or collateralize property in any way. Upon the ratification of this amendment and whenever this nation is again refounded, all claims and title to the real property held within the several States under the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency not explicitly authorized by this Constitution shall be conveyed to that State in which it is held. All currently defined territories of the Native American Peoples shall be recognized as separate and sovereign nations and offered the protection of America. The People of the territories within the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency shall hold a popular election every seven years to approve or reject the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency. The Jurisdiction and powers exercised within the territories by the Federal Agency shall have the same scope and limits as within the sovereign States if America. Paragraph 7. Preserving Sovereignty And Ensuring Honesty ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultimately the authority has to be in the hands of the people. When you allow the government to assume its own powers, the people will lose their sovereignty. The activities of government must be open to the public review. It is the darkness and secrets of government which breeds corruption. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- America is composed of free and sovereign States who have come together to unite as one nation. When States join this union, they accept certain principles of government, agree to uphold this Constitution and delegate certain specific powers to the Federal Agency. To ensure the right to self-government and the sovereignty of the People, every State and Local government shall have an initiative process whereby the Citizens shall have the power to enact legislation directly through a popular election. The Federal Agency shall neither suspend nor alter this Constitution. The Federal Agency shall neither initiate nor impose emergency jurisdiction upon or within any State. The Federal Agency shall neither enact nor enforce any law, treaty, order or agreement which shall in any way supersede or conflict with this Constitution, exceed those powers explicitly delegated to it or usurp in any way the powers reserved to the States and the rights retained by the People. In any vote of Congress, a majority of the respective members in each house must be present and vote to have a quorum. All activities of the Federal Agency shall be recorded and all records of the Federal Agency shall be subject to open public review except certain and specific information which would directly and immediately jeopardize military operations. Paragraph 8. Establishing A Constitutional Monetary System ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Constitutional Monetary System places the power of the currency solidly in the hands of the American People. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Treasury of America, more simply referred to as the Treasury, shall serve as the constitutional source for a uniform, stable and sufficient medium of exchange to be issued as legal tender for all debts public and private. The Treasury shall provide funds only to the Federal Agency, States, local government and American owned private banks. The Treasury shall charge no interest or service fees of any kind. The Treasury shall provide all funds required to pay for the obligations of the Federal Agency. The Federal Agency shall appropriate the required funds from the Treasury and spend those funds into circulation without debt. The Federal Agency shall not borrow or incur debt of any kind. The revenue collected by the Federal Agency shall be kept in proper balance with its expenditures. The treasury shall provide loans without interest to the States and Local governments for publicly approved projects. The States and Local governments shall only borrow from the Treasury, and only when publicly financed by the Citizens of that State and that local community. The Treasure shall provide loans without interest to private banks which are wholly owned and operated by Americans. The Federal Agency shall administer the treasury according to simple, uniform and flexible regulations. the Treasury shall not require collateral for any loans. Banks shall only borrow from the Treasury. Banks shall only loan what they have borrowed. Banks shall only invest what they own. Every law abiding American shall have the unrestricted opportunity to own and operate a competing bank. Americans who own and operate a bank shall be recognized as public servants. The Federal Agency shall not give or loan any funds directly or indirectly to foreign powers or foreign individuals. The Federal Agency shall have the power to appropriate funds from the Treasure and apportion those funds directly to the American People without obligation, remuneration required or debt generated. All excess funds collected, acquired or appropriated by the Federal Agency not required to provide for the common defense or to maintain its other limited functions shall be extinguished or directly returned to the Treasury. It is through the administration of these limited and specific functions of the Treasury that the Federal Agency shall promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to each and every American. Paragraph 9. Correcting The Sins Of The Past ---------------------------------------------------------------------- It is time we take responsibility for the mistakes we have made in the past. Government will no longer provide social entitlements, those who currently depend on the past entitlements will be protected but the programs will be phased out and privatized. We will free ourselves by addressing the problems directly. Freedom requires both responsibility and action. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Upon ratification of this amendment, all paper currency, bank deposits and investment credits denominated in Federal Reserve Notes currently belonging to Americans shall be converted without restriction into American Dollars issued by the Treasury. All current lawful agreements among Americans denominated in Federal Reserve Notes shall be converted to American Dollars. All lawful debts previously created by the Federal Agency owed directly or indirectly to Americans shall be guaranteed, converted and redeemed at current value by the Treasury in American Dollars. The regulation of current entitlements previously enacted by the Federal Agency, upon which certain Americans depend, shall be relegated to the State or District within which they domicile. These Entitlements shall be guaranteed and funded by the Treasury without apportionment and without debt. Past entitlements shall be continued only as long as required, phased out through attrition, and privatized as soon as possible. No past entitlements shall be maintained or extended beyond a period of seven years following the ratification of this amendment. Paragraph 10. Establishing A National Constitutional Election ---------------------------------------------------------------------- It has always been the right of the people to control its government. This amendment establishes an effective method to exercise this responsibility. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The sovereign Citizens retain the sole power to amend this constitution, to repeal an amendment, to secede from the Union and to refound this nation through a constitutional initiative process regulated by each State. A constitutional initiative shall be proposed when 15 percent of the qualified voters of a particular State agree to put it on their State ballot within two years of its filing. The filing procedure shall not be restricted. When three States approve the same initiative, not including a Seceding Initiative, the initiative] shall be automatically put on the ballots of all the other States for their next respective Constitutional Election. If the initiative is not approved by the State, it is no longer on the State ballot and can only be proposed again for that State if the Citizens of that State themselves put it on the ballot again through the initiative process. If the initiative is approved by the State, it shall remain active for seven years. If the initiative has remained active for seven years in the State and it has not yet become ratified as law then it shall be considered rejected by that State. The approved initiative may be rejected by that State before it becomes law when a Rejecting Initiative is proposed and approved by that state through the initiative process. Once a year a "Constitutional Election" shall be held by each State to approve or reject the proposed constitutional initiatives by popular vote. If no constitutional initiatives are on the ballot for a State then no Constitutional Election shall be held in that State. The Citizens shall ratify a new amendment when three-fourths of the States agree to approve the proposed Amending Initiative. the citizens shall repeal an amendment when three-fourths of the States agree to approve the proposed Repealing Initiative. The repealed amendment shall then be removed and the other amendments shall be renumbered sequentially. Neither this amendment nor the first ten amendments shall be repealed. A state may secede from this nation if three-fourths of the qualified voters of that State agree to the proposed Seceding Initiative. Finally and most importantly, The Citizens shall refound this nation when two-thirds of the several sovereign States agree to approve the proposed Refounding Initiative. Upon the ratification of this amendment and whenever this nation is again refounded, this Constitution up through and including the first ten amendments shall be reinstated as the supreme law of the land, all subsequent amendments shall be repealed with the exception of this "The Refounding Amendment" which shall be renamed the eleventh Amendment. ====================================================================== ====================================================================== The refounding society requires no formal membership. Each individual choosing to support the Refounding Amendment are, The Refounders of this great nation, Citizens dedicated to Americas sovereignty and the Constitution. The Refounding Society consists only of the citizens support and sponsorship. With Gods blessings, we will WIN. T O O L S ---ORDERING INFORMATION--- Y E S ! I wish to support the Refounding Amendment and bring Freedom back to America. Additional Copies of this Handout and other Information is Available. Presentation booklets $2.00 Donation each. 100 or more/Presentation Booklets $1.50 Donation each. Lecture Handouts 75 cent Donation each. 10/Lecture Handouts $5.00 Donation 100/Lecture Handouts $35.00 Donation Pamphlets 10 cent Donation each 100/Pamphlets $7.00 Donation Audio Tape $5.00 Donation each VHS Video Tape $10.00 Donation each Refounding Presentation Pack (1-PB,50-LH,100-P,1-AT,1-VT) $40.00 Donation each (note: All Orders include Shipping & Handling) Send Donations to: The Refounding Society ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "The Refounding Amendment" WE NEED VOLUNTEERS AND PETITION COORDINATORS The Refounding Society 2303 North 44th Street Plaza 14-2000 Phoenix, Arizona 85008 (602)922-2803 / FAX: (602)274-7247 Thank You, America! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright, The Refounding Society, 1994. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be modified or changed in any form by any means without written permission of The Refounding Society. To facilitate the immediate dissemination of this information to all American Citizens, permission is given to reproduce, transmit, transcribe store in a retrieval system, or translate only if the complete contents of the publication is made available, without profit or debt of any kind. ____________________________________________________________________ (End, Refounding Amendment -- --Bob "Don't Tread On Me" ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan site by the archive maintainer. Protection of Individual Rights and Liberties. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)