From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Col. Bo Gritz's Newsletter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the CENTER FOR ACTION monthly newsletter, volume 3, number 4, November 1993, 1106 No. Gilbert Rd. #2114, Mesa, AZ 85203, (602) 969-9260 : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * AMERICA SOON TO BE DISARMED? The American Bar Association sent out a letter to all registered attorneys that arrived Friday, 22 October. The letter said that the ABA had met in New York City and unanimously decided to support a TOTAL BAN ON ALL FIREARMS, EXCEPT THOSE USED BY POLICE AND THE MILITARY. The Los Angeles Times and other major media followed suit. Remember U.S. State Department publication 7277, "The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World." Page 10 states: "The manufacture of armaments would be prohibited, except for those of agreed types and quantities to be used by the United Nations Peace Force and those required to maintain internal order. All other armaments would be destroyed ...." As you are reading this, the United States Congress is deciding on several momentous motions. Action is expected on the Brady bill, Clinton's Crime bill, the Crime Control Act of 1993, and the Protection Against Terrorism Act of 1993. All of these bills have one target -- disarming the American People! Recall the words of Hillary Clinton: ".... tax directly the purveyors of violence." And Bill Clinton: "This effort against crime will not be complete if we do not eliminate assault weapons." Ms. Brady is on record with this politically correct proclamation: "Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed." I mentioned months ago that the tax on Federal Firearms Licenses, guns and ammunition would skyrocket. Look for a ten-fold increase in FFLs, and a 25 percent increase in gun-related items. This will be justified as a contribution toward Clinton's Health Care Plan. Clinton's Crime Bill, sponsored by Joe Biden in the Senate and Jack Brooks in the House of Representatives, calls for a national police force and "SHOCK INCARCERATION PROGRAMS" for young first-time offenders. The bill numbers are S1488 and HR3131. There are three versions of the Brady Bill (S414, HR277 and HR1025). The Crime Control Act (S8) is sponsored by Senator Orrin Hatch, and proposes fifty new reasons for which an American citizen can be PUT TO DEATH. IT NULLIFIES MOST OF OUR BILL OF RIGHTS! For example: property forfeitures, arrests, fines and prison terms can result from ".... activities which APPEAR to be intended toward violence." [JD: Just traveling to a range to fire one's pistol would probably be considered as a violation of the Crime Control Act.] Distribution of this newsletter could qualify [in their definition of a criminal offense]. Senator Strom Thurman introduced [presumably in the Senate] a license to steal [act], which makes it legal for the Federal Government to take your home and everything else you have, if your home is tainted by a planning meeting that violates the statute. [JD: And the factuality of the meeting will not stand in the way of their false charges against you. They create their own facts.] For example, if a "pro-life" rally results in blocking access to public abortion clinics -- you lose! The Government confiscates your property first, without your being tried or adjudicated guilty. Attorney-General Janet Reno & Company are spurting out statistics over the [corporate] mass media. The best source of information comes from a professor of Police Science at Florida State University. Dr. Gary Kleck presents the most comprehensive study on guns and violence in America ever assembled. His 512-page work, POINT BLANK, isn't cheap at $59.95, but it is packed with explosive facts to blow the Government's attack on our Second Amendment out of the water. Kleck compares apples to apples, whereas the [corporate] U.S. Government and the [corporate] Establishment mass media use mixed and incomplete data to deceive the public. The [corporate] major mass media is flooding its print and electronic outlets with the statistic: "If you have a gun in your home, you are three times more likely to be killed." TRUTH: 1,200,000 Americans use firearms each year to thwart criminal attempts on their persons and on their properties. [corporate] MEDIA HYPE: "Japan has far fewer homicides per year than the United States because Japan has an absolute ban on handguns." TRUTH: The people in Japan have a gun murder rate that is 2.3 times higher than that of Japanese people who live in America amidst two hundred million firearms. JANET RENO RHETORIC: Guns are the problem. Get rid of the guns and violence will decline. TRUTH: Evanston, Illinois (a suburb of Chicago) passed a ban on handgun possession the same time that Kennesaw, Georgia (an Atlanta suburb) passed a law requiring each household to have at least one gun available. During that exact same period, Evanston experienced increases in all three categories of violent crime involving guns. Kennesaw recorded an 89 percent decrease in these same areas of murder, armed robbery, and aggravated assault. The Orlando, Florida Police trained 2,500 women in the use of handguns, and realized an 88 percent decrease in rape. It is a recorded fact that robbery and assault victims who used guns to resist were less likely to be attacked or to suffer injuries than those who used any other methods of self-defense, or than those who did not resist at all. REMEMBER THE A-B-Cs OF A NATION'S ENSLAVEMENT: (A) Register All Persons (Clinton's 332 billion dollar compulsory National "Healthcare" Security System), (B) Disarm the Population (the 1993 Crime Control Act, and the 1993 Protection Against Terrorism Act), (C) Control the Nation's Currency (coming soon: funny money). (end of excerpt) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan site by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)