From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ The principles of nature are indomitable, despite modern industry's assault upon nature from every front. The emporers of Big Business are poisoning our Earth, while they concomitantly poison all life forms, from the simplest organisms to the human species. Unless we now begin to unmask and combat these greedy dictators -- the true culprits causing the myriad diseases which have long been decimating our high-tech societies -- our children of the 21st Century and beyond shall be doomed to live brief lives besieged by illnesses -- a state-of-affairs which is now beginning to plague our industrial society, despite their corporate mass media's smokescreen concealing their culpability. Although this speech was given about a third of a century ago, its astounding revelations are like aging wine, increasing in potentcy on scale with the increasing illness of successive generations of Americans, each surpassingly sick generation sailing, without a clue, into extinction upon the eternal currents of time. ~ JD ~ [transcript of a tape-recorded speech given by V.E. Irons, at the age of 89, before a convention of the National Health Federation]: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * V.E. IRONS: Why does sixty percent of the entire population have chronic diseases? Why are we spending twenty billion dollars a year [today, it's over one-quarter trillion a year] on our health problems? They say that the biggest problem is inflation and this tremendous national debt. Do you realize that it wouldn't take very many years to wipe out that national debt IF everybody belonged to this organization and followed through on our precepts? Now, how did we get into this terrible condition? If [Soviet Premier] Kruschev was attacking our shores and costing us twenty billion dollars a year, we'd do something about it. Every man, woman and child would want to go out and do something. Well, we've got a far worse enemy attacking us from within. But do we do anything about it? And how many of us actually go to work, put our money in, and put our time in, to try to save this nation? How did we get into this condition? I'm going to give you a little history of it. I heard, yesterday, one of the greatest pieces of irony that could happen in this country. Harold Edwards got up here and he said that they were going to establish a monument in Washington to Harvey W. Wiley, the man who put through the Food and Drug Act. I have never seen a greater piece of irony performed, because those who are doing it are doing it either because their consciences bother them, or because they want the monument, for propaganda purposes, to get more money to fight our ideas. I have here in front of me the book that was written by Harvey W. Wiley. Some of you are familiar with it. I've found some people who have read it, but who are not familiar with a few of the passages which I'm now going to read. Dr. Wiley was a medical doctor -- a very high-caliber individual, probably as high a caliber a man as we've ever had in any of our Government's positions. In 1883, he was appointed Chief of the Bureau of Chemistry. Now please remember that Bureau of Chemistry because he mentions it in his book a great deal. Chief of the Bureau of Chemistry. In 1883, for twenty-three years, he worked to get the Pure Food Law passed. In 1906, he got it through. Congress was determined that he should be the only one whom they could trust to enforce the Pure Food Law. So, even though his enemies tried time and time again, and brought all kinds of pressure to bear upon Congress, they REFUSED to put the enforcement of that law into anybody's hands but Dr. Wiley's. Remember that, because I want to show you how it was taken out of his hands. During all this time, they got committees together. And one of the committees that they got together was the Remson[sp] Committee. Remson was the man who was getting the money from [the] saccharin [industry]. He was getting the rebates out of the saccharin deal. He was put in charge. How much real true science and truth would you get out of a man who was fighting the man who put through the Pure Food Law? In 1906 the law went through, and for six years longer, Dr. Wiley tried to enforce it. But no matter what he did, the United States Government, in EVERY way, from the president right down to everybody except Congress .... Congress didn't buck him, but every secretary of the treasury bucked him at every step that he made -- including the president. So, in 1912, he resigned. And then he wrote a book called: "THE HISTORY OF A CRIME AGAINST THE FOOD LAW." He gave the manuscript to the printer, and it disappeared! How many manuscripts do you suppose, in the history of the World, have ever disappeared in the hands of the printer? I'd be willing to gamble that that was the only one that ever disappeared. So then, he spent ten years revising it, revamping it and bringing it up-to-date. He republished it about 1927. (It was more than ten years.) It was put into all of the book stores, but it disappeared before anybody could buy it. Then he saw that the power was so tremendous against him that he thought ..... If he were a man living today, you know what he'd have done. He would have just piled them out there by the hundreds of thousands and made a fortune on them. But he was an honorable man. So he refused to print any more copies, but gave the last few thousand to the various libraries all over the country. They DISAPPEARED from the libraries, one after another until, I think, the final survey showed that only four libraries had a copy. Dr. Lee of the Lee Foundation did one of the greatest services to this country when he got a hold of that book and threatened to republish it. He asked permission to republish it. But the wife of Dr. Wiley, who was a much younger woman than the doctor himself, said no. She said that she was perfectly satisfied with the way that the Food and Drug Administration and the United States Government were handling it. She was possibly more than satisfied. And for very good reasons. And was she a sad woman when recently they came out with the fifty-year stamp in his honor, and they had a big celebration and a big fete. She looked like one of the most unhappy women I have ever seen. Let's get back to Dr. Wiley. He died in the 1930s. His book was never read, but by very few people. When Dr. Lee wanted to revise it, he wasn't allowed to. So he revised the last chapter, in defiance of the copyright. The copyright still had several years to run. (I don't know whether or not it has run out yet.) Then he went ahead and he found that they couldn't do anything. They were afraid to do anything. So he published the whole book. You can now buy it from the Lee Foundation for about three dollars. I have a copy here that I have used a great deal. And I want to bring out a few points in here that the Public doesn't realize. And the reason I'm doing it is because I want you to realize WHAT WE ARE UP AGAINST! I went down here to buy some water yesterday from the drug store -- some good water. Well, we went to four places before we found any, and finally found some mountain water in a two-quart bottle: eighty cents. So I paid for three of the bottles. That's all he had. And as he was wrapping them up and getting them ready, I said: "It seems like a terrible shame that in a nice, beautiful city like this, we can't have a convention without having such terrible, filthy water that we have to go out and buy our water. And I don't say that because the water in the Mississippi River is filthy. I'm talking about what you have permitted them to add to it. I'm just wondering if you're in cahoots because you're making a nice pile of money selling other kinds of water." Now, that woke him up. And I hope he stays awake. But the Public is under the impression that we are protected! Go out and talk to your friends and your relatives. They'll think you're a crazy nut if you say there's anything wrong with our food. V.E. IRONS: We've got a Food Law. We're the only country in the World that has a Food Law. What I want to show you is that we have NO SUCH THING as a Food Law to protect the consumer. All the Food Law has EVER done is to protect the processers, the manufacturers and the chemical industry. Because they NEVER would allow Dr. Wiley to fully enforce it. I'm going to read his own words. He says: "I am now convinced that the freedom which belongs to every private American citizen can be used more fruitfully in rallying public opinion to the support of pure food and drugs than could the limited activity left to me in the position which I have just vacated. I propose to devote the remainder of my life -- with such ability as I have at my command and with such opportunities as may arise -- to promotion of the principles of civic righteousness and industrial integrity which underlie the Food and Drug Act, in the hope that it may be administered in the interest of the People-at-large instead of that of a comparatively few mercenary manufacturers and dealers. Page 94. On page 95 ..... By the way -- how was he able to get the Food Law through? Because THE NATION Magazine, THE WORLD Magazine, THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS and a whole lot of newspapers backed him up thoroughly in everything he was doing. They backed up his "poison squad". He had a "poison squad" which were young college boys who agreed to take these poisons for a certain length of time, but they were permitted to quit it whenever they wanted to. And he proved all of his contentions. Now, he thought he had a lot of trouble. Just imagine, he only had to deal with just a few adulteraters -- just a few processers then. Today, we have THOUSANDS of them. And here's what THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS said when he resigned: "If the People exhibited the same persistence in looking after their interests that illegimate business displays in looking after its interests, the things of which we complain would soon be brought to an end and prosperity, like a tidal wave, would flood the land. For twenty years, at least, the food poisoners of the country have waged war on Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, and since the passage of the Pure Food Act in 1906, they have trebled efforts to have him discharged. These Borgias of Business have won, because the circumstances attending Dr. Wiley's recent resignation make it practically, in effect, a dismissal. Dr. Wiley resigned because the fundamental principles of the Pure Food Law have been strangled because he has been powerless to punish the manufacturers of misbranded and adulterated drugs and foods, and because the powers of his position have been nullified by EXECUTIVE ORDER -- not by the United States Congress, but by executive order. Now he goes on to explain certain decisions. Now understand this. The Bureau of Chemistry, of which he was the chief, was actually under the Agricultural Department at that time. He goes on to show how the Agricultural Department .... he names the men, James Wilson, Frank McVay, Secretary of the Treasury, and Charles Nagle, Secretary of Commerce and Labor rescinded his decisions, numbers 45, 65, 95 and 98 -- rescinded them all in favor of the manufacturers. And here's what he says: "This decision, directly contrary to many Federal courts, promulgated by the three secretaries charged with the duty of making rules and regulations for carrying the law into effect, is the most astonishing exhibition of illegality ever perpetrated. No higher act of open contempt of judicial findings has ever been made by anyone whose duty it is to follow the courts' decisions. It would have been bad enough as an attempt at construing the meaning of this law prior to judicial opinion. In the face of the facts, it is a flagrant contempt of court." In other words, they didn't try to decide before the court decided. They waited until the court had decided, and THEN set the decisons aside. What are you going to do when the executive won't obey? "All of the interests which were engaged in adulterating and misbranding foods were greatly heartened by this victory. If one class of misbranders and adulterers could receive immunity by executive order, why not apply the same principles to all forms of adulteration and misbranding. The dikes that held the swelling flood of adulterations and misbrandings of our beverages were broken down and the waves of food adulterations swept over and devastated the country." I just want to show you what he was up against -- what you're up against. And it's ten times worse now than it was then. [JD: And it's a hundred times worse now than it was when this speech was made.] He says "the following violations of law" ..... Now these are actual things that he was trying to fight: "The following violations of law were permitted and protected by this crowd: the use of benzoate of soda as a preservative of food, the use of sulfur dioxide and sulfite as bleaching agents and as food preservatives, the use of saccharin as a sweetener in foods, up to an amount not exceeding three-tenths of a gram, and the free and unrestricted use of alum in food products. It is a striking comment also, regarding the attitude of Congress and the People-at-large, that no steps have ever been taken, from 1911 to 1928, to correct these outrages upon the American People and to attempt to restore the law to its power and purpose, as enacted. Administration after administration has come and gone, and these abuses still persist." Now, they finally decided to establish this Remson Committee directly under the Department of Agriculture, not under Dr. Wiley. In other words, they were coordinating the Committee under as much power as could be [wielded against Dr. Wiley]. Now they listened to this Remson Committee, which was a bunch of scientists, like the many of them we have today who are PAID by food processers to get certain findings. And they got them! Although this speech was given about a third of a century ago, its astounding revelations are like aging wine, increasing in potentcy on scale with the increasing illness of successive generations of Americans, each surpassingly sick generation sailing, without a clue, into extinction upon the eternal currents of time. ~ JD ~ [transcript of a tape-recorded speech given by V.E. Irons, at the age of 89, before a convention of the National Health Federation]: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (contination) V.E. IRONS: The [Agriculture] Department head preferred to listen to these food processers rather than listen to Dr. Wiley, who had the facts. Dr. Wiley says, in his book: "The [Remson] Committee realized that this was the consummation of the plan of the solicitor." In other words, this Remson Committee put the power in the hands of their solicitor, a LAWYER, who had the last and final word. No longer the courts had the final word; no longer ANYBODY had the final word, except this solicitor and the Secretary of Agriculture. And whatever the solicitor said to the Secretary of Agriculture -- it went! Dr. Wiley no longer had any power, even though he was the ONLY one to whom the Congress would give the power to enforce the Pure Food Law. Dr. Wiley says, in his book: "The Remson Committee realized that this was the consummation of the plan of the solicitor. It totally disregarded the provisions of the Pure Food Law as to the methods of its execution. It placed the solicitor, not mentioned or recognized in the Law, in the place of the Bureau of Chemistry, as the sole arbiter of all processes linking to the enforcement of the Act. With this final blow at the vitality of the Law, its enforcement passed entirely into the hands of the ENEMIES of the Law. The Public, which the Law was intended to protect, was left without any redress. The result was a wild orgy of adulteration and misbranding, paid for by the money of the taxpayers which was appropriated for the enforcement of the Law. The members of the Referee Board became experts, paid by the Government to protect the interests of the food adulteraters and misbranders." And so, here we have a law that now is protecting the food adulteraters and processers, and not the Public in any way, shape or form. "Their efforts in this direction were put into effect by the solicitor of the Department. All the fruits gained by the victory in the enactment of the legislation, which took over twenty-three years, were thus sacrificed by the direct negation of the Law's demands. The far-reaching effects of this crime against the Law I have tried to set down in as small a space as possible to do justice to history." Now I want to show you something that I don't think anybody but probably Dr. Lee and one or two others know about. Do you know that Dr. Wiley was so far-seeing that he developed the finest and the World's most elaborate method of studying soils? He had a [section on the] chemistry of soils under his own department. He brought soils from every part of the Union. He gave them all exactly the same moisture, the same temperature, and so forth to see what the difference was in the soils. He brought soils from Roffenstead[sp] (I think that's the name they call it) in England where, he said, they had raised wheat on one piece of land every year for a hundred years. And the soil was still fertile and a wonderful soil. And all it ever had was manure. Well, here's what they did. "Typical soils were added to this collection. Samples of the celebrated field of Roffenstead, England, which had been cultivating wheat for nearly one hundred years without receiving any artificial fertilizer." (They had artificial fertilizer coming up then.) "In the midst of these investigations, a new Bureau of Soils was created in the Department of Agriculture, entirely distinct from the Bureau of Chemistry. At the demand of this new Bureau of Soils, all activities of the Bureau of Chemistry and the progress of its investigations were ordered discontinued, and the expensive equipment was abandoned and destroyed. At the instigation of this new Bureau of Soils, publication of the data already obtained was denied." Now think of it. Back there we would have had our soils preserved. It wouldn't be necessary for us to have this meeting here today. But the People would not stand up then and fight, so they wait until they're ready for extinction. And now we've got to do the job, and we've got to do it in a hurry. He goes on here and he says: "Those who adulterated our foods and drugs foresaw that if they could cripple the activities of the Bureau of Chemistry, they could save themselves from indictment. They proceeded along successful lines to effect this paralysis. The decision of the Bureau in regard to the adulterants and coloring matters, and in regard to proper names and labels, were speedily overturned, contary to the provisions of the law. The solicitor of the Department and the Secretary of Agriculture joined in the destruction of the Bureau. These restrictions and illegal limitations on the Bureau have never been removed, and finally the Bureau itself was sacrificed, crucified and abolished. While the death of the Bureau of Chemistry did not take place until midnight of June the 30th, 1927, it had already been irrevocably decreed. The criminals are still at large. It is wise to try to unravel this mystery while we may. Was it manslaughter or murder in the first degree? Was it assassination or suicide? Was it done legally or was it a clear case of lynching? Now, ladies and gentlemen, let me show you how they did it -- to get rid of the Bureau of Chemistry entirely. They waited until the last night, when the Congress was ready to adjourn completely. That was the end of that Congress. They had a huge appropriations bill. Nobody was going to fight those appropriations bills. So they put a little rider on the end of it. And this little rider ABOLISHED the Bureau of Chemistry. They went through before Congress .... They [Congressmembers] didn't realize it. Even the friends of [the abolishers] didn't realize it until it was all over with. Now don't you think we need a person in Congress? We had two hours, at least, if we'd have had someone there to find out about that law. (to be continued) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * To penetrate the smokescreen of mass-media fraud is to learn of the staggering realities and the resultant emergencies festering beneath the surface of public awareness. If WE fail to tell the American People -- who, then, will tell them? And what will be the price to be paid by all of us for the delusions of the TV-mesmerized majority? Please post the episodes of this ongoing series to computer bulletin boards, and post hardcopies in public places, both on and off campus. John DiNardo The episodes of this and other series can be retrieved via anonymous ftp from the site: Log in with name "anonymous" or "ftp" and supply your e-mail address as the password. The files are kept in the directory /poli/Essays/Conspiracy ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan site by the archive maintainer. Protection of Individual Rights and Liberties. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)