From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ Richard (Dick) Geis, a well-known science fiction author edits the Geis Letter. Reprinted from the Geis Letter: The Theory of the "Owners" Explained Goldsters Battle Godsters for World Control Some Observations On the Owners And Other Realities By One Who Knows For reasons that I'm sure you share, I have chosen to be anonymous, both as a way to protect myself, my membership in certain organizations, as well as my sources in and out of those organizations. I agree with the essential thrust of your commentary on the Owners/Goldsters in The Geis Letter #19. The following are some selected point-by-point elaborations and observations, #1. The international elite. It is centered primarily in Europe, and the Japanese were added in the last quarter century through the Trilateral Commission. This admission still sticks in the throats of more than a few of the Owners who have a Eurocentric view of the world. A view that most would consider racist; but facts are facts, the ruling civilization is based on European precepts (many imported from the Middle East) and ancient fraternal societies. The Japanese adapted, and are still not-fully-trusted junior partners. #2. Ownership of the environment. The Owners do believe that they own the planet, and are operating in our best interests. Their passion on this issue is sometimes quite annoying. Their key tools of ownership are pressure from their mostly unwitting allies in the "environmental rights" movement, as well as several recently established organizations, the most notable of these is the World Conservation Bank (WCB). The WCB was founded in Colorado in the last decade. Its charter was formed over several meetings in the span of a couple of years. The keynote speaker for their first meeting was David Rockefeller. The WCB now owns over 25% of Costa Rica. They are offering "forgiveness" of Third World debt, and will extend new credit to those countries in they put up their natural resources as collateral. Several countries, including Peru (whose dictator Fujimori is an Owner installed puppet), have already signed on. #3. Outlaw Nations. These include countries like Iraq, that overstep their bounds, and others, like Iran and North Korea, who are totally opposed to the Owners. The Owners use them as an example to control others, as well as to distract the American and European public from their real plans. Remember the owners have studied the "magic' of controlling people for centuries. They can distract the public with a war at any time. That's why a certain number of outlaw countries are not only tolerated, but necessary. A war is the best time to consolidate control or launch a new social agenda. Because the public's attention is either elsewhere, or any potential opposition is exhausted. Witness the creation of both the United Nations, as well as NATO, at the end of WWII, and the League of Nations at the end of the First World War. #4. The American Public. Although America is their seat of power, the American public is difficult to control (they voted against the League of Nations). Their efforts to tame us since have only been partially successful. They must continually distract us. The CIA-led introduction of drugs, using Air Force bases as drops during the Vietnam War, and during the Iran-Contra activities, was a huge success. It not only pacified the inner cities (no more Black Panthers, or Malcolm X's), but led directly to the creation of gangs like the bloods and Crips. White America, conditioned by hours of watching black men dominate tough athletic sports like basketball, will march headlong into the socialist police-state embrace of the Owners to get protection from the black gangs. #5. The United Nations. Bill Clinton has ceded control of our armed forces to the UN. Can you imagine the outrage if Jimmy Carter had even suggested such a thing? But the end of the Cold War, and the lazy, beer-guzzling, don't-give-a-shit attitude of the American middle-class has allowed the Owners to get control of the one group of people in America who are still true patriots: our volunteer military, especially the officer class. The United States is the front nation for so many of these activities because we were the first nation created by the Owners, and have starred in their plans, and on the world stage, as a result. Practically all of those who signed the Declaration of Independence and deliberated at the Second Constitution Convention were Masons. For those who believe in an America that was once free of the Owners I have two words: grow up. We have never been a truly free country. Human nature would never allow it. However, our owners did oppose the old Royalists of Europe, as well as the Vatican. Neither kings nor popes were likely to embrace a world system where they were not at the top. In the end gold rules, not kings or popes. And this brings up one aspect of the owner, that conspiratorialists have always missed. The Owners are a community. No one person or family rules. They rule by achieving a consensus of a group as "wise men." They all have the same goals, but occasionally differ on how to achieve those goals and when differences arise they resolve them through debate and argument. This why they replaced the monarchies. Because one man, or one family, is usually too unstable to govern over the long run. History showed then that. Take many of the great conquerors throughout history: Hitler, Napoleon, Tamerlane, Genghis Khan, Alexander Cyrus, Ashurbanipal, Thothmes III. None of them produced a dynasty (longer than three generations) capable of holding onto their conquest without fragmentation, let alone building on them. (Cyrus is the exception, if Darius was indeed his cousin, and not merely a clever liar.) Only empires consisting of like-minded individuals, the Roman Senate, the British Parliament, prospered for more than two centuries. In the end gold rules. I have made a study of the movement of money down through the centuries, from the Sumerian banking dynasties of Llasa to Sardis and on to Rome itself, Venice, and finally the City inside London. It took those who handled money millennia, but they finally overthrew the monarchies, have experimented with, and, apparently, discarded Communism, and have decided on controlled tribalism as a way to rule the planet. As for the dichotomy between Godsters and Goldsters (very clever labels, Dick), I support Goldsters because under them more people have enjoyed greater freedom than at any time. If your is goal money, then you need consumers, and the illusion of freedom and independence and initiative you can give to the masses they will be, both as workers, and as consumers. As for the Godsters, I've studied history, know what they were, and sometimes - when given a chance - still are. The same reactionary forces that thrust Adolf Hitler on an unsuspecting Europe (along with some admitted complicity and stupidity on the part of some Goldsters) are now trying to foist the likes of Pat Robertson onto us. At last count Robertson's forces - the misnamed Christian Coalition, for they are truly neither Christian, nor a Coalition, they are in reality unwitting Theocratic shock troops - control over seventeen state republican Party structures, and they are making some headway on recruiting black Democrat activists. Yes, Robertson went to Yale, and he has some small support from among the Owners/Goldsters (among the same types who miscalculated with Hitler). His forces are following a scorched Earth policy in political contests, both inside the party structure and in regular races for office. The Godsters do not understand the meaning of compromise. You are either for them, or you are against them. And if you agree with them on 95 of their agenda, but disagree with them on the rest, they will fight you the hardest, because you are capable - if not fought - of seducing away their Faithful. No. Give me the Goldsters. At least they can be reasoned with. And even if I don't share all of their agenda, and even if they appear to have the upper hand, they are still the lesser evil, representing a slightly more evolved part of the human brain - if you will. As for the future. Who knows. I suspect the future will upset everyone's plans, and so it should be. The human race thrives on uncertainty, from the earliest proto-humans squatting on their haunches in a tree as the nighttime jungle boomed with the sounds of the never ending battle of death and destruction that is nature, to today's scientists looking into the face of the human immune system, or into the depths of cellular structures, or out into the seemingly uncaring vastness of intergalactic space where entire galaxies collide and others are swallowed up by monstrous black holes. Face it. We have been born into a universe of unimaginable violence, in a galaxy swirling around a gigantic black hole, warmed by the explosive combustion of our sun's nuclear fires, living on a planet where nature is red of tooth and claw, and where the ultimate peace is death. Is it any wonder that the Christian promise of the "lion laying down with the lamb" has such appeal, or that Hindu nirvana is the extinction of the "flame of life" itself. The wonder is that we try at all. Ultimately both Goldsters and Godsters will remain with us as long as we remain human, and since we are human, with the evolutionary imperative to spread as far and wide as possible; our best hope is spaceflight. To truly be fruitful and multiply we must spread out so fast that no single group could ever hope to control the human race. In any case I suspect that it represents a synthesis of these two competing "hard-wired" world views. Or maybe I'm just a sentimental old fool whose hopes and dreams are infinitely larger than my abilities. The above paragraph has in it the seeds of the pure creed of Science Fiction. If SF can be said to have a creed. In any case, Dick, thanks for the thought-provoking commentary, and the opportunity to pontificate. I hope you and your readers have enjoyed it. And always remember, never look back, something may be gaining on you!' Richard E Geis COMMENT: Gaining! I feel its hot breath on my ass! As for mankind, the most optimistic argument I can make is this: That the evolution of intelligence in humans is the single most important fact of life on Earth over the past 100,000 years. As intelligence increases, the conscious Self becomes more aware, more important and more powerful. As intelligence increases, the instincts (which powerfully govern the lives of other, less intelligent primates and animals) recede in influence in humans. And as the individual uses intelligence to independently understand and manipulate his environment to his advantage (to the extent that he is able to divorce from the automatic answers and behaviors given by instincts) he becomes to anever-greater extent a 'spiritual', self-driven personand more nearly in possession of free will. The trend is toward greater intelligence inhumans. Therefore rationality will govern more and more of our lives and allow a more peaceful, wealthy, cooperative, healthy future for the species. A successful evolutionary experiment. A different optimism envisions continuing, desperate competition, ever more acute survival of the fittest among "tribes", eventually a keen, ruthless mankind bursting out into the galaxy with unimaginable high-tech savagery to destroy every alien civilization we encounter and conquer the sevagram. A successful evolutionary experiment. The most pessimistic argument is that our intelligence has been obviously used to serve our still-ruling emotions and instincts, and that our intelligence will continue to be used to satisfy greed, lust and hatred until we have thoroughly fouled our planet, killed billions of our fellows, run out of natural resources to exploit, and by inevitable declines fall back into a sustainable, stone-age civilization, eventually to be extinguished bya surging, more intelligent species. Our destiny is not the stars, but the pits: a failed evolutionary experiment; primate super intelligence doesn't work. Maybe crustacean? What a great time to be alive! what a great time to be dodging bullets and watching the parade! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE GEIS LETTER is matter of opinion, written, edited and published when an issue is completed by Richard E. Geis. All rights reserved. THE GEIS LETTER is produced for adults. Sample copy: $1.00 Subscriptions: USA: $1. per issue. Subscribe to as many as you wish. All other countries: US$2. per issue. All back issues are available at subscription rates. THE GEIS LETTER is not available via subscription agencies. Make all cheques or money orders payable to Richard L. Geis. All Mail to: RICHARD E GEIS, PO BOX 11408, PORTLAND OR 97211-0408 (USA) No advertising accepted. FYI clips, articles, and etc . welcomed . ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan site by the archive maintainer. Protection of Individual Rights and Liberties. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)