From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ *practical* implications of eating and breathing under the coming NWO NEW WORLD ORDER For those of us who still accept the Bible as God's revealed will to man, it's a matter of great concern to see the increasing propaganda for, and emergence of, a New World Order. Briefly put, two thousand years ago both Old and New Testaments warned us that the culmination of history would be marked by the reunion of the nations of the old Roman Empire in Europe; the restoration of the state of Israel [and the increasing hostility of all nations toward her]; the implementation of a one-world governmental system; the imposition of a world-wide cashless monetary system; the development of a synchretistic world religion, based upon man, and presided over by a false prophet; the rise to power of a benign world dictator, who [once firmly in control] would eliminate individual freedoms, demonstrate iron- willed ferocity and cruelty, and make himself the object of worship; and world-wide apostacy, coupled with active persecution and execution of Christians. If you're interested, check for yourself in Ezekiel 38 and 39; Daniel 7; Zechariah 12-14; Matthew 24; 2 Thessalonians 4; and the Book of Revelation. The phenomenal rise of the EEC, the creation of the State of Israel, the increasing surrender of international authority and policing power to the U.N., recurrent and increasing currency and financial crises, and the gradual abandonment of the Biblical revelation on which Western civilisation was built, all give us due warning that very tough and delusive times are coming. We should be as skilled in reading the spiritual portents of the times in which we live as we are in reading the weather, and we should prepare accordingly. The following carefully-chosen books from various publishers are all solid, informative and factual, and would well repay careful reading. As for myself, I'm trusting to the grace and mercy of God in Jesus Christ, and not in the dangerous chimera of "human progress", and I hope that you are too! THE COMING ECONOMIC EARTHQUAKE - Larry Burkett [0892415393] THE NEW WORLD ORDER - William Still [09103111641] PRINCE OF DARKNESS - Grant Jeffery [0921714041] PLANET EARTH 2000 - Hal Lindsy [0964105802] WHEN THE WORLD WILL BE AS ONE - Hal Brooke [0890817499] TOWARD A NEW WORLD ORDER - Don McAlvany [0962451797] A WOMAN RIDES THE BEAST - Dave Hunt [1565071999] THE NEW WORLD ORDER - Ralph Epperson [0961413514] THE UNSEEN HAND - Ralph Epperson [0961413506] DARK MAJESTY - Texe Marrs [0962008672] MILLENIUM - Texe Mars [0962008656] And for some help with the *practical* side of things, just prior to and under the "new regime"..... SAS SURVIVAL HANDBOOK - 288 pages of survival information, skills and techniques, massively illustrated, and written by John Wiseman, for 26 years survival instructor for Britain's famed SAS Regiment. Covers survival preparation and strategies, edible wild foods, fires and shelters, hunting and trapping, tracking skills, camp and bushcraft, navigation and weather signs, wilderness travel, medical treatment, survival afloat, rescue techniques, arctic survival and much more! This is the finest survival instruction and reference guide available. These techniques were taught to elite commando troops who were trained to carry out isolated, arduous operations all over the world; resupply was frequently impossible, requiring them to live off the land. This book will give you expert instruction in the complete spectrum of wilderness skills, and could save your life! Can$22.95 U.S. SPECIAL FORCES MEDICAL HANDBOOK - the finest military medical handbook available. Covers everything in 608 pages of easy-to-read, illustrated text. Includes section on practical survival techniques and strategies. Waterproof softcover. SURVIVAL: A MANUAL THAT COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE - CHRIS AND GRETCHEN JANOWSKI This is one of the best survival publications available! Life- saving first-aid and wilderness medical care, water procurement, improvised survival tools and weapons - having this book in ANY emergency could mean the difference between life and death! Every year people die needlessly because of panic, lack of knowledge or lack of confidence. Anyone who runs a snowmobile, flies an airplane, drives a car or simply ventures outside the cities needs to know how to survive on their own if necessary. SURVIVAL details the L.I.F.E. system, your secret formula in an emergency to turn what could be a tragedy into a triumph of living - becoming one with nature, instead of fighting it. The authors operate a well- known Alaskan wilderness and survival school. 8 1/2" x 5 1/2". PAPERBACK. 208 pages. $22.95. THE TRAPPER'S BIBLE: TRAPS, SNARES AND PATHGUARDS - DALE MARTIN These traps, snares and pathguards can be constructed out of the most basic materials. Includes pest snares, large animal snares and transplant traps for moving animals, plus camp alarms that alert you to intruders and deadly pathguards that could save your life. Softcover, illust., 72 pages, $12 THE ROYAL MARINES COMMANDOS FITNESS & SURVIVAL SKILLS The original "leathernecks", whose cheerful motto is "first to land, last to leave", the Royal Marines were most recently tasked under NATO to the defence of Norway. This book thus gives not only a condensed and invaluable description of commando training and techniques, but also has a superb section on cold-weather fighting and survival skills. As an aside, the token company of 40 marines stationed on the Falklands when the Argentine invasion started, together with the newly arrived replacement company - a total of 80 men commanded by two majors - played havoc with the vastly superior Argentine invasion force, and had to be *ordered* to surrender by the Governor-General. Their miniscule detachment on South Georgia, when ordered to surrender by an Argentine warship, promptly demolished its superstructure with a TOW missile and shot down its helicopter. Then they took to the frozen hills as guerrillas! This is the spirit we may need to emulate before too long! 176 pages. UK price 4.75 pounds [US price, equivalent in dollars]. BOOKS ON FARMING, HOMESTEADING AND SMALLHOLDING "THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF COUNTRY LIVING" Utterly, stupendously, invaluably magnificent! 900 pages of *everything* you need to know! Buy it! "HOMESTEADING: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO LIVING OFF THE LAND" - PATRICIA CRAWFORD [out of print] Tells you how to make the most of 1 acre to 100 acres! This unique, commonsense guide deals realistically and thoroughly with becoming a self-reliant small farmer, producing your own food and reaping the rewards of country living. Also gives numerous suggestions for earning additional income in the country. Well worth tracking down! "RAISING RABBITS THE MODERN WAY" - BOB BENNETT Contains the most recent how-to information for successfully raising rabbits on a small to semi- commercial scale. All new information on feeding, housing, medication, breeding, showing and selling. 192 pp. US$9.95. ISBN 088 266 4794. "RAISING SHEEP THE MODERN WAY" - PAULA SIMMONS Highly recommended for anyone expanding into, or contemplating, raising sheep. 288 pages. US$9.95. ISBN 088 266 5294. "TURNING WOOL INTO A COTTAGE INDUSTRY" - PAULA SIMMONS Use the wool from your sheep to operate a profitable home enterprise. Includes business and merchandising tips, plus descriptions of 18 successful entrepreneurs. 192 pp. US$14.95. ISBN 088 266 6851. "RAISING GOATS THE MODERN WAY" - JERRY BELANGER Everything the pro and the novice need to know about raising these inquisitive and affectionate animals. 208 pp. US$9.95. ISBN 088 266 5766. "RAISING POULTRY THE MODERN WAY" - LEONARD MERCIA Provides detailed information on selecting chickens, turkeys and geese, for show, eggs or meat; and on protecting the flock from disease and predators. 240 pp. US$9.95. ISBN 088 266 5774. "RAISING THE HOME DUCK FLOCK" - Dave Holderread Ducks are the easiest domestic birds to raise, popular because they're helpful. They eat insect pests, keep vegetation on ponds under control, eat leftovers, produce nitrogen-rich manure, *and* provide low-cost meat and eggs. 192 pp. US$9.95. ISBN 088 266 1698. "RAISING YOUR OWN TURKEYS" - LEONARD MERCIA Selecting the right type; housing, feeding, raising and dressing turkeys; disease control and health tips; equipment, supplies and information sources. 144 pp. US$8.95. ISBN 088 266 2538. "THE FAMILY COW" -DIRK VAN LOON Everything you need to know about keeping your own cow happy, so you can teach cornflakes to swim every morning! 272 pp. US$12.95. ISBN 088 266 0667. "RAISING A CALF FOR BEEF" - PHYLLIS HOBSON A small amount of time and land is all that's required to raise your own beef calf. Housing, feeding, medical and butchering information are included. Save money, and guarantee the quality of your meat. 128 pp. US$7.95. ISBN 088 266 0950. "SMALL-SCALE PIG RAISING" - DIRK VAN LOON Discusses penning and handling, health and nutrition, commercial feeds, breeding, physiology, management and butchering. 272 pp. US$12.95. 088 266 1361. "KEEPING LIVESTOCK HEALTHY" - N. BRUCE HAYNES. A highly-recommended veterinary guide. 336 pp. US$14.95. 088 266 4093. "BASIC BUTCHERING OF LIVESTOCK & GAME" - JOHN METTLER. Clear and concise step-by-step information for beef, veal, hogs, lamb, poultry, rabbits, venison. 208 pp. US$11.95. ISBN 088 266 3917. "TAN YOUR HIDE" - PHYLLIS HOBSON Make vests, belts, and other leather items by home tanning and hand working your own furs and leathers. 144 pp. US$8.95. ISBN 088 266 1019. "HORSE SENSE" - JOHN J. METTLE Learn about the selection, care and housing of horses; also covers immunisations, dental care and breeding. 160 pp. US$12.95. ISBN 088 266 5456. "SUCCESSFUL SMALL-SCALE FARMING: AN ORGANIC APPROACH" - KARL SCHWENKE: an excellent general handbook for the small-scale farmer. Covers the problems and possibilities of everything from buying land to organic growing methods and selling cash crops. Handy charts and appendix. 144 pp. US$10.95. ISBN 088 266 6428. "THE "HAVE MORE" PLAN: A Little Land - A Lot Of Living" -ED & CAROLYN ROBINSON: the *original* "back-to-the-land" classic. Continuously in print for 50 years. A *must* buy! 72 pp. US$7.95. ISBN 088 266 0241. "KEEPING THE HARVEST: Preserving Your Fruits, Vegetables & Herbs" - CHIOFFI and MEAD: one of the finest books on home-preserving for beginners and experts alike. 216 pp. US12.95. ISBN 088 266 6509. "ROOT CELLARING: Natural Cold Storage Of Fruits And Vegetables" - MIKE & NANCY BUBEL: the simple, no-cost way to store your harvest bounty! Requires little work, no canning jars or freezer bags, and no fuel! 320 pp. US$12.95. ISBN 088 266 7033. "THE HARVEST GARDENER: Growing For Maximum Yield, Prime Flavor, and Garden-Fresh Storage" - SUSAN McCLURE Tips from dozens of pros and experts. Encyclopedic coverage of crops, plus advice on the culture, harvest and storage of individual fruits, herbs and vegetables. 288 pp. US$17.95. ISBN 088 266 7971. "SUCCESSFUL SMALL FOOD GARDENS" - LOUISE RIOTTE Vegetables, herbs, flowers, fruits, nuts and berries, all from your own small, but highly productive, food garden! Packed with information and tips. 200 pp. US$11.95. ISBN 088 266 8153. "PLEASE DON'T EAT MY GARDEN!" - NANCY McCORD. Expert strategies, old and new, to protect your crops and garden from freeloading animals! 160 pp. US$9.95. ISBN 080 698 5224. "THE COMPLETE BOOK OF THE GREENHOUSE" - IAN WALLS An acknowledged classic! Every facet of greenhouse gardening, from construction to cultivation; includes pest and disease control. 304 pp. US$29.95. ISBN 070 637 0171. "EDIBLE WILD PLANTS" - LEE ALLEN PETERSON [Peterson Field Guide Series]. Absolutely indispensable! Brilliantly illustrated, superbly arranged, supremely useful. 330 pp. CAN$24.00. ISBN 039 531 870X. "MEDICINAL PLANTS" - FOSTER & DUKE [Peterson Field Guide Series]. Ditto to every comment above. Also indispensable! 366 pp. CAN$23.00. ISBN 039 546 7225. Having read with interest some recent exchanges on food storage off the land, I thought this invaluable book might be worth recommending as a "third option". I have my own copy, and can't recommend it highly enough [it's certainly *better* than the following description, taken off the back cover, would indicate]. It's a simply- written *goldmine* of information on food production and "independent living" - worth investing $6.96 in, even if you don't buy the farm [it may even help you *avoid* "buying the farm"!] FIVE ACRES AND INDEPENDENCE M.G Kains Anyone who has ever dreamed of getting back to the soil will get from Maurice Grenville Kains' practical and easy -to-understand discussions a more complete view of what small-scale farming means. Most likely, you, like thousands of others who have read "Five Acres and Independence, will come away with specific projects that you can begin, specific plans that you can start to materialize. The farmer in you will begin to appear, bringing you closer to the fulfillment of that dream of on dependence on a small farm of your own. Whether you already own a suitable place or whether you are still looking, "Five Acres and Independence" will help you learn to evaluate land for both its total economic and its specific agricultural possibilities. There are methods of calculating costs of permanent improvements - draining the land, improving soil, planting wind breaks, putting in septic tanks, cellars, irrigation systems, greenhouses, etc. - and methods of carrying out those improvements. There are suggestions for specific crops - strawberries, grapes, vegetables, orchards, spring, summer and fall crops, transplanting, timing, repairing what already exists - with methods of deciding what is best for your land and purposes, and methods of making each of them pay. There are suggestions of animals for the small-scale farmer -goats, chickens, hens - and means of working them into your overall farm design. And finally there are suggestions for keeping your small farm in top production condition, methods of continually increasing the value of your farm, methods of marketing your produce, methods of accurately investing in improvements, virtually everything a small- scale farmer needs to know to make his venture economically sound. Some things, of course, have changed since 1940 when M. G. Kains revised "Five Acres and Independence". But the basic down-to-earth advice of one of the most prominent men in recent American agriculture, and the methods of farming the small-scale, pre-DDT farm, are still pretty much the same. Much of the information in this book was built on USDA and state farm bureau reports; almost all of it was personally tested by M. G. Kains either on his own farms or on farms of the people who trusted him as an experi- enced consultant. His book went through more than 30 editions in the first ten years after it was first printed and helped countless small farmers attain their dream; it continues today as an exceptional source for those who want to make their first farming attempt. Unabridged republication of the second (1940) edition. New introduction by J. E. Oldfield. 95 figures. Appendices. Index. xvi + 397pp. 5 3/8" x 8 1/2". Paperbound. $6.96. DOVER PUBLICATIONS, ISBN 048-620-9741 CLASSIC OUTDOOR TITLES These books belong in the library of everyone who loves the outdoors, whether for hiking, camping, canoeing, winter sports or hunting [or just "hacking it" in the woods under the NWO :)]. They preserve and teach outdoor lore and skills which can help make you an expert in the outdoors, enabling you to live off the land and survive in emergency situations as well as teaching numerous techniques for trapping, navigation, shelter, firemaking, signalling, first aid, etc. You'll find them engrossing, practical and fascinating reading! CAMPING AND WOODCRAFT: A Handbook for Vacation Campers and for Travelers in the Wilderness - Horace Kephart [2 volumes in 1]. $21.95. This classic work, now reprinted, is without doubt the finest book on these subjects that you could ever hope to own. It was first published in 1906; and was written by a man who, for the last 25 years of his life, was regarded as "the dean of American outdoorsmen". It covers everything - all the essentials of camping, shelter construction, navigation, fire-making, dressing and keeping game, camp- cookery and backwoods recipes etc. and then it goes on to cover marksmanship in the woods, axemanship, log cabin construction, bark utensils, tanning skins, bee hunting, edible wild plants, living off the country, and backwoods first aid. Information, tips and long-forgotten techniques and remedies flow almost endlessly out of Kephart - he was an expert backwoodsman, and he can make you one too. Essential reading for campers, hunters, homesteaders, prospectors, wilderness travellers and survivalists. Softcover, 884 pages. FRESHWATER FISHING: 1000 TIPS FROM THE PRO'S [$16.95] - this brand new book by Henry Waszczuk and Italo Labignan, Canada's two best-known professional fishermen, contains over 1000 useful tips on everything from choosing the best tackle to cleaning and cooking the catch. Separate chapters deal with expert techniques which can be used to catch bass, walleye, muskellunge, pike, trout and other species. Illustrated with over 300 line-drawings and photographs, this 224-page paperback also offers up-to-date advice on the latest tackle and angling methods to maximise your fishing success! It's an invaluable addition to the library of every fisherman. "SPORTS AFIELD" OUTDOOR SKILLS [$22.95] - This invaluable 192-page almanac contains 100's of helpful ideas, practical suggestions, safety tips and expert techniques for better hiking, fishing, camping and other outdoor activities, all drawn from the pages of "Sports Afield", America's most popular outdoor magazine. Whether you're an experienced sportsman or novice adventurer, you'll discover a wealth of excellent, field-tested approaches and strategies on every aspect of outdoor living. Covers trip preparation, packing, vehicle preparation, taking your dog, boats, rafts and canoes, planning a river trip, campsite lore, practical fire-making, vapour barriers, reading the sky, camping in bear country, treatment of shock, hiking techniques, maps and compasses, cold weather tips, fording rivers, solving stream mysteries and finding fish, dog-day fishing tricks, recipes from the field, cooking and preparing your catch, meat recipes, making sausages, hunting wild mushrooms, breads and biscuits, improvising camp showers, tricks with tarps, cleaning and storing your equipment, and much more! Overflowing with useful and practical ideas, this book is perfect for everyone who enjoys spending time in the great outdoors. BEAR ATTACKS - Their Causes and Avoidance [$14.95] - Although mercifully rare, bear attacks do occur and every outdoorsman travelling, fishing, hunting, camping or canoeing in bear country owes it to himself to understand something of bear behaviour, bear foods and locations, actions or situations which can trigger a bear attack, bear behaviour signals, avoiding an encounter, what to do when confronted by a bear and signs of bear activity.This is probably the best and most comprehensive book on this subject, written by the leading researcher in the field. There are approximately 80,000 bears in Ontario, and one day you may just meet one of them under the wrong circumstances; the knowledge that this book will give you might be instrumental then in saving your life! 280 pages. HOW TO STAY ALIVE IN THE WOODS [$6.50] - this classic 285-page pocket book has sold over 600,000 copies in 20 years! It's a convenient, complete guide to food, shelter, and self- preservation that makes starvation in the wilderness almost impossible. If necessary, it could keep you alive and comfortable indefinitely. Filled with tips, hints, ingenious techniques and woodcraft secrets, this book should be in the pocket or pack of every hunter, outdoorsman, fisherman, camper and canoeist the next time you venture into the woods! FAR FROM HELP: Backcountry Medical Care [$18.95] - what happens when you can't dial 911? Many books describe how to provide "first aid" medical care under emergency conditions, yet in remote wilderness areas it may be days or weeks before professional medical help can be obtained. This 241-page book goes beyond all other "outdoor" medical texts. It's clearly and concisely written and illustrated for those who know nothing about first aid, even as it provides practical information for highly skilled medical professionals who may suddenly find themselves without the technology available in modern hospital conditions. The author, Peter Steele, is an experienced expedition doctor, and this book covers every medical problem that is likely to happen to anyone in the outdoors, and tells you simply and directly what to do. It's designed to fit in a pack, glove compartment, canoe, kayak, boat, small plane, snowmobile or hiker's backpack, and it will become worth its weight in gold whether you're called upon to solve a minor medical problem or to save a life! MILITARY MANUALS SPECIAL FORCES OPERATIONAL TECHNIQUES This is an exact reprint, with a weatherproof cover and in handy pocket size, of the famous U.S. Army Field Manual 31-20. All illustrations and every one of the 536 pages of vital information are included. Thoroughly covers non-nuclear and nuclear warfare, unconventional warfare and counter-insurgency operations. Improvised weapons, intelligence, psychological operations, communications, logistics, survival, infiltration, S.F. field maneuvers, demolition, raids and ambushes, amphibious air operations and more are covered. A wealth of information from the experts. 4" x 5", softcover, illus., glossary, index. COMBAT SURVIVAL This is the manual used to instruct Britain's elite Special Air Service [SAS] on physical and combat survival tactics and techniques. It illustrates training and tactical methods for combat as well as general survival skills. Also included is rare information on evading and silencing guard dogs, sabotage and intelligence gathering, navigating under survival conditions and more. Contains more than 100 detailed drawings and charts. Chapter titles include Improvisation and Escape Kit, Contacting Agents, Wild Foods, Animal Traps and Snares, Water Survival Still and Primitive Medicine. 8 1/2" x 11", softcover, illus., 184 pages. RANGER HANDBOOK From Roger's Rangers in the French and Indian War through the long-range patrols behind the lines in Korea, the Ranger tradition of bravery and endurance is unmatched. Compiled by the Ranger Department, Fort Benning, Georgia, this handbook draws from lessons learned from two centuries of special operations combat. Crammed with information on demolitions, booby traps, rappelling, communications, and more than thirty other topics. 4 1/2" x 6", softcover, illust., 216 pages. GET TOUGH From the father of modern hand-to-hand combat, Capt. W.E. Fairbairn, comes this classic manual on unarmed combat. Fairbairn taught the famed British Commandos from this long-out-of-print text. Known for his "get tough" attitude, he designed these practical methods after years of training troops and watching ruffians, thugs, bandits and bullies. This no-nonsense, illustrated manual lets you profit from his years of experience. 5 1/2" x 8 1/2", hardcover, 140 illus., 120 pages. SPECIAL FORCES HANDBOOK From Vietnam and Laos to Central America and Africa, the U.S. Army Special Forces has won renown for its expertise in guerrilla warfare. This handbook -a classic in the field - covers guerrilla tactics and missions; demolition techniques such as improvised incendiaries, air operations; weapons; communications and survival skills. 4 1/4" x 6", softcover, illust., 216 pages. U.S. NAVY SEAL COMBAT MANUAL This formerly top-secret special warfare manual was for years unobtainable. It is one of the rarest and most informative U.S. Field Manuals. The most up-to-date information available is provided on the equipment, weapons and tactics employed by this most elite undersea fighting force. Special emphasis is given to underwater demolition techniques and explosives. Hundreds of photos, charts and diagrams. Topics include SEAL history, communications, weapons, survival, covert intelligence- gathering, first aid, diving, infiltration and exfiltration, demolitions and more. 8 1/2" x 11", softcover, photos, illust., 240 pages. U.S. ARMY SPECIAL FORCES A-TEAM VIETNAM COMBAT MANUAL This is a reprint of the A Detachment Handbook, which was issued to all Special Forces A-Teams during the Vietnam War. The A-Team, trained to develop indigenous soldiers for combat, represented the fighting heart of the U.S. Army Special Forces in Vietnam. This manual covers A-Team training, operations, communications, logistics and more. This information was used by SF personnel in the field, and includes camp construction, combat and recon patrols, interrogation procedures and psychological operations. 8 1/2" x 11", softcover, illus., 304 pages. THE SCOUT This invaluable Australian guerrilla manual presents a rare insight into one of the most vital functions of small-unit combat intelligence - scouting. Despite great technical achievements in modern military science, the small-unit commander must still rely heavily on the eyes, ears and stealth of his scouts. Additional valuable techniques, often overlooked in U.S. Army and Marine scouting texts, are detailed. 4 1/2" x 6 1/2", softcover, 128 pages. LONG-RANGE SURVEILLANCE OPERATIONS LRSU's provide indispensable limited reconnaisance and stationary surveillance. This manual outlines mission development, execution, extraction and recovery. Also covers organization, training and equipment for these surreptitious intelligence-gathering teams. 8 1/2" x 11", softcover, illus., 104 pages. VIETNAM PRIMER - LESSONS LEARNED This is a reprint of one of the U.S. Army's most widely- distributed and useful operational analyses, designed to save American lives in combat. It drew on the experience of the U.S. infantry in Vietnam, and makes invaluable recommendations concerning direct assaults, warning and movement, doubling security, contending with jungle, rates of fire, security on the trail, the company in movement, ruses, decoys and ambushes, field intelligence, defensive perimeters, policing the battlefield and training. 8 1/2" x 11", softcover, 54 pages, illus., LONG RANGE PATROL OPERATIONS - Reconnaisance, Combat and Special Operations This is the most comprehensive text on LRP's available today; it comprehensively covers the deep-penetration nature of LRP operations to obtain intelligence, commit sabotage and carry out special missions. Intelligence acquisition, raids and ambushes, insertions and extractions, climate and terrain, training, communications, weapons and equipment, fire support, tracking and camouflage are just some of the topics detailed here. 8 1/2" x 11, softcover, illus., 336 pages. SNIPER MANUALS/MARKSMANSHIP These comprehensive U.S. military Sniping Manuals are an excellent source of information, technique and skill development for hunting and target shooting. U.S. MARINE CORPS SCOUT/SNIPER TRAINING MANUAL This sniper training manual - used by the Marksmanship Training Unit of the Marine Corps Development and Education Command in Quantico, Virginia - is packed with information on every aspect of the art and science of sniping. It outlines lessons on sniping, sights, camouflage, the effects of weather, range-estimation techniques, target detection and selection, offensive and defensive deployment, construction and occupation of hides, mental conditioning and more. Sample score cards, observation logs and range estimation score sheets are included. 8 1/2" x 11", softcover, 192 pages. U.S. MARINE CORPS SNIPING MANUAL FMFM1-3B This essential sniping guide shows why U.S. Marines have always been the best-trained and most successful snipers in the world. This is the latest edition of the Marine Corps sniping manual, and covers much more than has previous been available. Even the U.S. Army has its snipers trained by the Marines - this manual makes that training available to you! 8 1/2" x 11", softcover, photos, illus., 208 pages. SEAL SNIPER TRAINING PROGRAM This highly sought manual - until now only available to the elite cadre of SEALs - contains the complete program by which the SEAL snipers train, euip and operate. It concentrates on the practical application of sniping skills, with an emphasis on "one shot/one kill"; and has exclusive photos showing stationary and moving targets, camouflage and concealment, night shooting, helo insertion and extraction, range estimation, communications and more. 8 1/2" x 11", softcover, photos, illus., 320 pages. U.S. ARMY SNIPER TRAINING MANUAL This is the famed TC 23-14, the "sniper's bible". An excellent source of information for hunting, this manual covers camouflage, shooting techniques and positions, map and compass reading, and necessary equipment for survival in the field. 8 1/2" x 11", softcover, 100 illust., 196 pages. EXPLOSIVES/DEMOLITIONS A knowledge of explosives and their improvisation can be invaluable in farming, homesteading, construction/demolition, and in survival situations. The following books and manual are intended *for information purposes only*. THE DO-IT-YOURSELF GUNPOWDER COOKBOOK Do you want to know how to make your own gunpowder from such easily accessible items as dead cats, whiskey, "fools gold", your living room ceiling, manure, and maple syrup? This practical and safe approach shows you how to do it with simple hand tools and techniques that have been used for centuries. Gunpowder has many uses, and is practically essential in a long-term survival situation. This book covers everything from old U.S. government recipes for use by its espionage agents to the author's own tried-and-true methods using common tools and equipment. If available technology is unavailable or breaks down, only your stock of knowledge will get you through tough times. 5 1/2" x 8 1/2", softcover, Illust., 80 pages. For information purposes only. IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVES - How to Make Your Own. From a former top explosives expert with the Israeli Army come ten simple but powerful formulas for explosives and incendaries. Learn how to obtain or make all the necessary chemicals or acceptable substitutes. Various fuses, detonators, and chemical and electrical timers are also covered. 5 1/2" x 8 1/2", softcover, illust., 80 pages. For information purposes only. IMPROVISED MUNITIONS BLACK BOOK, VOLS. 1 AND 2 Originally developed by the Frankford Arsenal for the CIA and Special Forces, these books are the most comprehensive works ever on improvised weapons. For years they have been the most sought-after and secret books ever published by the American military - now they are available to you. 5 1/2" x 8 1/2", softcover, illust., Vol. 1, 160 pages; Vol. 2, 142 pages. For information purposes only. IMPROVISED MUNITIONS BLACK BOOK, VOL 3 Until recently, the information in this volume was known only to a handful of people in the intelligence community. This encyclopedia on improvised explosives, weapons, incendiaries and detonators is for information purposes only. 8 1/2" x 11", softcover, illust., 162 pages. EOD IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVES MANUAL This authoritative insider's manual is used by a U.S. Federal law-enforcement agency to train its agents in the the recognition, composition, and handling of improvised explosive devices and the various fuses used to set them off. It also provides examples of actual explosive devices that have been discovered and disarmed by EOD personnel, together with schematic drawings. 8 1/2" x 11", softcover, illust., 88 pages. For information purposes only. EXPLOSIVES AND DEMOLITIONS This is FM 5-25, the standard text used by the U.S. Army, which covers firing systems, placement of charges and types of demolition projects. 8 1/2" x 11", softcover, illust., 188 pages. For information purposes only. GENERAL HENLEY'S FORMULAS FOR HOME AND WORKSHOP - Containing 10,000 Scientific Formulas, Trade Secrets, Food and Chemical Recipes, Processes and Money Saving Ideas. First published in 1927, this invaluable and comprehensive volume is a unique source of alphabetically-arranged information. Learn how to make adhesives, perfumes and cosmetics, wines, spirits and liquors, beverages, cider, dyes, alloys, vetinary formulas, soaps, fireworks, rust preventives, cheese, cement, ceramics, glazes, glass, explosives, paper, paints and 100's of other useful and essential items; discover useful workshop and laboratory methods, dozens of cleaning preparations and methods, formulas for fertiliser etc. An irreplaceable and money-saving reference work for the farmer, housewife, mechanic, handyman and survivalist. It can increase your independence and provide information that can be used to establish dozens of profitable home businesses! For information purposes only. Hardback, 809 pages. $19.95 {Now OUT-OF-PRINT: but Wilderness Books in TORONTO [416-322 7238] have a small number of copies left] SELF DEFENCE COMMANDO FIGHTING TECHNIQUES Use your body as a powerful and effective weapon in combat situations following the effective techniques described here. 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Invaluable for police officers, women and individual training. 8 1/2" x 11", softcover, 340 pages. - o O o - ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan archives by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)