From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ How the NWO created a credible threat leading to the Cold War: Within the last few months, the Discovery TV channel ran a series titled "The Red Bomb". This series interviewed scientists and engineers who worked in their atomic bomb program. A number of interesting facts were revealed in this series. It seems that Stalin appointed Beria, the KGB chief, to run the program. He assigned one man to translate English language papers related to atomic bomb development. This person, after translating the papers into Russian, handed them over to the Russian bomb development team. This team was told that the papers were the work of another Russian team elsewhere in the Soviet Union. This Russian bomb program appears to be concurrent with the Manhattan Project. It was clearly stated by the Russians interviewed that the English language papers were obtained through some kind of espionage. It seems that the volume of papers to be translated was so large that the person assigned could not accomplish the task alone. Try to image the volume that must have been involved. Clearly, the amount must have been more than could have been accomplished with a spy camera or two. The probable source of these technical papers should be considered. The Lend-Lease program sent major amounts of war material to the USSR during WWII. Much of this material passed through Great Falls, Montana. Major Lacey Jordan of the US Army, was assigned to assist the flow of material. In the course of his duties, he noted that much of the material seemed to have no apparent military use. Major Jordan kept a diary of events and lists of the materials shipped to the Soviets. Included in the shipments were items such as graphite, cadmium, thorium, Uranium oxide, and Uranium nitrate. In March 1943, Major Jordan was unexpectedly invited to a party by the Russians. Apparently being of a suspicious nature, he left the party to return to the airport when told that a transport aircraft was attempting to leave for the USSR, without authorization. He entered the plane and opened crates containing documents. His diary records that the documents contained words like Uranium, cyclotron, proton and deuteron. Curious phrases such as "energy produced by fission" and "walls five feet thick of water and lead to control flying neutrons." There was also a map of Oak Ridge, Tennessee. These terms were of course meaningless to most people, including Major Jordan, at least until after Hiroshima. The clear implication is that these documents came from the White House, via Harry Hopkins. Mr. Hopkins was assigned the duty of managing the Russian Lend Lease program. I believe that the documents that the Russians translated were the very same documents described by Major Jordan. Had the NWO not aided the Soviet Union, it could have been decades before they could have designed a deliverable nuclear weapon. Americans would most likely have reverted to the "America First" attitudes that prevailed after the First World War. Instead, we became the worlds's police force, and conditioned two generations of Americans into accepting internationalism as a way of life. The book "From Major Jordan's Diaries", may be out of print. If you find it, it is worth reading. ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan archives by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)