From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ WARNING NOTICE - INTELLIGENCE SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED (WNINTEL) About Project NEON AZIMUTH ________________________ NEON AZIMUTH is the code-name of a project I'm starting to provide information on the "sources and methods" that can be used to learn about secret U.S. military programs. I realize the risk I am taking by publicizing this information -- the U.S. government could decide to close off these sources. Why am I providing this information? The American taxpayers have a right to know where their money is being spent, and the "sources and methods" given in NEON AZIMUTH can help locate secret U.S. military programs. NEON AZIMUTH information will be available by subscription and will appear at irregular intervals. Among the topics that will be covered in future issues are: maps, obtaining government and military documents, and satellite and aerial photography. Subscription requests for NEON AZIMUTH and comments on the material can be sent by electronic mail to: Or, if you have printed material you would like me to post, you can send it by postal mail to: Paul McGinnis P.O. Box 28084 Santa Ana, CA 92799 USA Given the nature of this material, all correspondence and the mailing list itself will be kept private, unless you explicitly specify otherwise. Issues of NEON AZIMUTH will be sent from my secondary ID, . If you have really sensitive material you want to share, my PGP public encryption key is at the end of this message. Back issues of NEON AZIMUTH will be available for anonymous FTP download from: (IP address in the directory: /pub/trader/secrecy/neon-azimuth My FTP site is new (it started April 1994), and contains material on excessive government secrecy, including back issues of Glenn Campbell's writings (such as the "Groom Lake Desert Rat") in: /pub/trader/secrecy/psychospy (Glenn Campbell is the author of the "Area 51 Viewer's Guide" and is the maestro on the subject of the secret Air Force facility at Groom Lake, Nevada) So, what does NEON AZIMUTH mean? Since real U.S. military programs have strange code-names, such as SEEK CLOCK, CLASSIC LIGHTNING, or CAVALRY, that are referred to with all capital letters, I've decided to create my own code-name in their format. (NEON AZIMUTH has no intrinsic meaning). Paul McGinnis / / / -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.3 mQCNAiwky3cAAAEEALSQbStQ0KUqh0MI/+SoqvsBmJkdsCG/kb7svjf9LFwkjd4f gXHnuaITkDKoLuy69CmUbuc2dyBStO6vcoP55VvEPLmQ7NFP/LOs84UXCNw9wkLi imGqhBHtWZthSAzORllFd5ED57dkF/pGu2gcfdwf7y0B0NjBmrxoE/cKk9YdAAUR tCVQYXVsIE1jR2lubmlzIDxUUkFERVJAY3VwLnBvcnRhbC5jb20+ =nOwT -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan site by the archive maintainer. Protection of Individual Rights and Liberties. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)