C O N S E R V A T I V E C O N S E N S U S(tm) ***************************************************************** Events * Analysis * Forecasts * Commentary * Readers' Opinions ***************************************************************** N E W S F L A S H ::: Editor's Desk Distribution: World For Immediate Release Copyright 1995 by Conservative Consensus, ISSN 1074-245X. QUOTATION AND REPOSTING ARE ENCOURAGED, provided our name & address are credited. V1XCX25 J A C K B O O T E D T H U G S ? THE 'LARGEST AMMO SEIZURE IN HISTORY' WAS A MISTAKE, federal authorities said. [Initial report below.] At the time of the 3 May raid on Eagle Exim, Inc., federal prosecutors promised more arrests -- and links to militia groups. But Customs' case against the Santa Clara, California, company fell apart when William Nickerson, the firm's attorney, filed a motion in federal court contesting the action. The facts that emerged? The raid was based on a tip from a confidential informant in Arizona one year earlier. Customs agents never examined Eagle's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms paperwork -- or they would have known that it was in order -- and not out of date as alleged. In fact, the feds presented no evidence in court to substantiate their actions. "I think there was an almost hysterical reaction to Oklahoma in certain law enforcement agencies," said Mr. Nickerson. "When they were raiding this place illegally, they had no qualms about making these wild statements." But lack of evidence didn't stop US Attorney Michael Yamaguchi, who said he was considering "civil forfeiture action" against Eagle. On 14 June, Stephen Sheffler, spokesman for Mr. Yamaguchi, confirmed that the ammunition is being returned to Eagle at taxpayer expense, following a promise by Eagle not to sue. The government has declined to apologize to the firm for its actions. ________________________________ Original Report of 3 May Seizure FEDERAL AGENTS SEIZED 75 MILLION rounds of 7.62 caliber rifle ammunition they said was illegally imported to the US from China by Eagle Exim, Inc., a Santa Clara, California company. Import documents said the bullets were made in Russia and imported legally from that country, but customs agents allege the shipment came from China, whose imports were banned last year. Bill Nickerson, a lawyer for the company, said all the ammunition came from Russia and that Eagle Exim's import permit for Russian ammunition was valid through May. Mr. Nickerson claimed that Customs agents exceeded their authority under a search warrant and that he would seek to quash the warrant. [Conservative Consensus 2 June 1995] _________________________ ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY: There are two ways to view this incident. A third interpretation -- a well-intentioned mistake -- is unlikely. Why? Over a year lapsed between the time agents became aware of the alleged violation until the time they acted. WAS IT A PUBLICITY STUNT? In the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing, the government went out of its way to hang the tragedy on "right wing militias" -- without any evidence -- because it served their political purposes. FEDERAL AGENTS had to obtain a court warrant prior to conducting the raid -- didn't they? Did they tell the court the information came from a paid informant? Did they tell the court the "tip" was a year old? Did they tell the court the firm's BATF paperwork was expired -- when it wasn't? In short, were federal agents honest when they presented evidence to the court in order to obtain a search warrant? WAS IT INTIMIDATION? A second explanation is that the government was trying to "send a message" directed to law-abiding citizens, constitutionalists, right-wing religious groups, militia movements and other politically incorrect individuals and organizations now challenging federal power through the Tenth Amendment movement. Were federal agents in effect saying, "We don't need any evidence to break into your homes and businesses, seize your property and assets, and destroy you financially"? In short, was it jack-booted thuggary? IS THIS HOW FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ROUTINELY ACTS? This newspaper has reported on many instances of injury and death to honest citizens at the hands of federal agents, who were acting on information supplied by an anonymous, paid informant. Some of these informants are paid salaries many times what the federal agents earn themselves. Some of these informants have been proven, after disasterous results to honest citizens, to have lied. We have concluded that the paid informant system is out of control. It is time for Congress to hold open and fair hearings on the actions of federal law enforcement and the use of paid informants, before more citizens' homes, businesses, and lives are destroyed. ========================= NEWS FLASHES AND MORE COMPREHENSIVE MEMBER BRIEFINGS are prepared by the editors of Conservative Consensus(tm) on key events affecting: *** The US Constitution * US & World Security * Political Corruption Individual Liberty * World Financial Markets * Religious Freedom *** MEMBERSHIP is only $14.95 annually. For more information about us, simply send us an email. 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